Anyone else call in sick today?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It's just ridiculous this pain. I didn't go to family dinner which I do every Sunday because they all make fun of me I DONT CARE ABOUT HIM MOLESTING KIDS I really don't I just wanted to see him perform in Europe and started saving up already :(

At work I have a friend who actually told me the news first and laugh while I looked at him yelling and start crying "ARE YOU SERIOUS ARE YOU SERIOUS" and he laughed so I can't face him I'm going to start crying again cause he will bug me and now all the girls in the office think I'm a pansy.
Screw this though how many others missed work today?
Im so happy I fond this site so no one makes fun of me anymore. Im probably going to quit my job they are such bastards I just want to go in tomorrow decked out in full MJ gear (with the glove included I dress up as him on Halloween every year and sometimes my gf would want me to dress up like him) and my ipod and just listen to his music all day and do my work and ignore everyone.
I have long hair I just need the perm (is that what his hair is in the Thriller video a perm?)

*sigh* I can't wait until there is technology where it can make you feel like you are actually "in the crowd" because its done. done done he is gone no impersonator can touch him.

I know tough day lots of emotions I dont know if Im going to go to work or not yet damn thought help would here :(
i know how you feel,i,m not wotrking at the moment,but the day i heard the news i kept my 10yr old daughter away from school,i would like to go and pay my respects in la but my daughter who is very clingy would want to come,and also i have never been away without her,i,m just worried about the reaction from the school if i took her out for a week,i don,t know wether to just take her and get someone ellse to notify her school,or to leave her here where i know she will be looked after well,i,d jack in your job seriously if you feel like this,is there anyone that cares for you that will jsut take care of you emotionally and financially just for the coming weeks,jobs are alot easier to come by than people think,you will find another job.
i know how you feel,i,m not wotrking at the moment,but the day i heard the news i kept my 10yr old daughter away from school,i would like to go and pay my respects in la but my daughter who is very clingy would want to come,and also i have never been away without her,i,m just worried about the reaction from the school if i took her out for a week,i don,t know wether to just take her and get someone ellse to notify her school,or to leave her here where i know she will be looked after well,i,d jack in your job seriously if you feel like this,is there anyone that cares for you that will jsut take care of you emotionally and financially just for the coming weeks,jobs are alot easier to come by than people think,you will find another job.

yeha totally bro

its such a hard guess, will they understand like hey, the guy you idolized and danced to for the last 10 YEARS is gone, and they are just to blind to see that its the guy we idolize and love.

It's just we live in a world full of haters who dont get it.
hey Dave, i know how you feel. i am a tutor and sometimes just danced Billie Jean to students in our college. they're not kids, they're all in their 20s. One of them came up to me on Friday with the news (i already knew) laughing in my face. But you know i didnt feel anything but sorry for her. Honestly i felt no pain from her laugh. Only sorry because she doesnt understand. your colleagues don't understand either. they're really unhappy people if they dont have respect for others. forgive them. move on. May be it's time to find another job. But be like Michael - untouchable
yeha totally bro

its such a hard guess, will they understand like hey, the guy you idolized and danced to for the last 10 YEARS is gone, and they are just to blind to see that its the guy we idolize and love.

It's just we live in a world full of haters who dont get it.
thankyou for your comment,it,s been 22yrs,my trouble is i worry,my user names abit decieving i,m a sister,
I did go to work yesterday and i have the day off now (not coz of MJ i would have gotten the day of anyway) and it was hard. The tears where so high since i had a bad moment coz i had a dream about MJ the night before. A collegue said that and went "I think it's best to not ask about it?" and she was right coz if she started talking i surely cried again. Other collegues asked how i was doing though but when i said was feeling bad and that i don't feel like talking now they mostly quit asking.

So i totally understand fans who call in they can't go to work
yes i called in sick today. thank god I really was sick - but secretly glad cos i don't get much computer time as a single mum & i wanted & needed to spend the day here with you guys :cheeky: . but what really pissed me off was there was a power failure ALL DAY! :angry: really intense winds & storms here today. heavy rain,thunder, hail, crazy winds.

wish i had gone to work - whole day on my own & no internet :*****:
yes i called in sick today. thank god I really was sick - but secretly glad cos i don't get much computer time as a single mum & i wanted & needed to spend the day here with you guys :cheeky: . but what really pissed me off was there was a power failure ALL DAY! :angry: really intense winds & storms here today. heavy rain,thunder, hail, crazy winds.

you in melbourne then?
But be like Michael - untouchable

thankyou for that, that really helped me. I'm at work now and it's like a living hell. I'm not up to it at all. I would not come but my boyfriend is moaning about the money I will lose. I don't care about money. :( it feels like I'm in a prison or something. I'm so tired as well...can't sleep at night. I can't stand this pain.
thankyou for that, that really helped me. I'm at work now and it's like a living hell. I'm not up to it at all. I would not come but my boyfriend is moaning about the money I will lose. I don't care about money. :( it feels like I'm in a prison or something. I'm so tired as well...can't sleep at night. I can't stand this pain.

i know how you feel, every hour feels like 10.
I did go to work on 26 June - but only for one reason. I work for an organisation that builds orphanages and childrens' hospitals in Africa. I went to work to honour Michael, and I gave every last ounce of love and hope I had left in my heart.

I'm also a uni student, however, and I'm having a hard time writing my last paper for the year. I just imagine Michael telling me that life is for the living. He wouldn't want us to stop, he would want us to celebrate and love. He was warmed by his fans' love when he was alive, and now that he is gone we should glow warmer and brighter than ever to keep his memory alive. It's painful, but I am wrestling through that last paper.
I havent been to work for the last few days but honestly i am really ill got a temperature and heavy head but everyone thinks its caus Mj, I went to work on friday and that was just weird i had stayed up the nite before following the news in disbelief and still in a state if shck went into work didnt know how to feel

but the weekend and these 2 days have shown how much mj ment to me and i dont care what anyone thinks or says just remember noone understod him like us the fans did and you have to feel sorry for everyone as they have missed out on an amazing person.
I guess I'm lucky I work from home, I don't have to deal with anything like this. Although, now I am having difficulty actually working; I had some work to do today and it was absolute torture getting through it.
I did on Friday, I called to the office and reported sick none believed it everybody knew it was for Michael.. anyway.. I didn´t care at all I just wanted to rest and cry the hole day and weekend.
I pulled a sickey yesterday, just didn't feel like I was ready to face everyone. Went in today and no one said anything, i only had one lesson anyway.

It will get better soon, I promise.You should go out into yoru garden and take some fresh air, it's beautiful weather at the moment, shame to waste it inside doing nothing but mourning over him :) He wouldn't have wanted you to be like this.

Watch "Hangover"; its out in cinema at the moment and is one of the funniest movies ever. Maybe watch it with your family because it will take your mind off things.
