Anxiety - please please help me


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
before anyone tells me to see a dr. I have to save up afew paychecks first. It just started prob today as a matter of fact ; before today, when I would think of it / her, I would not get so nervous.

I am wondering if anyone else has anxiety to please help me. What meds are you on? What dr do I see? A regular everyday dr??

Right now I am feeling: light-headed, shaky, trembling hands, nervous-ness, butterflies in stomach, feels like I am going to pass out, hot-headed / hot-flashes, very dizzy, shallow breathing, shortness of breath, no vomit but overactive bladder, No feeling of doom like alot of ppl say they experience.

The only thing that helps is to breath in and out through a brown paper bag.

I really don't want to get anything from this like a tumor or a ulcer which I know ulcers can progress if un-treated. I get this from my mother & worse, I can't talk to her about this cause she goes into denial.
This has been going on for about an hour or two today only. I have read online just now about what to do to help relax ; I do go to the gym anyway. I have tried to breathe in & out but my heart & my breathing is getting more & more shallow.

Please help me someone who has this too.

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I saw a cognitive-behavioral therapist for panic attacks and consider myself 99% cured without medication. I certainly don't have the training or expertise to give advice to anyone but I will say this: it's definitely possible to overcome this through education about your physiological responses, through breathing and muscle exercises, and through changing the way you think about things.

I should note that anxiety and panic are two different things but can be related.

The workbook my therapist and i used was Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic.

When you are able to see a doctor, you could try your regular primary care physician to start with or a medical psychiatrist or a non-medical psychologist/therapist/counselor.

Good luck - you can do it!
Well i used to take this tablets but they didnt really help though. I tend to get anxiety from time 2 time still, but i try to take deep breathes & think of something that i know will calm me down
before anyone tells me to see a dr. I have to save up afew paychecks first. It just started prob today as a matter of fact ; before today, when I would think of it / her, I would not get so nervous.

I am wondering if anyone else has anxiety to please help me. What meds are you on? What dr do I see? A regular everyday dr??

Right now I am feeling: light-headed, shaky, trembling hands, nervous-ness, butterflies in stomach, feels like I am going to pass out, hot-headed / hot-flashes, very dizzy, shallow breathing, shortness of breath, no vomit but overactive bladder, No feeling of doom like alot of ppl say they experience.

The only thing that helps is to breath in and out through a brown paper bag.

I really don't want to get anything from this like a tumor or a ulcer which I know ulcers can progress if un-treated. I get this from my mother & worse, I can't talk to her about this cause she goes into denial.
This has been going on for about an hour or two today only. I have read online just now about what to do to help relax ; I do go to the gym anyway. I have tried to breathe in & out but my heart & my breathing is getting more & more shallow.

Please help me someone who has this too.
Definately a Panick Attack. I suffer from these attacks from time to time. Even though I've had these for the longest time, everytime they come I still feel as if I'm about to die. There is no getting used to it. Sorry. I just stop what I'm doing, drink some ice cold water and wait a maximum of 10 minutes for the episode to be over.

My Doctor recommended that I read a book called "Don't sweat the small stuff"...I never did. but Maybe you can try reading it, if it would make you feel better.

Word of Advice: Always carry water with you. It helps me feel a bit more secure.
Actually I thought of one more thing I personally do that might help. I don't often share this, but it helps me and sorry if it sounds stupid!

I carry a piece of paper that says the following, and when I feel panicky I take it out of my purse and read it:

"I may feel uncomfortable now, but this feeling will pass. I may feel like I am dying or in danger, but I am experiencing panic and am not in any actual danger." and then a reminder to do my breathing exercises!
Actually I thought of one more thing I personally do that might help. I don't often share this, but it helps me and sorry if it sounds stupid!

I carry a piece of paper that says the following, and when I feel panicky I take it out of my purse and read it:

"I may feel uncomfortable now, but this feeling will pass. I may feel like I am dying or in danger, but I am experiencing panic and am not in any actual danger." and then a reminder to do my breathing exercises!
That really is helpful because sometimes when it happens you suddenly forget that this is just an attack and nothing else. It's like it happened for the first time, everytime. Thanx for the advice. I'll def try it.
before anyone tells me to see a dr. I have to save up afew paychecks first. It just started prob today as a matter of fact ; before today, when I would think of it / her, I would not get so nervous.

I am wondering if anyone else has anxiety to please help me. What meds are you on? What dr do I see? A regular everyday dr??

Right now I am feeling: light-headed, shaky, trembling hands, nervous-ness, butterflies in stomach, feels like I am going to pass out, hot-headed / hot-flashes, very dizzy, shallow breathing, shortness of breath, no vomit but overactive bladder, No feeling of doom like alot of ppl say they experience.

The only thing that helps is to breath in and out through a brown paper bag.

I really don't want to get anything from this like a tumor or a ulcer which I know ulcers can progress if un-treated. I get this from my mother & worse, I can't talk to her about this cause she goes into denial.
This has been going on for about an hour or two today only. I have read online just now about what to do to help relax ; I do go to the gym anyway. I have tried to breathe in & out but my heart & my breathing is getting more & more shallow.

Please help me someone who has this too.

I'm really sorry to hear about your condition. A really good book to read is "Feel the Fear . . . And Do It Anyway!" It's very empowering, and breaks down why we get nervous, how to overcome and cope w it, daily exercises to retain a positive state of mind, and just a good book overall. It's written by a doctor who later taught seminars on overcoming anxiety. I like to re-read it every so often. It's only 10 dollars off Amazon: