Any future album ... who will choose the content?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This question isn't as silly as it may sound when first reading it, so hear me out.

Obviously we know how meticulous Michael was at picking his track listings for his albums. We know songs like Another Part Of Me nearly didn't make the Bad album, which is unthinkable now listening to it.

The "This Is It" compilation, with the greatest respect to those who bought it, was a massive con. Like every single one of us here, I have all those tracks numerous times over original album releases, the special edition album releases, Greatest Hit releases (HIStory Disc 1, Number 1's, Ultimate, and Essential), as well as the Visionary Single releases, and more.

The only song on there that we hadn't heard was the equally morbid cash in, "This Is It", which is nothing more than a raw, albeit beautifully sung, demo track.

Again, I do not mean to insult anyone who bought the This Is It compilation. Everyone is entitled to their own decisions and I understand that a lot of people wanted to "support" Michael by buying this album. I personally thought it was a cash in and a con, no better than a movie soundtrack (which is essentially all it is).

Going forward, knowing that there are hundreds of unreleased songs sitting in an audio vault somewhere, who is going to be charged with choosing the kind of songs that Michael knew made a Michael Jackson album?

I know we're all grateful for new material at this time, but Michael's choice of songs is what made his albums as great as the music itself. He knew what songs would flow well into one another, even if he took some persuading in the old days from the likes of Quincy Jones, as we hear on the special edition of Bad.

I would hate for some Johnny-Come-Lately record exec to sit there, filter through some songs and think, "This one's got a good beat", "This one's got a good tempo", and "This one's good for a ballad" and package together something that Michael would not.

For proper, future releases of "brand new" (read "unreleased") songs, it would be nice if someone who worked closely with Michael would take on that role, that responsibility.

Just something I thought of while eating breakfast and listing to some MJ.
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i guess the executors will have a large they were producers of the film mclain is a record exec and presuming its sony then their ppl will have a say aswell
according to rumors Bruce Swedien is working on the unreleased songs / new album.