Anticipations vs. Expectations = The Michael Jackson Factor

MJ TinkerBell

Proud Member
Aug 27, 2009
Where Michael IS..Is where you will find Me <3



No matter what size stage of Talk Show, Auditorium, Arena or Venue Michael Jackson stepped on to, the audience was feverishly completely and helplessly capitvated. Never to be disappointed, the longer you remained and stayed under his MAGICAL spell.


Even before he opened his mouth to utter a single melodious word or musical note, no one dared blink or turn their gaze away and miss what Michael Jackson would do or what would happen next.




Thousands of Ushers and Security Detail where already hard pressed to excavate and remove Fans who had done the unthinkable and passed out before their Michael Jackson experience could even begin and the performance to even start.





Michael Jackson never let it enter his mind that he would ever dissapoint, or let his Fans down. Instead he would find new ways to stay connected and open to his devoted Fans, with his letters of gratitude, sending invitations to the lucky chosen, in a crowd, as well as sending a pizza down for those who never left his window, with a love note on the inside of the box.
In the ultimate reciprication of his love to allow these Fans to come and meet him personally. Not for them but for HIM.


"There were probably 300-400 fans outside his hotel chanting Michael, I didn’t do that because I wanted to show respect since his children was asleep and his guards came out and asked us to leave. There were probably 40-50 fans left around 1.30-5.00am in the morning. Michael had sent down his guards to get all of us pizza. And these are the words the bodyguards told us: “This is from Michael”, that was such an amazing gesture of Michael thinking about us. We will be forever grateful because of that." - Cindy – a PROUD Swedish MJ fan!




Michael Jackson did what NO OTHER Artist of his magnitude would ever do, he allowed his Fans the opportunity and the time to give their LOVE to Him, no matter what the personal cost to Hisself. He liked to call this simmering, and sizzling while He gave what He WANTED HIS FANS TO HAVE, when He was among them on any stage, He would give until it hurt And HE WOULD CRY.



Hundreds of thousands of His devoted Fans would wait outside his hotel room windows, waiting for a glimps or a wave of acknowledgment of any kind. They needed Him to know they were there and would always be, for hours and even days, in all weather conditions as far as the eye could see.

"Oooh I was amazed. It was GREAT! They gave me everything. They showered me with gifts. You know, clothing, food. And in the hotel... I was in this hotel, right? Big, big, hotel. It had a bowling alley, it had a big game room, big swimming pool. But when I would look out of my window, as far as I could see, there would be people. They even would sleep out there, waiting for me. They would sleep out there!!! All day long they would stand there. At night they would be out there waiting for me. It was just..... They could not have been sweeter. And I loved it. And I am thinking about buying a house there in Africa." - Michael Jackson

Michael masterfully floated between Star and Star Gazer. To maintain such a balance of naturally unleashed talent and wildly untamed energy, merged together to build into a harmonic human kinetic vibration of ebb and flow. The hair on your body would spark to attention and the butterflies would be undeniable, and uncontrollablly unabbaited.



In the center of sea of people, hundreds of thousands strong at any times, an empty platform adorned with probing,twinkling with lights, all eyes where riveted for a cosmic performance the likes to which none has ever seen or will see, would and was going to happen right in front of them, like a spiritual vision and nothing would ever be the same again in this singular event.

Michael Jackson has been dreaming of this moment over and over again, since he was a little boy with dream silly dream of this moment of His connection to His Fans who LOVED Him, 277 concert interactions to be exact. He would practice and rehearse precisely what he was going to do and willing to do, to SHOW his LOVE and blow EVERYONE away in 120 minutes of purely unparralled display of a SUPER STAR exposing His blood, sweat and tears through His life in work and turned it into Art.


Michael Jackson would leave nothing to CHANCE, NOTHING! That could affect the interpretation of a super nova in the language of an uninterrupted connection between a source and it's devine creator. With mutli-facted outlets of never-ending life-force of purposefulness and fullfiled direction.



When Michael Jackson finally, mercifully took HIS STAGE and rightful PLACE, and looked out among His devoted, to pause and inhale thier LOVE for Him, he made no attempt correct nor quiet them, instead it infused Him with MORE to GIVE them back. A crowd so linked by ONE MIND, out of control and unrestrained unable to be handle even to themselves. Such a wave of oneness with incomprehensible unfuruled abandon, not to be contained until long into the night.


No barrier , No Law, No Limits, No Interruptions and Nothing could hold back or be held back, in an atmosphere so ablaze with the anticipation of the next moment and minute of what was to unfold in front of their ravenous eyes, never daunted by the shame of wanting and desiring MORE of anything Michael Jackson was going to do next.

image-12-for-michael-jackson-gallery-477239015.jpg There is no comparison for which to compare, and no measure with which to explain, in it it is surely UNDEFINABLE in the definition. In it's indescribable and incermountable to articulate such an unbelieveable sight, with your own as it's witness. Deminishing all other Artists in it's scope to meet with this kind of Fan frenzied out-pouring of attention, loyalty, surging and driving, ALL for a small stage in the epicenter.


What is the mesaure of man who could hold this kind of POWER, then weild it, harness it and then undeminished RETURN it to the audience and SUCCESSFULLY give that POWER back in LOVE in the exact same measure as it was concieved and recieved. Undaunted, unending and un-conditional.


When you saw Michael Jackson, you would know 3 things for sure, like you have never known before..

1) You EXPECTED your EXPECTATIONS to be blown out of your minds CONCIOUS LIMITAIONS !

2) Your ANTICIPATION for the exact moment He WOULD DO IT, was a matter of WHEN not IF !


3) You would never see a musically untrained, naturally talented Performer and Gifted Mega Star, EVER the same way again!!


The anticipation and expectation of the Greatest Performer that EVER lived and LOVED, would never dwindle, hadn't subsided and would infinetly seemlessly LIVE on forever. Intwinded and inner-woven and ingrained into the eyes of the beholder that caught a glimpse of THE GREATEST SHOWS EVER TO BE SEEN.


The Michael Jackson Factor was the anatomy of a SOUL's life long PASSION that was the PEFECTION of HIS LOVE and Art, by which ALL shall be and should be forever COMPARED TO and MEASURED BY.

Thank-You Michael your LEGACY OF LIFE and of LOVE and of wanting to do it even BETTER THEN ANYONE HAS OR WILL ever DO ...As you never stopped showing Us how much you LOVED US EVEN MORE..



MJ TinkerBell :wub::agree:
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