Anyone ever had Jury Duty?


Proud Member
Nov 2, 2008
I just received a Jury Duty notice today. I was called four years ago but I ended up not having to go, so I've never really experienced it before, and I may not have to this time.

Anyone here ever served on a jury? Any interesting or funny stories to share about the selection process and/or service?

Oh, and wasn't Michael called for service when he was in the midst of his trial?
My ex boyfriend's mum got called up a few years ago for a robbery case. Wasn't very long though. Plus a friend of a friend got called up but he had his uni exams during the trial so had to re-arrange his exams for another time.
I had Jury duty before and never got called. I sat there all day, it was so boring!
Oh no, You just reminded me I have to turn my jury summons back in!
No but a teacher of mine a couple of years ago got it for a Robbery trial. She was really pissed off when she found out that it wasn't for murder.
I had jury duty for a day and a half. Then they decided to dismiss the case because they didn't want the tapes to be involved in the trial. So they were thinking of maybe having the case again but they didn't want the same jury members.
I was called a couple of years ago but wasn't chosen for a case so I was dismissed (which I loved because I got to go home early). But what a tedious process just that was. Several years before that I actually did serve on a jury all the way through to the verdict. I hated the entire process. It's so slow, tedious and boring. And I hated deciding on someone's fate. And I hated being sequestered with 11 other strangers in a tiny room. I could go on. I don't recall the particulars of this case but I just didn't like having someone's future on my shoulders - guilty or innocent. I'm such a bleeding heart liberal, lol.
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I'm going to have Jury duty This Tuesday-It'll be interesting if I do it now, I won't have to do it again. :D
I have done it once -- I was almost selected for a drug trial but then the prosecution didn't choose me after the questioning period.

I really dreaded going at first but once I was there I found it really interesting and I was glad to see the legal system close up.
i got called up about 12 or 13 years ago,but i never did it,i got out of it somehow,because i told them i suffer from bad nerves,which i do,
I served on a jury for a civil case and was dismissed during questioning on a criminal case.