Any Curly Tops here??? Curly Hair??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
I have to get something off my chest. Do you know just how frustrating it is to go to a hairdresser and get your hair cut if you have short, curly hair? I mean, you look at all of those hairstyle books - I did...and found just ONE hairstyle in there for short curly hair!! Then, when they cut it wet, it looks long enough - but when they blow dry it, it retracts back into your head? Anyone have any similar experiences like this??
^ LMAO! Yeah I know what you mean... I have curly hair too. It's not super curly, more like a retarded half and half, so I have to get it spiraled once a year so it's evenly curly. Or it just is plain bad looking... :hair_dryer:

Honestly I won't let a hair dryer anywhere near my hair or it just spazzes and frizzes on me :bugeyed

And for a while I did the short thing but there really wasn't a lot I could find to do with it either. They need to have a book at the salon that is all for curly haired women. I'm sure there's things I could do with mine and just never thought of.

Since there wasn't much to do I let it grow... and it's half down my back lol. I'm gonna get it cut just below my shoulders in November because it's gonna be hot and just spaz in the heat anyhow. :mello:

If you are ever feeling bad after going to the hairdresser, let me know. I have a massive horror story about what they did to my hair by mistake from a few years ago... you'll feel much better knowing it wasn't done to you lol :bugeyed

We should start a book of curly hair styles!
And maybe include tips for those of us with straight hair (mine hangs like a curtain lol) and who are thinking of going curly:D

Wanna swap??!! I'd LOVE very straight hair!! :dancin:

Are you thinking of a spiral? Or a tighter curl? I've always gotten spirals (except for the horror story time...) and they tend to turn out well for me... but it depends on the hair.
If you are looking for more body or bounce in your hair.. it would definately do the trick :)
My hair is naturally curly. I despise it. it's not a nice curl, it's like a... Janet Arvizo curl.. I get it chemically straightened. :D
My hair is naturally curly. I despise it. it's not a nice curl, it's like a... Janet Arvizo curl.. I get it chemically straightened. :D

Does it frizz at all from doing that or does your hair seem to be okay with it? I tried it once by using a box of hair dye without the coloring and combing it into my hair while keeping it combed straight. It did sorta work, but some of my natural curl was still there in waves... grrrrrrrrrrrr.

I know there is talk of some new way to straighten it that women in Asia use... wonder how that works out....
Does it frizz at all from doing that or does your hair seem to be okay with it? I tried it once by using a box of hair dye without the coloring and combing it into my hair while keeping it combed straight. It did sorta work, but some of my natural curl was still there in waves... grrrrrrrrrrrr.

I know there is talk of some new way to straighten it that women in Asia use... wonder how that works out....

It's magic on my hair. My hair is frizzy in its natural state without product. Its dead, it's dry.. it's horrible. It's ironic.. all the hairdressers warn me 'DO NOT CHEMICALLY STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR.. its dry, it's frizzy and the chemicals will break it off'... yet about 4-5 times I've gone to get it done, I go back into their salons without mentioning I've had it chemically straightened; they just think I've ran the ghd through my hair or something and they put their fingers through it and say "Your hair is in really great condition.. you've been using that treatment we sold you haven't you?'... Uh... no, no I haven't.

The chemical straightening really calms my hair and the texture of my hair is completely different after I have it done. It looks and feels healthier and sleeker. I get mine done at a place in Chinatown and it's pretty popular -- always packed with people who are there for the same thing. i dunno if they do the same thing as the straightening in Asia you're talking about. I think it is the same method you're talking about... Japanese thermal reconditioning it's called. I pay $180aud but it lasts me around 6-8 months and other salons usually charge about $500 and up for the same thing. I've never had a problem.
Curly haired girl here. More of a loose-ish spiral but DONT YOU DARE touch or run your fingers through it or else *poof* they disappear and you end up with frizz.

