Any Wiccan's here?

I'm not a Wiccan, but just thought I'd come by this thread. :)
When I was younger I used to read a book series that revolved around people that practiced Wicca, and I don't know how accurate it was, but it was always interesting.
Can you tell me a bit about how you practice Wicca in your life, just out of curiosity? Is every Wiccan required to be part of a coven?
Well, Wicca is a fertility religion (the agriculture kind. Not the sex kind. though American wiccan's say otherwise.). It's a neo-pagan religion that has a God and Goddess. While both are equal, it is the Goddess that we seek comfort in as she is the mother of all.

We're pretty open-minded and the only law is love. We believe love is pure as long as it's consentual. (So we accept homosexuality as a natural thing.)

We have another law that states 'an it harm none, do as ye will'. Meaning our actions must never hurt a living being, pyhsically or mentally. To do so would mean the deed would come back on us 3 times as worse.

Unlike most religions, we don't try and convert people. We believe people should choose their own path and not be coaxed into it. If someone wishes to leave the conven, then they may do so without ridicule.

We have to live in secret sometimes. Most people find it hard to accept us. Because we practise the craft. (witchcraft as you would call it.)

Bare in mind, black magic is strictly forbidden in our religion. No one should practise such uncontrollable magic.

I guess some American Wiccan's would say 'you need to be part of a coven'. but here in Britain you can be a self-initiate, meaning your a Wiccan that works alone.

Also, there is no such thing as a teenage wiccan. To be Wiccan you must be 18. Which is due to The Great Rite. But I'm not allowed to reveal much on that.

Many of our practises are oafbound. Meaning outsiders should have no knowledge of some of our practises.

I hope this helps explain a few things.

But sometimes..Even I find it hard to stay true to my faith...I'm supposed to love and respect all living creatures...But how can I...when so many humans have done so much wrong...
I am not one, but I know you aren't the only one.

I will admit, though I usually try to reserve judgment or feelings about things I know nothing about, I have a bit of a "eek" feeling about wiccan religion, even though I have a friend who is one. If I am honest about it, I really don't know what wiccans stand for, though I have been told some things now and am somewhat more knowledgeable than I was before. I still have this creepy feeling when I think of witches or wicca (which sounds like wicked...). I suppose it is due to a stigma. Maybe it's due to my feeling so passionate about God, and wanting to rely on Him and trust in Him. So I don't want to delve into something that would take me away from Him (though I realize that by thinking this way, I have judged..). Anyways, until I understood it better, I suppose that feeling might stay somewhat. I have been told that wiccans do believe in God, they just believe that there is a masculine and feminine side to him? her? them?

I don't want to judge, so I won't think that I really know what you stand for. I just wanted to voice my honest thoughts about it. Actually all I was going to write was "I know you aren't the only one, but it's not me." Guess I was in a typing every thought that comes to mind mood.. sorry.
Sometimes it's better for people not to understand us...People are so judgemental and see only what they want to see...Us Wiccan's have been misjudged and hated our whole lives...We just get used to it...

We have been stereotyped so much....We're not evil...We don't worship the devil..We don't sacrafice people or animals...and we are not obsessed with sex...

We're a religion that has a focus on the power of the natural world...All is sacred...from the tallest mountain to the tiniest insect..Life is a precious thing in all it's form...None are inferior to the other...

Yes, we are also witches, but you must understand that not all witches are evil...Black witches (those who practise magic to harm others) are not allowed in our religion...All Wiccan's are either white witches (those who practise magic to benefit others) or green witches (those who practises spells to better the natural world.).

We respect other peoples beliefs...Please respect ours...
How did my post make you feel? Honestly? It is sometimes hard to tell online.
We have another law that states 'an it harm none, do as ye will'. Meaning our actions must never hurt a living being, pyhsically or mentally. To do so would mean the deed would come back on us 3 times as worse.

So basically that's the same concept of karma. What goes around comes around.

Unlike most religions, we don't try and convert people. We believe people should choose their own path and not be coaxed into it. If someone wishes to leave the conven, then they may do so without ridicule.
...Also, there is no such thing as a teenage wiccan. To be Wiccan you must be 18. Which is due to The Great Rite. But I'm not allowed to reveal much on that.

I think that's a good way to approach things (not trying to convert people) -- however, do you teach your children the teachings of your religion (Even though they can't officially become Wiccan until they're 18)? How do you ensure that Wicca doesn't die out?

But sometimes..Even I find it hard to stay true to my faith...I'm supposed to love and respect all living creatures...But how can I...when so many humans have done so much wrong...

I think that's a problem faced by people of any faith (or lack thereof). I am most familiar with the Bible (although I now consider myself agnostic), and Jesus' message was to love one another -- But how do you love people who have done terrible things? How do people find the willingness to forgive? That is beyond me.
Some time ago I was very interested in Wicca read books and even did some practise from a very simple book.
I just don't have the time to do anything with it now and my friend who told me things about it and was a witch herself died a few years ago.
How did my post make you feel? Honestly? It is sometimes hard to tell online.

I'm sorry...but you made me feel like I should justify my reasons for being Wiccan...

and Wingfoot.

A child cannot be initiated..But a child CAN be born into Wicca...However,t hey have the option of leaving when they become of age. (18 in this case)

Their parents may raise them with the knowledge of the religion...However they cannot take part in any of the practises..As they are very daunting tasks...and a child should be allowed to be a child and not have to worry about things like this..
That wasn't my intention. I'm sorry it made you feel that way. I really only wanted to let you know that you aren't the only one here. I also didn't want to come in here and feel like a hypocrite because I was actually uncomfortable, so I shared my honest thoughts. Also not sure I could really explain why I would feel like a hypocrite..maybe that isn't the best word to use.

