Anyone else think that Abs look weird?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I don't get the fascination people have with guys Abs i mean IMO i think they look as if a whale has just rolled on top of him and just decided to stay there they look all squashed and unnatural not very pleasant to look at i don't think!.
Depends who they're on...


In this case ummmm..................NO!!!
I'm not into abs at all...being toned is nice, but I don't need to see a "six pack" or anything. To me there is such a thing as too much where abs are concerned. ;)
Yeah, it depends. If it's just a little bit of abs, like toned, then it's ok with me. I like it when a guy has a toned stomach (not that it really matters) but some guys' abs are just ridiculous and they think the girls just love it. I'm like, yeah I'll pass...

I'm not bragging so please don't think that, but I have abs myself because I work out everyday and do many ab workouts. It's not too much though. I've even seen girls with ridiculous abs muscles. People need to really know when enough is enough. lol.

Depends who they're on...


In this case ummmm..................NO!!!

mmm, you see now that's perfect. :wub:
Oh I agree! I don't think muscley men are attractive at all...I don't get the whole 6 pack abs thing. I'd much prefer a guy with an "average" body - even a little extra meat on his bones.

Michael however did look mighty fine with or without the 6 pack abs. :wub: