Another world record broken: Michael Jackson “King of Twitter”


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
Michael Jackson is worthy of the title “the king of pop” also after his death. Michael has broken so many records during his life but now we can add another worldwide record to the impressive list. No less than 30 % of all tweets on Twitter published on the anniversary of his death were about Michael Jackson.

“Michael Jackson has always been a pop legend but the anniversary of his death and his birthday refueled the ‘Jackson fever’” said Musicologist Jeff Roberts to (a social media webguide).
Michael Joseph Jackson-The King of it all!!! Forever!
30% of all tweets on the anniversary were about MJ? I noticed a lot of people on there discussing it but 30% is a lot more than I thought!
Great news. :D
I use twitter alot, and was tweeting on MJ's 1st anniversary, and also on his birthday. :wub:
Thanks for adding the info.
Said it before and I'll say it again...if Michael actually ever tweeted himself he would break twitter for sure!
this is yummy!

I wonder, if all these records especially record sales are going to be listed in, lets say, Guinness Book....
^^ :lol: so true...

Only Michael could get 30% of tweets about him :yes:

I wish MJ had a twitter before he passed you guys are right if he ever tweeted the whole site would crash :D
I just can't help but wonder...did his friends such as Liz, Karen, Kenny, etc who were already into it try to get him into the Twitter thing and he resisted/had no interest? Or was he about to venture into it? Or maybe you guys are right...had he started Tweeting he would have broken it, hehe. I just wonder...
I do wonder if he ever went on Twitter. His bodyguards said he knew about Facebook and had a profile on there so knows about Twitter.
I think if Liz was on twitter, then MJ probably went on too, maybe just to watch how is it. And nobody had to know about that and tell us. We know he was curious about everything, and I don't think his bodyguards could know every little step he did in his own computer, IMO.
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Michael Jackson is worthy of the title “the king of pop” also after his death. Michael has broken so many records during his life but now we can add another worldwide record to the impressive list. No less than 30 % of all tweets on Twitter published on the anniversary of his death were about Michael Jackson.

“Michael Jackson has always been a pop legend but the anniversary of his death and his birthday refueled the ‘Jackson fever’” said Musicologist Jeff Roberts to (a social media webguide).

But actually - the day he died wasn't even more percent of all tweets about MJ ? - So he has had the record for a very long time.