anyone else feel somethings missing?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I never thought i would feel this much grief and sorrow for a man i never met.but his magic is rubbing off on me and for some strange reason everytime i leave the house , i look out at the blue skies and think 'somethings missing'.

Its like Michael took a little tiny piece of each and everyone of his fans.its unbeleivable because i mean im not a crazy out of control fan that knows every waking detail on him but i did love and appreciate everything he did.i dont know why but i feel like things will never be the same in the music industry and in this world.

anyone feel the same?Anyone feel like he took a part of each one of us?
Absolutely. I really believe Michael took a small part of all of us with him and that's why so many of us are having such a hard time dealing with it. There's definitely a small part of me that's gone.
I agree, It's as though I'm looking at the world through a lenses now for what it is. I have always done this but MJ always gave me hope that there was some goodness left here because he was good.

Now that he's not physically here anymore; things feel empty. Even things I really enjoy just seem bleh! I guess because MJ was a part of our hearts and now it's broken. I'm sure MJ would want us to carry on but it's hard when your happiness was based on MJ making this world a better place.

Without him; it's can we do this? He was the only one I felt truly believed in healing the world. Sure there are other people that help but this was MJ's Mission. He never allowed his music to be saturated with SEX or popular things at the time. He remained true to himself and his music.

I was teased alot in school, I have jacked up old people I work with who are no better than teenagers and I just feel odd when out in the world. I always thought well "If MJ can keep going on laughing, smiling, working, and having hope then so can I. MJ went through twice as much as me in the public light but if he can do it then so can I. Now where do I look for that inspirtation?

I plan on allowing MJ's spirit and mine to intertwine. I'm not gonna forget him, stop listening to his music, watching his video's and reading his words. He's all around us now like never before because his spirit has been set free.

I know how you feel.
I keep hoping that if I wish on a wishing star like Katie, Michael will come back. Obviously it isnt working. :(
yea and with the whole inspiration thing.i mean i used to say to myself 'well if MJ can go through it and is still strong then so can i!' ,when really he was suffering all these years.and in suffering i mean it as in the loss of his normality and childhood :(
i guess the things we take for granted every day is what he would do anything for.its like he realy was from another world,like he was disconected from HUMANS and all he wanted was to be like us.unbeleivable
The world just feels hollow to me now. It feels like we've lost the only good thing about humanity. Everything feels so hopeless and pointless.
i was always aware how much i loved him, but i never knew how much my eyes were fixed on him. like inner eyes. you may not think of him for a while, i mean you know he's in LA, or you know he's in London or Tokyo. And you've got your inner eyes fixed on the place and you're ready to listen to what he says or does. Because what he does has a great meaning. And even if you're doing your own things and say on a job, you still feel him. You know "he there" :) :(
now i'm lost. i'm asking myself "where is he? he must be somewhere? where? where?"
^^me too. he ALWAYS was there and I was the happiest person on earth no matter how hard times were he always made me laugh and now I am the saddest person
Originally Posted by Dangerous Incorporated
I keep hoping that if I wish on a wishing star like Katie, Michael will come back. Obviously it isnt working. ]

oh god, why!

I just feel empty, i don't know what to do, It's a strange feeling.

Michael was always there, somewhere, i was ready to here something new, But now, well i don't know.
It's the hardest thing in my life ever, why did this happen. i can't take it, I'm heartbroken.
its like we could go days,weeks even not hearing from him but we all knew he was THERE.doing SOMETHING,and if i knew where he was like london or L.A then id be happy because i knew he was there you no?.
his in a better place now where he can finaly be at peace,i truly beleive that.the only bad side to it is we will never see that magic on stage again or that incomprihendible voice.aslong as his happy,im happy :)
The world is empty with Michael.

He took half of me with him, not a tiny bit.