I don't mind my curls, they can look pretty nice but I straighten my hair pretty often with a straightening iron. It's less hassle that way, and my hair has a habit of only curling nicely when it wants to curl.. too moody and uncooperative for my liking :dont_mention_it:

The hair length thing is hilarious! Yeah I've had that done to me before, I get hairdressers to ask me before she cuts anything and I usually get it cut a few cms longer than I want it.

You know what's more annoying than books with no hairstyles for us? It's hairdressers who think they know our hair better than we do! Every time I get a haircut and ask for something, they usually reply with "no that won't work with your hair, we should cut it this way" :mat:
my hair is naturally curly/frizzy a little bit like Shakira's hair I would never ever even dream of cutting it short again it was so annoying and dry you have to take extra care of it
I used to always straighten it but I got really sick of doing it every day and my hair couldn't take it any more so just decided to except my curls :)
My hair is straight, but i would love to have a lil curl here n there

Would be cool
I'm so with you ont his one!!!

Curly hair is a gift from hell!!! You wake up in the morning, left side of your head is flat stuck on your head and the other side looks like Diana Ross.

You straignten your hair and during the day, it starts raining and you say 'damn, all this work for nothing' because as soon as it gets any humid outside, you curl back.

If you take a shower in the evening, you HAVE to dry your hair, because if you don't, you wake up like your hair was 5 inches shorter, and it's a mess to try to do something with it in the morning.

If you put some color in your hair, because of your curl, it always looks darker because the curls create shadows in your hair, so you never get the color you wanted.

If you keep your hair short, there not many things you can do with them, if you keep your hair long it often looks like a camping tent, flat on the top and wide at the bottom.

With curly hair, you always have to spend more time in the mirror trying to do something with it, you can't just brush them 3 times and hop and go, NO! You have to place them, put some water on it after brushing them because, again, you'll look like Diana Ross and this is pretty scary.

Each day, you have a curl that DOESN'T WANT TO FIT! And it's a different curl everyday, you never get rid of this.

When you straighten your hair, after couple of hours, you always have your root that curls back no matter how you don't sweat, and then you look like you did a bad job straighting you hair.

On the sides of your head, people with curly hair usually have those little hair that never seems to get any longer so when you try to do something, you end up looking like Krusty the clown.

And it's so true that, at the hairdresser, they never know what to do with you, you look at the magazines and they tell you it won't work on your head because of your hair, that if you cut them it'll curl more and it won't look like what you see in the picture. I once asked my hairdresser to put a note on how my hair can be annoying from one to 10, 10 being great hair and 1 being 'I hate it when you come here cause I hate doing your hair'.... She said 4...

You want more!!! LOL

Aaahhhhh what a relief this thread!! THANK YOU!!! LMAO!!!
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And I thought I was the only one that despaired at hair straighteners not working properly and hair being curly again after two hours! Thank you all! My mum told me when I asked her why I had such short hair when I was a toddler that because my hair was so curly she had to cut it short as it was just unmanagable.
My mum told me when I asked her why I had such short hair when I was a toddler that because my hair was so curly she had to cut it short as it was just unmanagable.

Same here, I had a 'ball', just very short hair so my mum didn't have to really trouble herself with that.. and I paid the price...
I'm so with you ont his one!!!

Curly hair is a gift from hell!!! You wake up in the morning, left side of your head is flat stuck on your head and the other side looks like Diana Ross.

You straignten your hair and during the day, it starts raining and you say 'damn, all this work for nothing' because as soon as it gets any humid outside, you curl back.

If you take a shower in the evening, you HAVE to dry your hair, because if you don't, you wake up like your hair was 5 inches shorter, and it's a mess to try to do something with it in the morning.

If you put some color in your hair, because of your curl, it always looks darker because the curls create shadows in your hair, so you never get the color you wanted.

If you keep your hair short, there not many things you can do with them, if you keep your hair long it often looks like a camping tent, flat on the top and wide at the bottom.

