Anyone have some "adult" clothing style tips?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I dunno I feel like I still dress like a teenager and I wanna try to "go out more" I use to work at Abercrombie & Fitch as a brand rep and I still feel I have that style to me...I see some VERY fashonable people in the picture threads any advice dudes/ladies? :)
are you male or female? i love zara clothes nowadays, i feel they are a much classier, sophisticated store. i used to feel that i dressed a little immature for my age so i just went to different shops and chose the most classic, simple styles that i liked. besides, if i go in the shops i used to go in, i just feel old lol and i'm only 25.
^ Yes, I like Zara too.

Are you a guy or girl?

I guess it kind of depends on your personal style, but for both genders, I really like Urban Outfitters. I mean, it's a little overpriced sometimes, but they've got some great things and in general they're pretty fashion-forward and chic.

Honestly, I wish more men would take style tips from MJ, haha.
And I'm not even talking about the iconic fashion statements he made, I'm just talking about his everyday outfits - very simple and hard to look too outdated in.



This is just my opinion, but I really value simplicity.
Every time I see a guy my age (early 20s) wearing plain black jeans or slacks with a simple collared shirt - not too casual, but definitely put together - I love it.
^ Yes, I like Zara too.

Are you a guy or girl?

I guess it kind of depends on your personal style, but for both genders, I really like Urban Outfitters. I mean, it's a little overpriced sometimes, but they've got some great things and in general they're pretty fashion-forward and chic.

Honestly, I wish more men would take style tips from MJ, haha.
And I'm not even talking about the iconic fashion statements he made, I'm just talking about his everyday outfits - very simple and hard to look too outdated in.



This is just my opinion, but I really value simplicity.
Every time I see a guy my age (early 20s) wearing plain black jeans or slacks with a simple collared shirt - not too casual, but definitely put together - I love it.

LOL to be honest though, Michael looked really good in it but most men don't. It's Michael's style, no one else's ;)

If you're female and want to look more 'adult', and don't want to make radical changes, try wearing dark blue jeans with a black blouse for example.
I like to throw on a nice well-fitted blazer over just about anything -- it can make black pants, jeans etc look a lot nicer and it's really easy!
LOL to be honest though, Michael looked really good in it but most men don't. It's Michael's style, no one else's ;)

I see why people say that, and I agree to a certain extent, but my boyfriend dresses just like MJ would dress casually and he pulls it off impeccably.

If you have the right body type and personality I think it can work.
It's not that radical - just dark pants and a solid colored, collared shirt. Maybe a belt and a hat.
Pretty simple.

Obviously Michael, just being Michael, pulls it off better than the rest, but I do think some people can make it work for them.
I'm only 23 and I tend to dress in jeans and t-shirts. If I'm going for an older look I'll wear a blouse with my dark blue jeans, and throw my black blazer on top of it. Its a look I really like and makes you look more sophisticated!
^ Yes, I like Zara too.

Are you a guy or girl?

I guess it kind of depends on your personal style, but for both genders, I really like Urban Outfitters. I mean, it's a little overpriced sometimes, but they've got some great things and in general they're pretty fashion-forward and chic.

Honestly, I wish more men would take style tips from MJ, haha.
And I'm not even talking about the iconic fashion statements he made, I'm just talking about his everyday outfits - very simple and hard to look too outdated in.



This is just my opinion, but I really value simplicity.
Every time I see a guy my age (early 20s) wearing plain black jeans or slacks with a simple collared shirt - not too casual, but definitely put together - I love it.

LOL to be honest though, Michael looked really good in it but most men don't. It's Michael's style, no one else's ;)

Not to start chaos here, but IMO the stuff (shirts) Michael wore on those the pictures above wasn't "all that" neither -_- :D
The black/red CTE shirts he wore though, they're epic.

I dunno I feel like I still dress like a teenager and I wanna try to "go out more" I use to work at Abercrombie & Fitch as a brand rep and I still feel I have that style to me...I see some VERY fashonable people in the picture threads any advice dudes/ladies? :)

I don't know if you're a boy or a girl, but IMO you should wear what you're comfortable in - But if you're a boy/man try to focus on at least wearing some nice shoes, I mean, so they don't look worn out.
9/10 girls look at your shoes, and it's also nice to wear some fresh shoes, so :lol:

I had a phase where I walked around like a freaking runway model for Hugo Boss but I really didn't feel comfortable in those type of clothes, and it shined through you know... so I just went back to my semi-street style and put the focus on nice jackets, blazers and sneakers.
Even if you have a hoodie and jeans, you can still look proper with a nice jacket or street-blazer.

