Any attorneys here? I need help. (other advce would be appreciated)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Arlington, TX USA
I have a bad situation. My mom just "married" a man about a month ago. We'll call him L. My mom about 2 or 3 months ago sold me a house that is paid off, and sold it to me for $10.00. I gave her a money order for the house. There were no contracts before this selling of the house. No discussion really on to why she sold me the house. At first the reason was because she wanted it to be safely in my name for in case she dies, that I will own the house and sell the house, and split the money between me and my brothers.

Then it came to the reason of well "my credit is bad, I may get a lien on the house so I put it in your name".. Oh wait, the first reason was.. "I am putting it in your name to help clean up YOUR credit."....

So anyway the house is FULLY in my name.

Another story to tell. My mom has been dating this man who cheats on her, calls her a liar, abuses her, is anti-Catholic (which we are), and they're relationship has been off and on for 16 years. I had to live everyday with my mom, on those nights that she would cry herself to sleep because of how L treated her. I had to live with her moving from place to place to keep her mind off L. I had to move to many schools because of L. My mother has tried to get away from him before, but he just kept popping back into her life.

A history of this man is this..... he has filed bankrupsty 3 times. He couldn't pay off a house, but yet he could remodel it. Instead of paying on payments,... he bought extra stuff with his money. He does NOT know how to handle money. He has also stolen $187,000 worth of credit card debt from my mom over 10 years ago. I call him a manipulator, control freak, a cheater, and user.

And guess what. He is now living in MY HOME. My mom has decided to "Marry him by Law." L lost his house because he couldn't pay it. So my mom invited him to come live in the home that I am currently living in. In a home that I have a lot of Happy Memories in. In a home that is ENTIRELY in my name.

Now he is trying to make rules over what goes on in the house. --I am 26 years old. I am not a little kid anymore. I do not want to live with this man. I told myself that I never would. And now that I am, I have been SO STRESSED that my neck started to twitch the other day. And it twitched sometimes today too.

All, most of my family hates this man because of what he has done to my mother.

My mom also owns a collection business. I work for my mom. I get paid $10 an hour and can pretty much make up my own schedule. The business is located inside the house. The office is apart of the house. So her business is also apart of the house. Which I don't like either because I don't like the type of business that it is. Especially when my mom is in a lot of debt right now. It just doesn't seem right.

Also there are now 4 cars in the driveway, and a trailer. All his furniture is in the gorage. NEW furniture was also ordered, and now they are asking that my friend M. moves out because they don't have room for the furniture. Also because my friend M hasn't paid rent for October, but normally my mom would be lieniant to that. I just don't think it's fair.

1 more thing. About a month ago my mom bought a $30,000 convertable. (Even though she's so much in debt)... and L wasn't interested in her before she bought the car. They were split up. But he seen the car... and got back with her. Then asked her to marry him... welll not ask he said.. "Um, we are getting married thursday"... My mom said okay. She didn't believe him at first, but they went ahead and did it.

I personally believe that he married her because he was losing his house and he did not have a place to live. He also wanted to use the car in which he uses MORE then my mom. He drives it EVERYDAY to work which is putting miles and miles on it. It just makes me sick.

So yeah. I kind of want an attorney to kick my mom and him out of "MY" House. Even though L claims that it is his now becuase he "married" my mom. My mom also calls it "his". It just makes me SICK. And I don't know what to do about my friend moving out because technically they can't do anything because the house is in my name. I would be the one having to go to the courts to sign papers to say that I want her out. But in reality, I do not.

What on earth should I do???
You sound very upset, angry and hurt. You should first cool down and get over all the anger and pain!
Then you should think again.
If you still wanna stick with your plan and if you have a contract about that 10.00 $ deal and there's no other contract you've given to the ppl you want to move out (something like a rent agreement or so) then I think you could call the police and get everybody out of your house you don't want there.
I have a bad situation. My mom just "married" a man about a month ago. We'll call him L. My mom about 2 or 3 months ago sold me a house that is paid off, and sold it to me for $10.00. I gave her a money order for the house. There were no contracts before this selling of the house. No discussion really on to why she sold me the house. At first the reason was because she wanted it to be safely in my name for in case she dies, that I will own the house and sell the house, and split the money between me and my brothers.

Then it came to the reason of well "my credit is bad, I may get a lien on the house so I put it in your name".. Oh wait, the first reason was.. "I am putting it in your name to help clean up YOUR credit."....

So anyway the house is FULLY in my name.

Another story to tell. My mom has been dating this man who cheats on her, calls her a liar, abuses her, is anti-Catholic (which we are), and they're relationship has been off and on for 16 years. I had to live everyday with my mom, on those nights that she would cry herself to sleep because of how L treated her. I had to live with her moving from place to place to keep her mind off L. I had to move to many schools because of L. My mother has tried to get away from him before, but he just kept popping back into her life.

A history of this man is this..... he has filed bankrupsty 3 times. He couldn't pay off a house, but yet he could remodel it. Instead of paying on payments,... he bought extra stuff with his money. He does NOT know how to handle money. He has also stolen $187,000 worth of credit card debt from my mom over 10 years ago. I call him a manipulator, control freak, a cheater, and user.

And guess what. He is now living in MY HOME. My mom has decided to "Marry him by Law." L lost his house because he couldn't pay it. So my mom invited him to come live in the home that I am currently living in. In a home that I have a lot of Happy Memories in. In a home that is ENTIRELY in my name.

Now he is trying to make rules over what goes on in the house. --I am 26 years old. I am not a little kid anymore. I do not want to live with this man. I told myself that I never would. And now that I am, I have been SO STRESSED that my neck started to twitch the other day. And it twitched sometimes today too.

All, most of my family hates this man because of what he has done to my mother.

My mom also owns a collection business. I work for my mom. I get paid $10 an hour and can pretty much make up my own schedule. The business is located inside the house. The office is apart of the house. So her business is also apart of the house. Which I don't like either because I don't like the type of business that it is. Especially when my mom is in a lot of debt right now. It just doesn't seem right.

Also there are now 4 cars in the driveway, and a trailer. All his furniture is in the gorage. NEW furniture was also ordered, and now they are asking that my friend M. moves out because they don't have room for the furniture. Also because my friend M hasn't paid rent for October, but normally my mom would be lieniant to that. I just don't think it's fair.

1 more thing. About a month ago my mom bought a $30,000 convertable. (Even though she's so much in debt)... and L wasn't interested in her before she bought the car. They were split up. But he seen the car... and got back with her. Then asked her to marry him... welll not ask he said.. "Um, we are getting married thursday"... My mom said okay. She didn't believe him at first, but they went ahead and did it.

I personally believe that he married her because he was losing his house and he did not have a place to live. He also wanted to use the car in which he uses MORE then my mom. He drives it EVERYDAY to work which is putting miles and miles on it. It just makes me sick.

So yeah. I kind of want an attorney to kick my mom and him out of "MY" House. Even though L claims that it is his now becuase he "married" my mom. My mom also calls it "his". It just makes me SICK. And I don't know what to do about my friend moving out because technically they can't do anything because the house is in my name. I would be the one having to go to the courts to sign papers to say that I want her out. But in reality, I do not.

What on earth should I do???

Although I am not an attorney yet, but do go to law school, by law I am required to state: it is unlawful for anyone to practice law without a license....

However, first & foremost you should seek the advice of an (Realestate) attorney immediately..! Attorneys usually do not charge a consultation (initial visit) fee. Second, it is important to gather any & all legal documents that pertain to the real property (the house), the deed, any receipts, property tax information, bills ect. your mother gifted you for $10.00 and take that with you to establish that you have ownership of the property.

I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH....One must ALWAYS protect their personal liability of debt, NO MATTER "who" is making that debt, ultimately, the individiual has the right and responsibility to either agree or not agree to the terms of that "legal binding" contract...

VERY IMPORTANT: If an individual has any type of assets ( money, business, property,) BEFORE one decides to get married, one should "educate themselves" on the ramifications of THAT decision should the marriage NOT work..!
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