With curly hair, you always have to spend more time in the mirror trying to do something with it, you can't just brush them 3 times and hop and go, NO! You have to place them, put some water on it after brushing them because, again, you'll look like Diana Ross and this is pretty scary.

Each day, you have a curl that DOESN'T WANT TO FIT! And it's a different curl everyday, you never get rid of this.

When you straighten your hair, after couple of hours, you always have your root that curls back no matter how you don't sweat, and then you look like you did a bad job straighting you hair.

On the sides of your head, people with curly hair usually have those little hair that never seems to get any longer so when you try to do something, you end up looking like Krusty the clown.

And it's so true that, at the hairdresser, they never know what to do with you, you look at the magazines and they tell you it won't work on your head because of your hair, that if you cut them it'll curl more and it won't look like what you see in the picture. I once asked my hairdresser to put a note on how my hair can be annoying from one to 10, 10 being great hair and 1 being 'I hate it when you come here cause I hate doing your hair'.... She said 4...

You want more!!! LOL

Aaahhhhh what a relief this thread!! THANK YOU!!! LMAO!!!

:lmao:...thank you so much for your post ...You have brightened my day.....not that I m laughing at your expense..:no:......You just tell the story so comically...:lmao:
I have curly hair and I love straight hair. I think pretty curly hair on other people but not me. To solve the problem of curly hair and stop them (temporarily), simply "brush progressive" or "japanese brush" and that's what I did. I know that this technique came from the EUA (I think), do not know if that's how you call it. Here in Brazil is very successful.

The curls of Michael are the most beautiful of this world! lol! :D
great topic Linda, i needed to hear these stories.
okay well my hairs naturally wavy so it really sucks having neither curly or straight hair growing up, as a teen i was always trying to straighten it, even without a straightening iron!!!, i would take a curling iron and instead of curling up i would glide it down like a straightener and it worked, lmao. took longer... until i got a straightener. but as an adult i prefer curly hair, so i wish i had it. my friend had such beautiful tight little curls in her hair. i always wanted it. if i wanted curls i had to to put curlers in or curling irons, but i would never get her perfect small curls. but i think its easier to curl than straighten. i hate straightening, its hell, and after i'd straighten and put my hair back, the holder would dent my hair again!!!
but wavy hair sucks i hate the ''beach look''. its messy looking. it never looks styled. the longer it gets the worser it gets, plus my hair is thick so i have to cut it to make it look descent. it gives this illusion to look thinner shorter on me for some reason. oh and dont get me started on frizz!!!!! and thank god for spray in conditioner, i cant brush it for anything. i remember when i was a teen and wanted bangs, forget about it with wavy hair!!! frizzy wavy bangs, ahhh! so many bad school pictures. plus it looked kinda stupid with straightened bangs and wavy hair. oh yea and my hair never wants to dry.
I have curly hair and I love straight hair. I think pretty curly hair on other people but not me. To solve the problem of curly hair and stop them (temporarily), simply "brush progressive" or "japanese brush" and that's what I did. I know that this technique came from the EUA (I think), do not know if that's how you call it. Here in Brazil is very successful.

The curls of Michael are the most beautiful of this world! lol! :D
Is this it?

I hear its really good for the hair and for straightening, but not very permanent :(
I have wavy hair. It would probably be curlier like my Fathers if it wasn't almost to my waist. When I have the patience I'll straighten it with a flat iron but that's not too often. Basically my hair has a mind of it's own :lol: especially depending on the weather and if I keep up with the once a week deep conditioning treatments. :)
Another curly girl here :)

In my case , I have very defined curls, they look pretty nice...Despite it takes some time to make them look great , I just love my curls :love:

Here are some tips , I put in practice myself...

Everyday after the shower , with the hair still wet , I put some of a special cream for curly hair , it helps your curls to be more formed and it also reduces the frizz.

