Anyone Ever Get Fired From Their Job?

Prince Of Pop

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It happened to me this past Monday. With 2 hours left in my shift, I was taken up to human resources and notified that I had a choice of resigning my position or to be terminated. Needless to say I choose termination so I can get some unemployment assistance.

After 4 years of hard work, they treat me like a piece of garbage. Has anyone here ever gone through that?
Yep, I've been fired only once in my life. I got pregnant while I was working for a company and the boss fired me because I had to take off to go to doctor appointments. Completely against the law but as usual they got away with it. I needed the insurance so it was a trade off. I didn't sue his butt if he continued my health insurance til the baby was born. But yeah loyality is something hard to come by :yes:
I was fired once then rehired.

I had only worked at the place for two months or something like that. But I requested the weekend off before school started because I was going to be at Hershey Park. I also informed them that "hey I have school so I can only work weekends". Which the vast majority of people that worked there had the same issue.

So I come back on that Friday to see what my schedule was and they said that I was fired. Which I didn't take too well. Basically, the clowns had this mandatory meeting and if you didn't show up you were fired. And since I didn't show up because no one called to tell me; I was fired. I flipped out of course but the real boss wasn't in so they said to come back the next day and talk to him about it. So I come in and tell him that "I was out of town number one and number two I told you guys I had school and number three I was not informed at all. What did you guys want me to do come in everyday to make sure I had a job?"

He continued to try to put the blame on me and say its my responsibility. But the more I talked the more he realized he was a dumb ass. So he went to his office and came back and I was rehired. I ended up quitting two months later anyway because we had so many employees that I was only getting one day out of the week if I was lucky to work.

That and I was quickly the talk of the managers. During that meeting they talked about me to the other co-workers. Saying that all I do is "hit on the ladies that work here". Which everyone came to my defense because that was not true. No one could believe at how badly they were really dogging me and accusing me. And when I was rehired the boss basically said "no more hitting on girls" which just about sprung an argument. I spoke to everyone because I was a friendly person and I told them that. I guess its my fault there were only like 4 guys working and twice as many girls. And at any rate, one of them had a crush on me and I was in a relationship of over two years and everyone knew!

Yeah, I ended up really hating that place. And it was never the same after that. They can turn on you real quick. Over the next two weeks the vast majority of people ended up quitting.
I don't think that I have been fired- but I did quit before I suspected I was going to get fired!! Ha! I sure showed them!!! But yeah- it hurts when ppl don't appreciate you, especially after you've done so much for them. But you gotta remember that there are people out there who will hurt you and as long as you stay true and realize that you'll get through it and have learning experience from it then that will help :yes: (at least that's somewhat what I do-lol)
yes, I was fired in June. Luckily I was in the union so now I get more benefits. I had worked there for almost 6 years and I knew that they were gonna put people out. I actually was hoping to be terminated because I was already looking for something new and I wouldn't have wanted to work by the new schedule (like 5 nights in a row and stuff.)
Now I'm getting re educated for totally new career.
I'm a law student and I worked for this law firm 2 days a week and full time during the holidays. I told them I had to go write exams and would return after exams. After fisnishing my exams just 4 days ago I called them to let them know I would be coming the next day, they told me they had replaced me with someone else because they were falling behind with their work. Whats messed up is that I reallly really need the money. I'm so bloody broke right now and the more I grow the more painful it gets asking my folkes for money. Life is a bitch I tell you.
AW, Bongani, its hard to ask them for money, but Im sure they would understand...after all u were working and only stopped to study which is also important, and they dismissed u unfairly imo....ur parents should understand it and help u until u find another job! ;)
AW, Bongani, its hard to ask them for money, but Im sure they would understand...after all u were working and only stopped to study which is also important, and they dismissed u unfairly imo....ur parents should understand it and help u until u find another job! ;)

Hey they called me back at work, so everything is back to normal!! Thanx for listening though, you're a star!
No I have not, but I did work in an HR Department and was responsible for doing the 'exit interviews' on people that had been let go. It was a horrible responsibility I had :mello:
I was once, for calling in sick too many days. I hated the job anyway, so I was kind of glad to see it go. :lol: