Answer some questions..

*Little Suzie*

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I want to hear some answers from your side..
And you can also tell your opinons..
I need some answers from other peoples view.

1. He was the most succesfull and famous person in the world. But was he very happy deepest inside?
2. What was he so famous for?
3. What was his biggest dream?
4. Did he send us a message in his song? If yes, what?
I want to hear some answers from your side..
And you can also tell your opinons..
I need some answers from other peoples view.

1. He was the most succesfull and famous person in the world. But was he very happy deepest inside?
2. What was he so famous for?
3. What was his biggest dream?
4. Did he send us a message in his song? If yes, what?

1. He said he was happiest when surrounded by innocence, his children, children in general, for he felt he saw precisely God's face when seeing them, animals, nature, when helping people, especially children, when making music... Deepest inside?... He got very very hurt by many people who betrayed him, as well as when learning some child got killed or is living in misery, he said he would get awfully depressed and couldn't often sleep at night because of worrying for children very much. ...

2. This question is rather vague, but I'd say he was famous mostly for his dancing, sadly, and for his music hits, for his voice as a child often, however not too many in the media, for instance, focus on his voice as an adult, he was awfully underrated. For album 'Thriller", for his moonwalking, his one glove, white socks and the like. And unfortunately, he was famous for all the attacks and often false allegations he endured, which there's no point in enlisting them. He should have been most famous for his innocent love and genuine concern for children and all beings in general, for his ability to see the good side in mostly everything, for his strength and dignity, etc... For his countless charitable activities worldwide. Although many have known his real talent and heart in person, that's rarely a topic worth covering by the media.

3. His biggest dream, two of them he spoke about were: to see an International Children Day being established, and raise his children as the best father ever (brilliant, kind, selfless children) thus hearing them confirm that to those who ask. ...

4. The message in his song was, I believe, to be passionate about what you do and love it, when it came to world-conscious songs, to be more selfless and help your neighbor, and in some other songs, he makes the listener aware of the craziness and intricacy of the outer world, and of his feelings, emotions, fears, strengths in dealing with such world... Of not judging a person before walking two moons in his moccasins. And he made it even clearer by saying that the one song revealing him the best and that people should really listen to is 'Childhood', the essence of who he was, for he "was searching for the wonder in my youth" and loved "such elementary things", thus "It's been my fate to compensate for the childhood I've never known", reiterating that "Before you judge me, try hard to love me", meaning he only wanted to be loved, for he loved people.
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I want to hear some answers from your side..
And you can also tell your opinons..
I need some answers from other peoples view.

1. He was the most succesfull and famous person in the world. But was he very happy deepest inside?
2. What was he so famous for?
3. What was his biggest dream?
4. Did he send us a message in his song? If yes, what?

1. I am not sure, I wish that he had been but in my heart I do not feel he was :(
2. His music, and with that music he broke down the previous racial boundries that used to come with music. Also he's the greatest dancer in the world.
3. To heal and unite the world with love.
4. He sent many many messages in his songs from being the change you want to see in the world to asking people to let him be.

Great thread :)
1. he was'nt happy but he liked to perform

2. His singing and dancing

3. To have more friends and to help more people

4. I would say yes, he was telling us that we can all help each other and that he was there for us :)