A hairdresser once told me not to dry my hair with a hairdryer, just let it dry "naturally" , and let me tell you ,since I started doing that my curls look so much better...
What's that cream you use? I'd like to have the curls Rachelle Lefebvre as in Twilight *Victoria* Her hair looks fantastic!
I so wish I had great looking curls, not that weird wild thing sitting on my head!

I most of the time let my hair dry naturally, except when I wash them before going to bed.
I've straightened my hair chemically couple of times, but then I lost so much hair that I had to stop. Cause actually, my curls are harder to straighten than one of my black friend's.. She uses a brush and a hairdryer and it stays straight for days... I try that.. and it doesn't even look straight right after finishing it, and I'm white. Damn...
What's that cream you use? I'd like to have the curls Rachelle Lefebvre as in Twilight *Victoria* Her hair looks fantastic!
I so wish I had great looking curls, not that weird wild thing sitting on my head!

I most of the time let my hair dry naturally, except when I wash them before going to bed.
I've straightened my hair chemically couple of times, but then I lost so much hair that I had to stop. Cause actually, my curls are harder to straighten than one of my black friend's.. She uses a brush and a hairdryer and it stays straight for days... I try that.. and it doesn't even look straight right after finishing it, and I'm white. Damn...

The cream is from L'oreal Paris , and its called Hydra Curl... here's is a picture ,( is not in very good quality , but its the only one I've found...)

I guess you wont have problem to buy it in Canada... L'oreal is pretty "International" if you know what I mean...
Not curly, but downright frizz with an attitude. Think Diana Ross's hair at it's biggest and wildest. When I was in high school I ironed it, lasted only as long as the humidity stayed low or until a drop of water hit it.

Then I did the straightening thing, downright killed it after awhile. Never have used the electric thingie that smooths it, wouldn't stay de-kinked long enough to justify the time put into it every day.

What I've come upon and do faithfully for the last 10 yrs or so is wash with Thermasilk smooth and silky shampoo, then use Thermasilk smooth and silky cream rinse. Follow that with a big drop of Aveda Brilliant emollient for hair (pretty darn expensive but lasts forever) rubbed on the towel dried hair, and lastly set with BIG rollers (the mesh with brushes inside type, brushes removed). I actually am able to sleep with them in, my scalp must be super tough.

Because my hair is so darn thick, it literally takes all night for the hair to dry. Then after brushing it out in the mornings, I use Lamaur VitaE ultra hold hairspray. Providing the humidity isn't off the scale, my hair does stay reasonably shiny and moderately straight but full of body without any frizz at all for several days.

As for cutting the hair, gave up on the short cut decades ago, just keep it slightly above shoulder level, I just never ever found anyone that really seemed to get just how difficult naturally kinky hair becomes, and being cut short only makes it look like the perm gone horribly bad that we used to see on so many older women.

I'm blonde/caucasion but have seriously thick fuzzy-kinky hair running through my family, and it was passed along to me as well.

The Lamaur VitaE ultra hold hairspray can be found at hair supply stores in U.S., very reasonably priced, and nothing has ever worked as well.

The Aveda Brilliant hair emollient (like a very thick oil) can be purchased at some high end salons, the small 3 oz bottle is not cheap, but lasts for about 1 year because you use so little of it, and makes your hair shine beautifully as well. You can actually find salons that sell it by searching for Aveda products online.

okay, that's my story- sorry to ramble on so long.:D
Doncha just love it when you can use your hair as a barometer?? Humid, you ask?? Well just look at the fricken FRIZZ!! I'll tell ya just how humid it is!! LOL!!


(Just wanted to clarify - that is NOT
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I'm so with you ont his one!!!

Curly hair is a gift from hell!!! You wake up in the morning, left side of your head is flat stuck on your head and the other side looks like Diana Ross.

You straignten your hair and during the day, it starts raining and you say 'damn, all this work for nothing' because as soon as it gets any humid outside, you curl back.

If you take a shower in the evening, you HAVE to dry your hair, because if you don't, you wake up like your hair was 5 inches shorter, and it's a mess to try to do something with it in the morning.

