Any idea who REALLY sings this song?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Its said to be Michael but we all know its not.

The only problem is, its a really good song and now people dont know who it is because its being claimed to be Michael.

Who really sings it? I love it :) The beat reminds me of some early hip hop like grandmaster flash.

Its said to be Michael but we all know its not.

The only problem is, its a really good song and now people dont know who it is because its being claimed to be Michael.

Who really sings it? I love it :) The beat reminds me of some early hip hop like grandmaster flash.

Well my friend you have just been introduced to "Jason Malachi". There are alot of songs from him floating around from his album. He sounds like MJ but he is from the DC/MD/VA area but living elsewhere now I believe..

but you can always tell the subtle different in his voice and MJ's. He can hit certain notes to sound like MJ but can't stay in that mode. I really do like some of his songs but nope sorry not MJ and not the same feeling even if he do sound like him a bit.
okies..just read somewhere that the singer is " Matthias Salak" but still be aware of Jason to cause he sounds like MJ alot. So I was wrong on that

Oh yes I know of Jason Malachi. I believe he is a member here. I didnt think this was him.

I really think this guy has been wasted by being suggested he is Michael. I think this is a really good song.

I suppose it gets it the attention it wouldnt get if it wasnt being suggest as being by Michael.