Announcement: The Closing of


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Being territorial, focused on personal growth, I know some websites HATE any reference to any others. Accordingly, if the moderators here wish to delete this posting I understand. NO offence was intended. :agree: That said, I wanted to start a thread to "EXPRESS MY THANKS" for one of (2) two other Fan websites, besides for THIS ONE :clapping:, I've relied upon for FACTUAL (NON-TABLOID/HATER!) NEWS COVERAGE of Michael Joseph Jackson for years.

HOPEFULLY someone here with technical know-how will be able to STORE/ARCHIEVE their huggggeee database of CORRECT/TRUE "MJ" news information????

Example: "Dispute Between Frank Dileo, AllGood Entertainment, AEG"
TSCM on May 11, 2009

Re: is no more! :-(

I am going to move this to the fansite section and it's nothing to do with terrority lol it's simply where it belongs but I agree it's sad that will be no longer. TSCM is an great support to the news side of issues :yes:
It is with deep regret that I must now announce the closure of Michael Jackson Repository. For the past several years, and more formally since the start of 2008, has served as a unique and comprehensive information site to bring fans and the general public news and exclusives about the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

Throughout the years, it has always been my sincerest honor and privilege to investigate and report exclusive news and previously unreported details about a wide array of Jackson-related topics--from musical achievements, to legal matters, to interviews and media coverage, and much more. quickly became a cornerstone for countless fans around the globe, and the unique content first published here often made its rounds to hundreds of third party sites and blogs (sometimes with credit, sometimes without).

Unfortunately, newfound family and career-related obligations have severely hampered the time and energy I once had to maintain As such, I feel it would be a disappointment to both Michael Jackson and his fans if I were to keep this site in operation when I am unable to commit to it as I once could. It is even more disheartening that I must make this announcement when Michael Jackson's highly anticipated O2 concert series is scheduled to kick off in less than two months.

Although this message signifies the end of, I will still periodically publish exclusive information and content across various online fan communities and other outlets just as I have done over the past five or six years, time permitting. If you would like to be informed of any future movement on this matter, feel free to follow MJJRepository on Twitter.

I've truly enjoyed the outpour of kind words and praise from fans around the world for all of the work I did on this site and elsewhere, and would like to sincerely apologize in advance for the surprise that this abrupt announcement may bring., as it stands, will remain open to the public throughout July whereby it will redirect to a placeholder page pending further announcements...

Wow. This really upsets me. I LOVE that site and now its closing.

I got all my latest Michael News.
This is sad cause it's the only website I suggest others to visit for truth about Michael Jackson such as the Veritas project.
I'm sad now:( Even though I'm not friend with TSCM but I'm familiar with the name and I've always liked what he wrote about MJ, I think he is a great asset to the fan community. this is sad news. This is the second time I feel this sad after the closing down of MJNO.
shame. TSCM better still be around. i have to say u are one of the most respected fans in the community and i take my hat off to u for all the info you post and have posted over the of the posters who imo should be guarented (sp) a concert ticket for the work u have done over the years
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So sad. I absolutely love
A great force in the fan community.

TSCM, you've done a great job .. kudos to you.
I wish you only the best and good luck.
Re: is no more! :-(

So sad that they will close it :( They did a good job
shame. TSCM better still be around. i have to say u are one of the most respected fans in the community and i take my hat off to u for all the info you post and have posted over the of the posters who imo should be guarented (sp) a concert ticket for the work u have done over the years

Totally agree with this post! Sad to hear the site is closing.
Really sad to read that!!!

But i hope TSCM will stay with us!
Please dont leave us alone!
shame. TSCM better still be around. i have to say u are one of the most respected fans in the community and i take my hat off to u for all the info you post and have posted over the of the posters who imo should be guarented (sp) a concert ticket for the work u have done over the years

Yes. I co-sign.
wow...really sad, I wish nothing but the best to TSCM and hope he'll remain around here, he's always done an amazing job and is one of the few people who have remained always reliable.
TSCM, it's sad to see your site go, but for good reasons, right? Or so I hope. I also hope we will see you around here!
Does anyone know the next best site for MJ news like this?

Because I really depended on ofr A LOT of stuff.