If you put some color in your hair, because of your curl, it always looks darker because the curls create shadows in your hair, so you never get the color you wanted.

If you keep your hair short, there not many things you can do with them, if you keep your hair long it often looks like a camping tent, flat on the top and wide at the bottom.

With curly hair, you always have to spend more time in the mirror trying to do something with it, you can't just brush them 3 times and hop and go, NO! You have to place them, put some water on it after brushing them because, again, you'll look like Diana Ross and this is pretty scary.

Each day, you have a curl that DOESN'T WANT TO FIT! And it's a different curl everyday, you never get rid of this.

When you straighten your hair, after couple of hours, you always have your root that curls back no matter how you don't sweat, and then you look like you did a bad job straighting you hair.

On the sides of your head, people with curly hair usually have those little hair that never seems to get any longer so when you try to do something, you end up looking like Krusty the clown.

And it's so true that, at the hairdresser, they never know what to do with you, you look at the magazines and they tell you it won't work on your head because of your hair, that if you cut them it'll curl more and it won't look like what you see in the picture. I once asked my hairdresser to put a note on how my hair can be annoying from one to 10, 10 being great hair and 1 being 'I hate it when you come here cause I hate doing your hair'.... She said 4...

You want more!!! LOL

Aaahhhhh what a relief this thread!! THANK YOU!!! LMAO!!!

I hear ya. When I was younger, I looked like a character from the 1970's Saturday Night Live. Her name was "Rosanna Rosannadanna"

*Hi fives everyone in thread!*

I have wavy hair :) it curls into ringlets at the ends and I like it :) I wish I had more defined spiral curls though. It's almost waist length though, so it's not as wavy as it was.

I used to straighten my hair a lot in about grade 10 but but midway through grade 11 it wasnt as healthy so i just stopped. Initially it was really frizzy from damage but, as I've taken care of it, it's really managable now with a trim for the dry ends... omg dry ends are the worst part of curly/wavy hair bah! I never shampoo all the way down, only conditioner touches these ends!

When I first started wearing it wavy people always compliment and asked if I did anything to it and it really made me smile to say "Thank you, but no, it's natural". All the effort to keep it nice is worth it for that hehe.
Hi Curly Sues!! :)

I feel quite ashamed now. I thought I would post a pic on here that I could find with me , with my hair totally natural and curly. After looking through 3 years of pictures on facebook I cant find 1 picture with my hair natural. Its always straigh/hair extensioned or tonged. Why cant us curly girls ever seem to accept the curls!!

Im not sure if your the same as me but I look at someone else curls and adore them but hate my own!

I blame Rachel Green (Friends) in the 90's for this bad attitude against curls lol
Ohhh ladies, yes! I like this thread!
Alright, here is my deal:

I am Japanese and Scottish, so I've got two types of hair rolled into one and it feels like my genes fought a battle and my wild, big wavy/curly hair resulted.

In the summer I wear it curly/wavy always. I make it a point to swim in the ocean, because my hair always looks best when it's been in sea water.
When wearing it curly:

-always air-dry it! The curls/waves fall much more naturally and frizz less.

-like someone else mentioned, while it's still wet or damp, smooth some product through it (I like HydraCurl too, but I usually use Kerastase oleo relax cream). This makes the waves hold together for a sleeker look.

-when you go to get your hair cut -- look for a salon/stylist that does the DRY CUT. This is literally the BEST hair-related discovery I've ever made. As you all know, when the stylist cuts your hair, it dries and shrinks back up and the length is just all wrong.

For the dry cut, the stylist will have to straighten your hair, but they cut it while it's totally dry (obviously). The length is much more accurate and so is the shape.

In the winter/fall, I wear it straight and I have bangs. Yes, it's a lot of work, but it's worth it to feel more comfortable.

Here's my hair:



Sorry for the long post, but I tend to talk forever when it comes to hair...haha.
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