Anyone ever had a difficult boss?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
I wonder if I'm the only one... as I'm sooo stressed at my workplace! I'm on my 3rd final PhD year and have the supervisor from Hell! I mean this is how I imagine Hell if there is one! So, today was another bad day - one of many.

Basically, my supervisor gets annoyed with the smallest thing and makes a big deal out of it. So, for example, today he got annoyed with not letting him know a bit earlier about a machine breaking down which ruined my experiment, which I was just about to do actually. Then he shouted at me for not copying him on a certain email I sent to an external scientist. He said "but I had told you long ago to do that, and next time you do that I'll blow my top off!" etc etc...
In the past he had even threatened me not to sign off for my PhD transfer. I knew supervisors could be like that bit NOT like THAT! There was another time he shouted at me for not replacing the lids on the bottles in the lab straight away (while i was holding 2 other bottles with BOTH of my hands)! I can't count the times he has treated me like dirt. Sometimes he is nice, but that's rare and it doesn't last long. It has made me reach a point that I think it's all my fault and that I'm totally useless. I'm not the only one who suffers, but I think I take most of his anger since I'm the most inexperienced in the lab. I'm also very shy and our personalities just don't click... His lack of humour doesn't help either, he's always moody and if you make a joke you feel stupid as he rarely laughs!!
I used to have sooo much motivation for my experiments (I work in cancer research) but not anymore. In fact I think of giving up such a career after I finish. I doubt his reference letters will be more than just average, either. I'm just counting down the days until I finish!

Anyway...has anyone else been in such a situation at all? I feel so bad right now... and as if that wasn't enough, I was waiting for an email reply from him today and the university server crashed; other people could still login though! Now I can't login at all and I keep wondering if his reply will be good or bad... I'll have a sleepless night tonight I think... :(
Is it at all possible to change supervisors? It sounds like you are being emotionally abused.
My last boss was very hard to work with. I'm very sorry to hear your situation.
thats why i quit my job i was at my boss was too hard on people especially me picked on me consrantly,,,,(daycare) i got told i was gaining weight but i knew that already (due to stress of my job) what got me to never go back was she wrote me up cause i was too friendly!!! i never went back after that
sunnyday I'm sorry you have to go through this. My thoughts are with you.
It's no way to justify you or anyone is treated like that but such supervisors exist (much too often).
I don't even know really what to advise... if it's possible then change. If that's not possible do not... please never give up cuz of such a miserable person treating others like sh**. Don't know if that's comfort to you but I can garantee that a happy person wouldn't treat others this way ever.
Try to focus on yourself and your work. You can't be bad if you made it this far and you for sure can make it through this. If he'll give you a bad reputation the next good person will not and it will be all revealed sooner or later for sure... but only if you do not give up.
I'm often telling the young ppl around me who are not treated well by someone we can't give up... we can't give the world and everything to idiots like that. Please be strong and keep the faith!!! Listen to some Michael music... it always helps me... I'd suggest 'Keep the faith' and also maybe 'DS... is a cold man'... hope you get an idea of what I mean!:better:
Thanks everyone for their nice words! :) Fortunately, at least today was a better day! lol
i had a boss like that she was awful to me and would pick up on everything. I think she just hated me and everything I did was wrong. Luckly I got transfered to antoher section. I still see her but she is not my boss anymore. She tried to intimidate me when she came back from maternity leave but I just wouldnt let her do it to me and now she wont bother anymore. See if you can go to another department or get a new job if you can.
I had a work experience placement at a law firm. It was a real opportunity for me to see if I really wanted to be a lawyer. I worked my a** off. And one day I simply said I was unsure if I wanted to be a lawyer after being asked the question. The response I got was either you be a lawyer or you can stay at home and have 10 babies!! The sexist b******!!! I thought.
There was a job opportunity at the end of the placement but I turned it down because the way they constantly patronised me and worked me like a dog!! I worked 4 months and after that no thank you and no reference was offered!
Its difficult to get another job if you dont get a reference. Where I work tehre is alot of office politics going on and even though I am here 9 years I dont know if i would get a reference after I leave. Im not in with the right people and I am a lower grade and treated like crap alot.