Angry french woman scammed by westgate resort in orlando,fl


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I am the victim of a scam by a timeshare resort in Orlando,FL when we were lured in our hotel to go see a villa presentation to get discount tickets for sea world!
There were lied and misled into buying a villa which was in fact a week stay in a luxury hotel!
We are foreigners,we were on vacation and they made us believe we were buying a villa for 10000$ and since we did not know what a timeshare was we thought from they kept telling it was a villa!stupid us!!

We were naive and stupid yes but they were very good at conning us,their closing agent pretended to work for the state of Florida so we felt safe knowing she was an agent from the state,it could not be a trap but we were wrong!

They all told us it was an investment,we could make profit,and all the lies on the book of timeshare scam!She told us we had a month to cancel!

we bought it but the next day,we decide to cancel,so we called them and they would not let us and had their closing agent calling us to convinced to saty at any cost by lying about how not smart it was cause we would loose our deposit,then they would mess up our credit and since my friend was paying her mortgagewe agreed!she told us to pay it early and she would find us buyers but the next few days we still had doubts and wanted to cancel so we called her,but she never return our calls!We kept calling for more than a month then her voicemails was full.
We then fell trap to pay,we set up our credit card to pay half of it then we found some inconsistencies in what hey told us and what the contract said,so I decide to call the closing agent under a fake name and told her I was a new buyer and wanted to cancel and surprise surprise she called me back!
I revealed myself and then she said that our account was cancelled that we should be refunded but it was lie!!!
They scammed really well and now they trapped us in their contracts,32 pages!I have been at war with them for 2 months now,they took advantage of us being foreigners!I found so many bad reviews about them,more victims!

I was naive and I learned my lesson but I won't get away with scamming people that's why I made this video so if you could watch it and maybe share it that would be awsome!!I contacted media,Erin Brokovitch!i don't want to leave this country with this nightmare!
I haven't slept well nor eaten well!they stole 4000$,we stopped the payment and told our credit company we were scammed!

Thank you!Merci!