Any Delta goodrem fans???

Yeah I really enjoyed her music when I was younger. She's got a lovely sound.

Now I dont listen to her much but I always liked how melodic she is :) I prefer her stripped back songs to the really poppy ones
I used to love her :) I have a letter from her actually...I was obsessed with her for a while! That was until I found Michael...:p haha. She has some lovely songs
I'm not necessarily a fan but she's really talented and I enjoy listening to her once in a while.
She's got a great voice. :)
OMG! I love her song "Believe Again", but the one I like is a dance remix...."Tommy Trash edit or something. But yea, haha.
I didn't mind her music, and her as a person.

But then I saw her trying to be a hard arse on Austrlian Idol as a judge or something, she acted like she was friggin the Queen of the music Industry or something. It didn't do her any favours.
^ I tend to agree with you there. That rubbed me the wrong way too.
I didn't mind her music, and her as a person.

But then I saw her trying to be a hard arse on Austrlian Idol as a judge or something, she acted like she was friggin the Queen of the music Industry or something. It didn't do her any favours.

Yeah I think we got to see a glimpse of the real Delta. During her cancer treatment I think she somehow became Australia's little sweetheart or something, and that doesn't really reflect her personality anymore.

But to be honest, I didn't mind her hard bitchy attitude because at least we got a guest judge who wasn't all fuzzy and sweet... for once. I thought she had good chemistry with Kyle.

Haven't followed her music, but I've always loved her earlier songs "innocent eyes", "not me, not I", "lost without you"... actually that whole album was good :cheeky:
Don't know much about her other than her amazing song "believe again". I really love the video as well. I did her that she's a major bitch though lol.
Oh do u have a link where i could see it!

Ummm...not sure where you'll find it. Maybe google search 'Australia Idol'? Or maybe type "Australian Idol Delta Goodrem" into youtube? Might find something there :)

I think she bugged me so much because she acted like she's been in the business for like 40 years, and was a bit stuck up. I found her to be a bit full of herself really.

But then, that's just what they showed, and we all know tv can do WONDEROUS things for a person, haha
Oh I am sure she's really nice! As I said, people edit things to make people look bad.

But that's just the vibe I got. I think maybe she was a little more nicer a few years ago though.