I'm agnostic. I don't know whether there is a God, I don't have enough information to prove that he exists nor can I say for sure that he does not. However, I don't believe in religion. I don't see any reason why one religion should be the ultimate truth and all others just be wrong. I believe that religion is man creating an answer to questions he couldn't answer himself. And the different religions of the world are culture-adapted versions of the story of how things came to be. You may call it God or Allah or Krishna. I might call it mother nature. It's all just different names to the same concept. I don't think man is the greatest being there is, I do believe in a higher power, but I don't need to put a name to it, I don't need to explain all the things that we cannot explain yet.
I believe in science. Not that it is always right, but that it is the most objective institution dedicated to finding out the truth, willing to accept new discoveries that prove their former theories wrong etc. Science will catch up to the things we have not been able to answer yet. For example we only know a fraction of what the human brain is capable of. Therefore seeing ghosts, predicting the future, near-death-experience visions.. all these things we've considered supernatural, will eventually (or to some extent already have) turn out to be quite natural. In the mean time, I DO NOT NEED TO MAKE UP AN ANSWER TO AN UNANSWERED QUESTION JUST TO FEEL SAFER. I'm not that afraid of the unknown. Even though I realise it is in the human nature to be afraid of it.
Also, I'm not saying religion serves no purpose whatsoever. I think that all people need to believe in something. Without belief or hope you start to think there is no point to your existence. People in grief or dealing with terrible tragedies often find comfort in the hope that believing in God can give them, and I think that's great. But personally I use other coping mechanisms.
If it turns out there is a God, I "believe" that he/she/It will appreciate that I have chosen to do as much good as I can, and treat others the way I want to be treated, and live the best way that I can while still making mistakes as humans do, and not send me to a blazing pit of torture for not letting a book tell me what to do. In a way, following religion removes responsibility. It's of much greater value if you follow the 10 commandments (which are basically human morals and ethics) without fearing that not doing so will send you to hell. Religion is very rigid and leaves little room for analysing and investigating. You're supposed to accept everything that is written as the truth even though there are so many inconsistencies and that's just not good enough.
So there, that's what I believe in.
Also, I'd really appreciate if this didn't turn into a conversion thread. Surely religious people can also accept that not everyone believes in what they do.