Anyone else have a fear of the dentist??


Proud Member
Jun 30, 2009
Somewhere between Australia and Missouri ♥
I have to go to the dentist in exactly.... 13 hours from now. I SO don't want to go! It's been two years since I've went and I kept putting it off because I dislike it so much. But the last week and a half I've had a bad toothache and I just couldn't take it anymore. So I made an appointment today (for tommorrow...was fast to get in). I can jump out of an airplane with no fear at all but I can't sit in a dentist chair.
I'm SO not going to sleep well tonight :no:

Hey, anyone want to go for me???

i dont like it either, dentists get all up in your mouth and stuff. LOL
my dads a dentist and im still scared, i went to him and i was still scared to go, haha i mean he turned into some dentist when i was there, its was like i didn't know him sitting in the chair, he was a different person. lol
but weirdly when i went to the orthodontist when i had braces, it wasn't as scary, i dont know it went swifter. although tightened braces is a pain when you eat.
if it makes you feel better theres people here who dont have the luxury of dentists when they want to go. that actually made me ease up when i do have the opportunity to go.
but most importantly maybe they will give you a goodie bag in the end? hehe
I never had any problems going to dentist before but it changed about 3 years ago when I went there and my jaws locked so I couldn't close my mouth and it felt horrible! Luckily I was able to close my mouth (lol) when I lifted my head but my jaws never went back to normal again.
Now they're kind of bent and I can't chew properly. If you know how camels chew, that's how I need to do it, too, if I have to open my mouth very wide (like it's needed at dentist)! And sometimes my jaws also do a little 'click' if I try to take a big bite of an apple, for example.

I don't want to experience never again that feeling of not being able to close your mouth.

I wish my jaws were back to normal because otherwise I think I would actually even like dentists!