Anyways, I don't know you at all and can't make judgments on your life or decisions. We each have our own paths.
Well, Wicca is a fertility religion (the agriculture kind. Not the sex kind. though American wiccan's say otherwise.). It's a neo-pagan religion that has a God and Goddess. While both are equal, it is the Goddess that we seek comfort in as she is the mother of all.

We're pretty open-minded and the only law is love. We believe love is pure as long as it's consentual. (So we accept homosexuality as a natural thing.)

We have another law that states 'an it harm none, do as ye will'. Meaning our actions must never hurt a living being, pyhsically or mentally. To do so would mean the deed would come back on us 3 times as worse.

Unlike most religions, we don't try and convert people. We believe people should choose their own path and not be coaxed into it. If someone wishes to leave the conven, then they may do so without ridicule.

We have to live in secret sometimes. Most people find it hard to accept us. Because we practise the craft. (witchcraft as you would call it.)

Bare in mind, black magic is strictly forbidden in our religion. No one should practise such uncontrollable magic.

I guess some American Wiccan's would say 'you need to be part of a coven'. but here in Britain you can be a self-initiate, meaning your a Wiccan that works alone.

Also, there is no such thing as a teenage wiccan. To be Wiccan you must be 18. Which is due to The Great Rite. But I'm not allowed to reveal much on that.

Many of our practises are oafbound. Meaning outsiders should have no knowledge of some of our practises.

I hope this helps explain a few things.

But sometimes..Even I find it hard to stay true to my faith...I'm supposed to love and respect all living creatures...But how can I...when so many humans have done so much wrong...

I'm not of any particular religion (was brought up Catholic) but I like the sound of that! :wild:
The witchcraft part I'd have to know more about, but the rest seems truly what a religion should be. IMO of course
I agree, I would have to learn more about the witchcraft, as it were, but the rest seems to make complete sense!
Thanks guys...The ultimate law of my religion is love....To us..No person or creature is inferior or superior...All of us are equal...Every single living creature...
I may be Naieve in my understanding here, but isnt it very sexual? Lots of Sex involved? Or a ceromony to become a Wican involes it?

Like I said I am naieve as have never looked into it :) x
I may be Naieve in my understanding here, but isnt it very sexual? Lots of Sex involved? Or a ceromony to become a Wican involes it?

Like I said I am naieve as have never looked into it :) x

Not at all, i havent had sex in almost 8. lol
I may be Naieve in my understanding here, but isnt it very sexual? Lots of Sex involved? Or a ceromony to become a Wican involes it?

Like I said I am naieve as have never looked into it :) x

Well, as per GameGirlAdvance's post, it isn't.

Well, Wicca is a fertility religion (the agriculture kind. Not the sex kind. though American wiccan's say otherwise.). It's a neo-pagan religion that has a God and Goddess. While both are equal, it is the Goddess that we seek comfort in as she is the mother of all.


I think people associate Wicca with the likes of Aleister Crowley (who wasn't Wiccan), but was into stuff called "sex magic".. (
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Hay there i am wiccan well i started practising when i was 16 and then due to personal problems i had to stop but i have always been a wiccan in my heart love everything and everyone,and that whole sex thing that happen in the early years of wiccan when it first came around if u was in a covan u wld have to sleep with the head of the covan but it isnt like that now,completely different in the way things are done now xxx
I wouldnt really trust anything thats writing in Wikipedia as anyone can enter information into it, and it could all be false and start rumors ect...

I don't know too much about him, but he was public about his practices, and even wrote some books on it.
I don't know too much about him, but he was public about his practices, and even wrote some books on it.

Yeah thats true im not saying that everything on Wikipedia is false, its just u never know who u can really trust these days, as michael said dont believe a thing that read in the papers ect.. until you meet the person there talking about.
Don't get me wrong. Human sexuality is important in our religion. As the Goddess herself states 'All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals'.But it's not the primary focus of our practises. Our focus is on spirituality, the earth and the craft.
Yeah thats true im not saying that everything on Wikipedia is false, its just u never know who u can really trust these days, as michael said dont believe a thing that read in the papers ect.. until you meet the person there talking about.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Which is why I double, triple, quadruple check what I read on the Internet.
LOOK guys..

Wicca is NOT about sex
Wicca is NOT about evil
Wicca is NOT about blood
Wicca is NOT about darkness
Wicca is NOT about believing in something like "satan" or another evil "god"
Wicca is NOT about hating or judging other religions
I repeat - Wicca is NOT!!! about sex omg..

Wicca IS about worshipping NATURE
Wicca IS about loving every living creature and respect every bird, deer, tree, stone, plant, and ofcourse people on this earth.
Wicca IS about the Yin/Yan concept and the concept of KARMA

Wiccans believes that theres always a feminine AND masculine aspect of everything.
That there is a female and male "god".
Some wiccans only worship the female aspect.

And Wicca does not equal a witch. A witch is like a shaman. A woman who knows about herbs and believes that she can cure certain physical aswell as psygic problems with these herbs.
Many withces are wiccans.. But many wiccans are NOT witches.

^ read above and stop judging ok? I know its hard because theres so much >tabloid junk< going on, and young people that wants an identity who chooses to call them selves a wiccan when what they are, are just wierd wannabees who think that its cool to be an evil vampire.

Wiccans don't even believe in vampires.

We don't believe in the concept of satan either. We believe that the world has the potential to be good! We believe in the good in all people.
But we also face the fact that it's human nature to be "bad". To make a mistake. To make a huge mistake. It's human nature..
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