Any female fans on?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I really would like to talk about his death, as i'm really upset.

I feel stupid getting upset infront of men though thats why i'd like some female's to give me strenth through this tough time.

A private message and a picture would be a good start to help put this smile back on my miserable face.

thank you
OMG, I can't believe the ruddy attitude toward me here guys.

I can't open up in front of men so I would really like to chat to women as i feel more comfortable *CRYING* ok, you got me to say it, I am openly weeping typing this. I wanted a female to help me through this tough time.

I would of thought my fellow fans of The King Of Pop would of helped me through, rather than attack me when I am at my most vunerable...
I really would like to talk about his death, as i'm really upset.

I feel stupid getting upset infront of men though thats why i'd like some female's to give me strenth through this tough time.

A private message and a picture would be a good start to help put this smile back on my miserable face.

thank you

Oooo Mmmmm gggggggggggg
Oooo this f\cker! The inoccent 12 old boy!

I seriously doubt it was made by a 12 year old. There was a certain element on the pic that strongly suggests it was meant to ridicule.
I seriously doubt it was made by a 12 year old. There was a certain element on the pic that strongly suggests it was meant to ridicule.

I know.I think the registrations should be stopped for now because its getting out of control.If there is some control left :(