Anyone else tired of sexism and racist rolemodels in music?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Moon
It's just getting old to me. I remember when rap and hip hop was about love and less about this sociopathic crap and sexist junk. "Btch and hoe" Yeah there was 2-live crew and NWA but now it just seems like all people rap about is murder, sexism and the reason why I find it to be covertly racist is that it doesn't give good rolemodels to the black community but instead perpetrates stereotypes which trickle down to the youth to keep it alive.

Alright so I was remembering Sir Mix Alot's song "Posse on Broadway"

His lyric was "I never liked a punk who beat up on his girl, if you don't have game then let her leave your world."

Now all you hear is the complete opposite.

It's mostly narcissistic messages and sociopathic.

There needs to be a revolution with music soon.
I agree.
That's why I don't listen to mainstream music. I can't stand to listen to that junk.
I agree. Music really needs to change. I remember Rev Al Sharpton on James Browns funeral survice saying that music needs to be lifted back to where kids and their grandmamas can sit and listen to the music together. Or something like this. And I think thats the truth. Or do you think a kid will sit down with his/her grandma and listen to Eminem or something together? That will not happen.

As I write this, I'm watching Stevie Wonder live in London. That is music with passion. There really aren't that many artists that can generate that kind of feeling. Or at least they don't get the chance to showcase it. It's really sad.
I've been tired of modern music.

Modern entertainment on a whole if you ask me.

TV shows (esp the ones for kids) are getting worse and worse, most video games are filled with violence. The black stereotypes continue in the videos with half naked girls gyrating, seems that black men only was a lot of bling, hoes and 22's on their pimped out ride.

It's pathetic.

Once upon a time music was a way to bring positivity and messages of hope, love and inspiration to the world. Now like almost everything else, it's been reduced to a money making cash cow scheme.

That's why you'll rarely see someone with a successful long running career like Michael's in this new upcoming set. 99% of them are one hit wonders and fly by nights.
I really have nothing more to add to that.
Children are growing up a lot quicker because they are being introduced to an 'adult world' much quicker than they would have been years ago. Many modern day artists aren't doing what they do because they have a passion for making music, they do what they do because they have a passion for making money. Song lyrics lack moral and influence kids to do things they shouldn't.
For me the quality of popular music has taken a nosedive ever since the mid 1980's. Of course there are loads of exceptions - and there always will be, but there have been moments when the hits of Michael seemed like flowers on what had become the dunghill of top 40 music.
I agree with everything that's been said in this thread. I don't know if it will ever get better, but I hope it does
I almost fell off the chair when I learnt what 'Superman that ho' meant! I cringe everytime I hear that song, and it's played casually on radio despite it's overtly offensive content. But you can't just blame hiphop in general... modern pop music isn't much better. I mean we have certain singers who romp around soley in their underwear and then we have other ones singing about 'good girls gone bad'. Then we wonder why 12 year old girls are admitting to performing oral sex on the school bus to impress the boys! It's pretty scary. How much lower can we sink as a society? I mean, give it 10 years... What will be left to show in music videos? Completely naked girls instead of just half naked ones? Kids are becoming overly sexualized waaay too young thanks to this kinds of BS.
Why do people always think stuff like this is new? There's an old John Lee Hooker song from the 50s called "I'm Gonna Kill That Woman". Etta James had "Roll With Me Henry". In the 60s Jimi Hendrix had "Hey Joe". The Rolling Stones had "Brown Sugar". The Beatles released "Why Don't We Do It In The Road?" Listen to the average Barry White, Millie Jackson, or Marvin Gaye song. Even "Sledgehammer" by Peter Gabriel was about sex. "YMCA" by the Village People is considered 'All American' and played at parties & sporting events, but the song was about homosexual sex, lol. And there's plenty more. Those older songs might not have had profanity and in some cases the lyrics were in a disguised form like "I'm A King Bee" by Slim Harpo or "Good Golly Miss Molly" from Little Richard, but the message was the same. The term "Rock n' Roll" itself was old black slang for sex and was used in lots of old R&B or "race" songs. Elvis used to be shown waist up because of his dancing. Go watch a Shindig episode from the 1960s and look at what the background girl dancers are doing. Mae West whole image was raunchy and her most famous movies are from the 1940s.
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i think people dislike how blatant the sexual innuendos are now. and how they are making it 'cool' to kids. i remember in middle school (i went to a predominantly white school system) guys were running around sagging their pants around their knees, callin each other n*ggas, and talkin about shooting each other up. the girlfriends were called b*tches and h*es and it was accepted because it was what they heard in music or saw on tv.

