any STAR WARS fan here?

Jul 25, 2011
lost, lonely & scared... wanna live with Michael i
i dig that movie!! i am a huge fan of it.:wild:

my fav episodes r 1, 3, 5 and 6

my fav charcter is Lord Vader for he turned out good at the end and he is awesome like :heart:Michael! ;) and i love Anakin.
Then Luke
R2D2 and 3PO especially when they argue!! :lol:
and i like Master Windu less! i think he is ao arrogant and i dont agree with Jedis in many ways.

my fav sense is where Darth Vader reveals that he is the father of Luke. gee nothing can be as exciting, cool and awesome as that!!

i love it because its not only a creative exciting movie, it's taught me lessons which i might knew but i didn't!
lessons of how dangerous hartred, anger, jealousy and fear are and that if u dont control them and give in to them, even a justified hatred, they can turn u to the dark side of the force.
indeed, having hatred in u, ruin lives.

it also helped me to settle my confusion on the issue of "Destiny and authority"

how about u, do u love it, why?
share ur fav's and lessons u've learned. :wild:
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My favorite characters are Darth Vader and Han Solo. Vader's backstory was a great concept, but God, Anakin Skywalker was a lamer. Only in ROTS was he moderately cool. I felt they didn't do a great job building Anakin up as this heroic good kid who ended up falling from grace. He was a whiner, immature, and emo right from Attack of the Clones. In fact, he was downright embarrassing in Attack of the Clones. His turn to the dark side would have meant more if he'd been made of better stuff prior to the fall from grace.

Of the prequels, ROTS was the only REALLY good one. The Obi-Wan/Vader duel was epic.

My favorite overall is probably Empire Strikes Back. Some epic Vader ownage going on there. It might've been Return of the Jedi, but all the forest scenes on Endor weren't that interesting to me. Vader returning back to the light side was excellently done, though.

Luke and Han are the best duo in the whole Star Wars world, I believe. Great as foils. One of my favorite moments...

Han Solo: Do you think a girl like that and a guy like me--

Luke Skywalker: No, I don't.
i've yet to see it but if it inspired this tune then i'm all for it

I like Star Wars good movies all of them my faveourite would have to be Episode I, Empire Strikes Back, my faveourite Star Wars Characters are 3P0,R2D2 and Jar Jar Binks, i didn't like Jar Jar in Episode II he was too serious the old Jar Jar from Episode I was awsome
I think Star Wars is cool even though i am more of a Star Trek
I really like Star Wars. My fave movie is The Empire Strikes Back, it's so iconic (Luke, I am your fathaaaa XD) I actually plan on dressing up as a Jedi Knight for Halloween.
I loooveeee Star Wars!!! My favorite characters are Obi One Kenobi, Master Yoda and Han Solo! But I love all the characters, to tell you the truth. Star Wars for me is not only a cool movie, it tells me about the importante of trusting in yourself ("Feel the force Luke... Let go..."). The answer for all awer problems is the force (I understand The Force as God) that is around all of us and everything else in the world... It's the best story ever!!!
I really like Star Wars. My fave movie is The Empire Strikes Back, it's so iconic (Luke, I am your fathaaaa XD) I actually plan on dressing up as a Jedi Knight for Halloween.
yeah thats the most exciting line in the movie.

It's the best story ever!!

yeah the story is great, entertaing, exciting and wise.