Anjelica Huston talks about Michael Jackson and Captain EO


Proud Member
Sep 14, 2009
"Captain EO" (1986)

On working opposite Michael Jackson in the 3-D short directed by Francis Ford Coppola, produced by George Lucas, and shown at Disneyland: "Maybe a couple of months before, I had a dream about being in the desert with Michael Jackson, madly in love, and an elephant stampede came up behind us and they put their trunks around us as we were sort of floating in midair— this very beautiful dream. So when 'Captain EO' came about, I suddenly realized that it was prescient.

"It was surprising because it seemed that anger was very difficult for him. He had a high voice and he was very tentative, very nervous about how he would come across. And I remember his reluctance to show anger or anything violent.

"I think the whole thing took about three weeks to shoot. It was a short film about Michael Jackson coming to my ugly hideous planet. I play, of course, a grand high witch. … This was solidly in my witch period where I seemed to play every witch on the planet. But he comes to my planet and I'm cruel and evil, he sings to me and transforms my world. As it happened, [Michael] had a little retinue of space creatures, and one happened to be a green elephant, which only confirmed the prescience of my dream.

"I had extensive makeup, a lot of prosthetics, it took about seven hours to put on all my prosthetics every morning. … When the camera turned around on Michael, he asked that I still be in makeup even though I was off camera. I was initially a bit irritated by that because it took so long and I knew that I wouldn't be on camera. But I did it and I remember from the moment he started to sing, I was sort of overwhelmed, I'd never seen a transformation like that. The power of his voice, the incredible sort of electricity that surrounded him when he began to sing was astonishing. And all of the inhibitions that he seemed to have as a person disappeared and he became this dynamic and extraordinary force. Michael was a genius at what he did and capable of practically anything on stage. I think he was extraordinary."
Thank you Ivy. :) Here some more from ..

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Actress Anjelica Huston met Michael Jackson working on Captain EO, Francis Ford Coppola&#8217;s 3-D movie that was shown at Disney theme parks.

I met Michael on the first day of rehearsal, and I was stunned &#8212; even though, obviously, I knew his image very well &#8212; at how incredibly sweet and how modest and how innocent he was. And fragile too. In person you felt he was almost breakable. But then this thing happened when he would start to work: your heart would beat faster and the hair on your arms and the back of your neck would stick up as he literally took your breath away. I think he was the most electrifying performer I've ever seen.

I think it was very hard for Michael to express anger. He was, I have to say, one of the most polite people I have ever met in my life. I never heard Michael say a swear word, even when he was upset. He had the most beautiful manners. And I think music was really the only way in which his passion could come through unguarded. It was immense. He was on fire as a performer &#8212; I've never seen a talent like it. I think, actually, there was a lot of the otherworldly in Michael.

He had this talent that I've never encountered before, and I've seen a lot of extraordinary people perform. He was, I think, very misunderstood. I never believed any of the allegations or insinuations against him. We had lunch together about a month ago, and he talked about his ordeal. He felt like he had really been put through the ringer. He said they wanted blood. I felt so bad for him, and I felt that he was really broken-hearted from what had been done. He was a meteor: his flame burned incredibly bright, and not for long but mightily.,28804,1907409_1907413_1907499,00.html
Oh Anjelica Huston, you are so on Michael's side and you deserve an applause for your story.:clapping:
Very interesting stories! I watched Captain EO a few days ago and this info is so up to date just like you've read my thoughts, lol. Thank you:)
Both stories of Anjelica's recollections of Michael are wonderful. I had read some of her comments elsewhere before, but not about the dream with the elephant (and then there was 'Hooter' lol!) Qbee - do you know the date of the Time story? The link doesn't work for me. I wondered when she talked about having met up with him "about a month ago" what year that was? It sounds like she was talking shortly after he passed.
Here's a repeat of a story that came out a couple of year's ago of how Anjelica Huston saw Michael Jackson a month before he died at Arnold Klein's office.

Anjelica Huston who played opposite Jackson in the Captain EO film for Disney, accidentally ran into Michael Jackson about a month before he died. They hugged, hunkered down in a room together and caught up on each others' lives.

Huston remembered Michael as being tender and fragile, having trouble mustering up enough anger to carry out his role as Captain EO with a spaceship crew who sings 'We are here to change the world.' She said it was as if anger didn't live in his DNA. He needed her there, in costume and sneering her lines to play off her villainous character. Huston said he seemed even more fragile especially emotionally, during their brief encounter. She put her arms around him; she says:

"We talked about how he had felt humiliated by the accusation of sexual harassment and about the sorrow for the loss of Neverland, where he had lived many years. I remember his words: 'They ruined my dream. I had this dream, perhaps childish and foolish, a place designed to celebrate the innocence of that childhood that I never had, and they took it from me. I love children, I could never do them harm. I spent all my life loving them and trying to do good things for them. The libel of harming a child--that breaks my heart. It is an unbearable pain, those accusations are unjust and terrible...' As he said these things, he began to cry. I held him in my arms...He was so skinny and frail."

Jackson told her he was preparing for the London concerts. She remembers:

"He was training hard because he would have 'no more hope to be loved back again.' He wanted to be let back in to the hearts of the public after his public lynching for something he said he didn't do and a jury of his peers agreed with. Huston goes on: "he was thin and pale; I could feel so much pain in him for the past and a lot of anxiety and uncertainty for the future."

Both stories of Anjelica's recollections of Michael are wonderful. I had read some of her comments elsewhere before, but not about the dream with the elephant (and then there was 'Hooter' lol!) Qbee - do you know the date of the Time story? The link doesn't work for me. I wondered when she talked about having met up with him "about a month ago" what year that was? It sounds like she was talking shortly after he passed.

I corrected the link above Kerry. I would say it was shortly after his death, probably July 2009. There are several stories from other celebrities about Michael as well .,28804,1907409_1907413_1907499,00.html