Find what you're comfortable in and don't care about others think - that's my advice to you.

But I mean, if you're looking for something just to wear when you go out to clubs and what not, then you can't go wrong with an all black ensemble.
Black shirt, black nice pants, a pair of nice sneakers (they can be white though).
Personally I really love both the style the girl and boy have in this picture - but his look is better IMO (and of course it don't have to be some "high fashion brand", but I like this "look"):

I like what Robin Thicke is wearing here also - kind of a "grown look":


Still, these aren't any looks I'd wear just to go grocery shopping or what ever :D - But you know, I posted this to get your brain going :lol:

EDIT: Don't know if you've seen this thread, but it might be interesting also:
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Bruce that's a good suggestion! I'm male! 23! Sorry I didn't specify that. You all have some great tips!
Well I'd like to make a suggestion. I've always had luck with the luxurious Kerm'wear brand suits. It's a babe magnet.


...You might want to ask for your measurements first though.

Lol.. I thought this meant 'adult' clothing in a whole different way..
IOOOO!!!! I love this stuff... please PM me with your age and interests adn where youre from, and I PROMISE I'll find you some great stuff! all my male friends take me shopping with them :D
Hi Campell,

I agree w/ the pics and what Bruce wrote. To build on that idea I avoid baggy clothing (note the model you see in the Hugo Boss picture, and I'm not an aspiring rapper), and I avoid clothes w/ brand names plastered on them. I figure if the company isn't paying me to wear it, I'm not giving them free advertising. As for T-shirts, if it has a print I keep it simple, nothing crazy like an Ed Hardy t-shirt (not a very 'adult' look anyway), and nothing w/ slogans, cartoon characters, 80s icons, entertainers, etc. I prefer to shop by the fabric, fit, and color/pattern of a garment rather than brand/logo/irony. Also, save any clothes w/ athletic team logo's for the arena or stadium, and athletic apparel (such as Jersey's, track suits) for the field.

As for pants I like to keep them in the 'slim/regular' range for jeans. On 'dress pants' I avoid pleats because they look blousy if you're skinny, and make you look even bigger if you're large. For a non-jean casual pant you can also check out chino's (a similar pant to khaki's but a little dressier, they're made of cotton and originated in China -- "chino" is Spanish for China -- and were originally 1st worn in the US by military); J-crew has a fairly large selection of different fits and colors.

As for brands, I generally avoid most American designers because they tailor larger than European brands, and I prefer the slimmer fit. Some US brands are OK, but I just try them on before buying. If buying a dress shirt, I either buy a European brand or an American brand w/ a "Slim" fit, otherwise the shirt billows which I hate. Some brands have different labels w/ different cuts, like the Kenneth Cole NY line fits great, but the Kenneth Cole Reaction line in the same sizes feels way too big. Again for me it goes back to the quality of the fit rather than what it looks like, I think kind of like what Bruce was saying about feeling comfortable in your clothes being top priority.

For solid fashion tips I recommend GQ, Esquire, Details (all reasonable subscription rates, Details is about $14 for two yrs), and has some decent articles as well. . . . But yeah, I personally avoided the B&B (brands and baggy) to start looking more sophisticated. Good luck in your quest and odyssey! I wish I'd sought advice when I was younger before upgrading my wardrobe because it would have saved me money from trial and error!
IOOOO!!!! I love this stuff... please PM me with your age and interests adn where youre from, and I PROMISE I'll find you some great stuff! all my male friends take me shopping with them :D

I'm not sure how to PM Danniilee! lol but I'm 23, love to just go out and have fun and I'm from New Jersey I"m just trying to go out more to clubs and look more stylish and not like a high school kid

JoeyMJFan thank you so much for the GREAT advice. You guys are awesome really, Michael had the nicest/best fans.


besdies the serial killer look lol I dress like I"m still in high school obvioulsy
Weeell, I can't really help you, but I can say "I feel ya"...I'll be 22 in a few weeks and I still look like I just stepped out of a Limited Too catalog, LoL. =P It's not just clothing, though. The "tween girl" style permeates throughout my life. My bedroom set is from Target Kids, all purple, teal, and pink. I tried the whole "adult" thing and...nah, didn't work, I just looked like a kid playing dress up. I feel uncomfortable. It's just not natural for me, so why force it? =P Instead, I've made peace with it. Maybe I'll try again when I'm 30. =)