Anyone going to the Harlem Gospel Choir in Holland?

Jan 17, 2004
This upcoming friday in Groningen, in Holland . The Harlem Gospel Choir will be performing in De Oosterpoort. I don't know if any people from Groningen are here, but this is just a reminder then :)

They remember Michael by singing his songs. I think i'll go, i really want to see what this is all about, it's also something totally different compared to any other performances i've been to.

I just told my sis about it, she lives in Groningen.

I'm not abe to go, i have appointments, shame....
Oh, they were here (Chile) in October and they are wonderful. I didn't know what to expect exactly, but I am glad I went. The first half of the show is traditional gospel songs and other pop songs such as "I believe I can fly". They are funny and oooohhhh... their voices are simply INCREDIBLE.

They sing a handful of MJ songs (I will not do a spoiler here ;)) and they interact with the audience a lot. The first time I went, I was very, very emotional and when they went down the stage, some of them took me by the hand and sang to me. Amazing. Then, there comes a part when they actually ask people to go on stage and sing along with them. This is GREAT, for we were singing a couple of MJ iconic songs and I was like... "OMG!!! I never thought I would have the chance to sing THIS MJ song on stage!!"

So it's great. I went three times (they were a major success in Chile). The first one on my own, the second with a group of MJ fans and we had a great time with the singers after the show. Soo... they were so nice that they invited us for free to the next show! They are very nice people.

I loved their show. I hope you can go and enjoy :)
Oh, they were here (Chile) in October and they are wonderful. I didn't know what to expect exactly, but I am glad I went. The first half of the show is traditional gospel songs and other pop songs such as "I believe I can fly". They are funny and oooohhhh... their voices are simply INCREDIBLE.

They sing a handful of MJ songs (I will not do a spoiler here ;)) and they interact with the audience a lot. The first time I went, I was very, very emotional and when they went down the stage, some of them took me by the hand and sang to me. Amazing. Then, there comes a part when they actually ask people to go on stage and sing along with them. This is GREAT, for we were singing a couple of MJ iconic songs and I was like... "OMG!!! I never thought I would have the chance to sing THIS MJ song on stage!!"

So it's great. I went three times (they were a major success in Chile). The first one on my own, the second with a group of MJ fans and we had a great time with the singers after the show. Soo... they were so nice that they invited us for free to the next show! They are very nice people.

I loved their show. I hope you can go and enjoy :)

Awwww...damn, so it's not only MJ songs? I was hoping/expecting that actually. But i'm still going. Everything you said sounds great. It's definitely completely different than anything i've ever been to.
Awwww...damn, so it's not only MJ songs? I was hoping/expecting that actually. But i'm still going. Everything you said sounds great. It's definitely completely different than anything i've ever been to.

Yes, it surely is! I had never been to a Gospel choir before and yes, at first I thought (and expected) it to be 100% MJ. It was not, but I promise this was so good, so happy and to moving, that I love it. I hope you can go and have the chance to sing some of MJ's wonderful songs. Hope you like :)
Wwwooww, that's great!
I really hope you will like it.
You know... we always might have different opinions, but this is a very special show :)
Let us know!

I'll tell you all about it. I think i am gonna apreciate it, i saw a video on youtube of them and it looks very nice. But that was outside of a theater, tomorrow will be inside of a theater, big difference :)
I'll tell you all about it. I think i am gonna apreciate it, i saw a video on youtube of them and it looks very nice. But that was outside of a theater, tomorrow will be inside of a theater, big difference :)

Mmmm... I have some small videos we made while singing with them on stage. We went as part of one of MJ's fan clubs in Chile... I can give you the links, but... maybe I will spoil the surprise, won't I?
I went to see them with mj_sanya_7 yesterday night in Belgrade. they were awesome!! they sang Bille Jean, Man in the mirror, will you be there, we are the world, the love you save and you are not alone. the crowd went wild :) Great tribute!! everyone should go and see them if they get a chance!!
I went to see them with mj_sanya_7 yesterday night in Belgrade. they were awesome!! they sang Bille Jean, Man in the mirror, will you be there, we are the world, the love you save and you are not alone. the crowd went wild :) Great tribute!! everyone should go and see them if they get a chance!!

