Any one else have mixed feelings about traveling to london?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I don't know if my title is 100% accurate, because I want to see Michael live in concert so bad, I've been waiting so long for this, but since I bought the tickets, I've had to make so many decisions and I feel guilty about certain things, and it really makes me wonder if I should go, or just wait and see if Michael comes to the US.

My mom and I are huge Michael fans, it's the one thing we have in common and we've always done everything Michael related together. She won't be able to go to London, because she doesn't have the money. I just feel like it won't be the same with out her.

Also, my kids want to go, they are not huge Michael fans like me and my mom, but I really think it would be cool for them to see him in concert, they love the Thriller and Bad cd's and I think it will be something they will always remember. My son will be 8 this summer and my daughter 10. I was 8 the first time I saw Michael. Plus I think going to London would be a great experience for them.

So my best friend is the one planning to go with me, and she isn't a fan really, but she likes a lot of his songs, so that will be good, but I just pictured when Michael toured again, that My mom and I would take my kids and go "Michaeling"

My husband doesn't want to go, but said I could take the kids, but he wouldn't cause he thinks it's too much money, but if I take my kids I would feel bad leaving my mom behind, and of course if I took my mom I would feel bad leaving my kids behind, and I can't pay for everyone!

I know it is my fault for having expectations about what would happen if Michael went on tour, but I'm so confused... anyone else? I'm afraid if I don't go, I'll regret it, because he may not come here...

Sorry to write so much, but it's driving me crazy:scratch:
Well, there comes a time where you just have to think about yourself! You're the fan and if your husband's fine with it, then go! Your mum certainly won't expect you to pay the trip for her! And most likely there will be some US shows too down the line... so you could still take your family then! And if not, well, since they are not so big fans to begin with, I don't think it'll be such a problem!
Fellow Marylander :lol: I think Michael will do some USA venues so yeah go have fun and let yourself enjoy it all. The kids and mom will do just fine :yes: They may want to experience it because it's different and awesome but they'll have their chance too later.
I figure that if MJ DOES come to the US, then that's even better. Then I'll have traveled to London (Who doesn't wanna do that?), met a bunch of my MJ fan friends who I'll probably never get to meet again, and get to have seen him TWICE if he does come here - once in London, once in the US!

Plus, if he comes here, it'll give my mom and I a chance to go see him together, because she loves him as well :D
Thanks everyone! You guys are making me feel better about it, I just feel selfish! I hate that. I think you guys are right though, I think he will do some shows here too, but besides 2001, he hasn't toured here since the 80's so I just feel bad betting on that.... Let's hope he does :D

I think I feel most guilty about my mom, because she is the only other MJ fan I know. I would be sad if she was going without me, but I really can't pay for everything for her. I told her she wouldn't have to pay for the hotel or concert ticket, so that is the best I can do. I guess the other side of it is I don't know if I will enjoy the show as much with out her, but I think you guys are right, I should go, just in case he doesn't come here!

MJJC Momma, where in Maryland do you live? I live in Parkville!
Go take a load off and go on vacation. It's going to be an awesome one! Michael was born with performance in his blood. This really isn't "it." Don't worry. :)
I can sort of understand how you feel. My mum moved to Lanzarote last year after her and my dad split up and now she's got her own business out there. I'm proud as hell of her, don't get me wrong but I really want her to come with me to see Michael. She is the reason I'm a fan today, through her playing his music, showing me the video's and so on. I really want to share this with her, so much so that I've bought her a ticket to one of the shows with me, but she still doesn't know whether she can come because of her business. It's kind of heartbreaking, I don't think it'll feel complete if she doesn't come with me. She's never seen Michael before, I just think it'd be special.
That's not as bad as your situation I know, but just empathising with the part about you wishing your mum was going with you!
I think you should go, after all you love Michael and imagine sitting at home the night you have tickets for imagining that you could have been seeing Michael! You should go, your family aren't going to begrudge you that. And when Michael plays in America again, you can all go! I'm pretty sure he will! Be happy, hun. :happy:
Hey, I have had and still do have mixed feelings about this whole thing. I've experienced frustration, confusion, anxiety, disappointment, and discouragement despite the excitement. It's going to be my very trip overseas so my first plane trip ever. I've been on a roadtrip with my family back in the 90's to the next province but yeah.. this is totally different and bigger. I mean.. the reason I want to go to London is to see Michael in concert but it's also going to be a vacation for me. I wouldn't be allowed to go alone nor would I want to as it would be much more fun with at least one other person.. and cheaper too when booking hotels and flights. It's difficult enough just being able to go and doing something I want to do for once.. A lot of things are driving me nuts. :(
StaceyMJ ~ I think you get what I'm saying and I feel for you too :(. I think I will enjoy myself and I think I'll be happy I went, but I know it won't be the same with out my mom. We've been to the Victory Tour and the Bad tour together, planned and got tickets (last minute!) to go to New York in 2001! We've both been waiting so long... I just really thought he would announce he was coming here, but that's my fault for assuming and getting my hopes up.

quixotica ~ I'm glad I'm not the only one! I didn't want to come on here and complain, because it is awesome that he is going to perform again, and I did get tickets and I am thankful for that, it's just not what I thought, and it's given me so many mixed feelings. I think a part of being a fan is just the fun of it, the experiences you share with someone else who really gets it, and so far I think I've been more upset trying to figure everything out!

MJJC Momma ~ It's nice to know My mom and I are not the only Maryland MJ fans :D !!!!
Jilliebean i hear what you are saying and understand that. I feel kinda guilty too about going, i mean about spending so much money - as i am going from overseas as well. i am may be funny or naive but i feel kinda guilty that i am not saving towards my family future or say giving some money to charity. but Michael is impossible to resist. I think your family will understand and support you. You have been waiting for years for it to happen. I am sure your mom will be happy for you as she will understand why you're going. I think we should go and not feel too guilty about it. Don't we deserve it, once in several years? i think we do...
when he comes to US (hopefully he will) - you can go with your mom and family :)
if mj does U.S venues then you will go then with your family members and if he if doesnt do any then at least u will ahave seen him in the UK. u have nothing to lose in that sense