Answered prayer! We are the world and Michael!


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
I'm sooo happy and thankful to God that I started a new thread LOL! I just have to share this...I've been praying so much about this...Ever since I heard about the plans regarding We are the world remake, like almost all of us I knew there could be no WATW without Michael! He wasn't just a part of the original, he CREATED that beautiful song! Its his message, his gift to the world, part of his glorious legacy...and his stong belief too... It was so upsetting to hear and read he may not be featured in the new version. It was simply unthinkable. So I prayed and prayed that our Angel's beautiful voice and his magical video footage be included in the new version! It seems like EXACTLY this has happened and I'm so happy! Thankyou God...inspired by our sweetest Angel we will make this world a better place! Thankyou Michael forever and ever...WE ARE THE WORLD!
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Aw how sweet! Thank you Lord for answering ALL of our prayers. This something we all hoped for. :)
The new WATW version sucks. Really. I don't feel the vibe of ppl coming together to help. I just see some lousy (not EVERYONE are but most :p) artists 'singing' a few lines.
You know what I mean? You all have probably watched Making Of We Are The World ('85) and you saw everyone coming together working hard on the song. Creating something to help. Michael didn't even attend some award show, because he wanted to stay in the recording studio and finish the work. You can feel how they put their souls into the song.

So the new version is only worth listening because of Michael.
And his lil sister Janet :) They sound like angels.

Anyone agree with me?
The new WATW version sucks. Really. I don't feel the vibe of ppl coming together to help. I just see some lousy (not EVERYONE are but most :p) artists 'singing' a few lines.
You know what I mean? You all have probably watched Making Of We Are The World ('85) and you saw everyone coming together working hard on the song. Creating something to help. Michael didn't even attend some award show, because he wanted to stay in the recording studio and finish the work. You can feel how they put their souls into the song.

So the new version is only worth listening because of Michael.
And his lil sister Janet :) They sound like angels.

Anyone agree with me?
I understand what you're feeling darling...and yes Michael and Janet sound like two beautiful angels...God bless them forever...and God bless Haiti and everyone who is joining in to help our planet.
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