Well.... I hope our friend Staffordshire is not seeing this, she really wanted to be surprised.

That said....

YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSS!!! THis is sooooo great!!! I had such a great time, I never ever thought I would have the chance to sing those songs on stage with such brilliant artists. They are AWESOME!!!

Did you go on stage too?
Well.... I hope our friend Staffordshire is not seeing this, she really wanted to be surprised.

That said....

YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSS!!! THis is sooooo great!!! I had such a great time, I never ever thought I would have the chance to sing those songs on stage with such brilliant artists. They are AWESOME!!!

Did you go on stage too?

He really didn't wanna see this, i'm a guy :)

Anyway, it's no big deal. Who knows, maybe they'll do other songs tomorrow :)
He really didn't wanna see this, i'm a guy :)


I am very, very sorry, friend, I am very sorry!! Please forgive this silly newbee me!! I didn't know at all, I am sorry! Shame on me....

Hmmm... well... oh my.... :(

Well... if you have a chance to talk to them after the show, please tell them we still remember them here in Chile and that we'd love seeing them again.

OMG.... what a fool me
I went to their concert in my hometown , in Nis, Serbia and they did :

-I want you back
-I'll be there
-Man in the mirror
-Will you be there
-We are the world
-You are not alone
-Billie Jean

they were amazing. After the concert I went to one of them and said "Thank you for your tribute to Michael.Please keep sending his message throughout the world. God bless you"

They said that the concert was dedicated to the King of Pop a couple of times. Made me feel so proud.
I went to their concert in my hometown , in Nis, Serbia and they did :

-I want you back
-I'll be there
-Man in the mirror
-Will you be there
-We are the world
-You are not alone
-Billie Jean

they were amazing. After the concert I went to one of them and said "Thank you for your tribute to Michael.Please keep sending his message throughout the world. God bless you"

They said that the concert was dedicated to the King of Pop a couple of times. Made me feel so proud.

Same here :) In our case, they invited us to their next concert for free, which was a major gift (there some 10 + of us to invite). So that day, a friend bought some white roses for each one of them and as they asked us to go on stage, we gave them the roses and thanked them for doing this for Michael.

So far, I think they have been one of the greatest MJ related experiences I have had.

I am very, very sorry, friend, I am very sorry!! Please forgive this silly newbee me!! I didn't know at all, I am sorry! Shame on me....

Hmmm... well... oh my.... :(

Well... if you have a chance to talk to them after the show, please tell them we still remember them here in Chile and that we'd love seeing them again.

OMG.... what a fool me

It's all good, no problem :)

What is your real name, if they know it...and i mention it , they will remember it. If it's not too busy after the concert, i will try to have a chat with them :). It's in one hour and 30 minutes or so. :yes:
It's all good, no problem :)

What is your real name, if they know it...and i mention it , they will remember it. If it's not too busy after the concert, i will try to have a chat with them :). It's in one hour and 30 minutes or so. :yes:

Oh, my name is Paola :)
I don't know if they will remember our names, but maybe they will rember the "Michael Jackson Club".
Have fun!!
Well i just got back and i'm alittle dissapointed. It was four MJ songs, somewhere
in the middle of the show, after the break they started with Billie Jean, Will you be there, i'll be there and You are not alone. When after those songs, the group said..and give MJ some respect people...practically nobody clapped, wtf is that man? sigh....

At the end of the show they again said..let's thank Michael Jackson, and nobody clapped, then they said 'give it up for the man who was MJ for a few minutes' and everybody went crazy with the clapping...fack off with that nonsense, sigh.
They did some christmas songs and I believe i can was alright.