i was disgusted, maybe this is why i was so in to *cringe* boy bands...they were atleat 'clean cut' lol
I know what you mean. I don't really listen to mainstreme music that much anymore. But I also agree with DuranDuran's post. It's not really like any of this is new. But what I do believe is that now things are more overt. I remember when I used to listen to an old school song that was about cheating, sexin' or what-not, it really wasn't offenseive to me because the artists told the story in a clever way. And even when they were clear about the subject-matter, I didn't find it as offensive. But that's just me. Now, generally speaking, it's more like "i'mma nut all ova dat byatch, jiggaaa". no creativity :smilerolleyes:

but don't think that there's no more good music being made, because there is. It just doesn't get that much airplay. Especially when it comes to hip-hop. It's out there :yes: I find my stuff through and other music sites.
sex and drugs and rock n' roll type of music is not new--I agree, but music of today is just blatant and all, if not, most talk about sex.

I don't pay attention to top40 or any other mainstream songs. If I want to hear decent music I have to dig because no one plays those music anymore.

but If the beat is good I don't care about the lyrical content, I listen to "Play" by David Banner and that song is just way too explicit but the beat is so rad so I can't really go on full hate on this type of music I give more priotiy to the beat. MO
No wonder people are so easily fooled into thinking Michael was gay. :huh: He didn't hump every girl he saw.

Looking at such terrible role-models just makes me miss him even more. :(
^^^^Like Charles Barkley says, it's not really their job to be a role model. The stars in the old days weren't exacty "Leave It To Beaver", lol.
I've been tired of modern music.

Modern entertainment on a whole if you ask me.

TV shows (esp the ones for kids) are getting worse and worse, most video games are filled with violence. The black stereotypes continue in the videos with half naked girls gyrating, seems that black men only was a lot of bling, hoes and 22's on their pimped out ride.

It's pathetic.

Once upon a time music was a way to bring positivity and messages of hope, love and inspiration to the world. Now like almost everything else, it's been reduced to a money making cash cow scheme.

That's why you'll rarely see someone with a successful long running career like Michael's in this new upcoming set. 99% of them are one hit wonders and fly by nights.

Great post. It's tragic to see the direction mainstream music has taken in the last 20 years. I'm a real 60's, 70's and 80's man. There are a few exceptions in the 00's but next to none of these one hit wonders will be around next year, let alone be remembered in ten years time. Music has been drifting away from its roots for a long while now. I refuse to listen to modern mainstream music. Is absolute crap.

Can we ever see it turning around? Like seriously here. It's very concerning..
^^^^Like Charles Barkley says, it's not really their job to be a role model. The stars in the old days weren't exacty "Leave It To Beaver", lol.

But the thing is that they are. When you take on the responsibility of becoming a star, you should know you have to be a role model.

Also, to my knowledge, when stars acted badly in the old days, their actions weren't glorified by the youth like they are now.
But the thing is that they are. When you take on the responsibility of becoming a star, you should know you have to be a role model.

Also, to my knowledge, when stars acted badly in the old days, their actions weren't glorified by the youth like they are now.
Not really. I don't think people like Keith Richards, Billie Holiday, Richard Pryor, Waylon Jennings, Black Sabbath, or Motley Crue were ever trying to be role models.