Anger in the workplace towards Blacks since Obama Won?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is a sensitive subject but due to the wide personal experiences I am hearing about coming from fellow African Americans in the workplace especially those but not limited too the one's who work in corporate america; I felt it necessary to ask if you all have experienced or know someone who has?
It is getting really bad too. I was speaking lastweekend to a couple of our friends and we shared our stories. To be honest, for many of us it began when Obama was in the lead at the polls. Non black co-workers on many jobs were down right upset and hostile about it.
Our son's friend told us that his teacher told him. "Barack Obama will win the presidency over my dead body". A white teacher said this to a black boy at school! Seeing the boys hurt, we had no other choice but to pass it on to his mother.
The morning after Obama won the election, I had to make copies. In the copy room stood 4 of my co-workers. 3 out of the 4 would always greet me a friendly smile and hello. None of them did on that morning. As a matter of fact. 2 stood with their arms folded shaking their heads. They had been in a circle whispering. It was very clear they were mad at the world.
Before hand, several black co workers got together and offered eachother support. We knew we would be targets on our job if Obama won. Things that took place prior told us that.
For instance, without any word, one black female supervisor was moved out of her plush large office and placed in a super smaller office and told, the company all of a sudden needed her office space for a second boardroom. She told a few of us in private she knew it was due to Obama being ahead of Mccain in polls.
Another black Mgr was given unbeknowing to him, a partner to work with when for over 15 years he had worked without a partner. He had no say-This is the kiss of death in corporate america. It means you are being forced out so someone elese can abruptly take your place. This particular black mgr has recieved alot of notoriety and prestige.
Human Resources(all non black) started messing with our paychecks! No lie! Its true. a few black co-workers said they came up short on paychecks. HR made excuses, it took weeks to clear.
Several of us contacted outside sources for help but the main help has been our support of one another.
Things have calmed down a bit, but their still tension, bigotry, hate and prejudice against his win.
Non of the white ladies at work have anything nice to say about our first lady. They are very mean about her looks.
We do not live in a city known for racism.
Please dont be offended, I've wanted to share this back during the campaign.
Anyone elese have similar experience?
No one elese have had this to happen to them?

I give it a little while before leading African American publications began to tackle this issue.

With it being Black History Month many of our friends are wondering if Their son or daughter will be singled out by their peers for creating an Obama themed project, this conversation would not even have been a reality had it not been for the circumstances surrounding how many of our children's teacher's handled a "Mock Election" with the real candidates. I did not agree that this mock election would be necessary due to the tension already in the air, but my concerns went unnoticed.

We have come a long way, but we have yet to make it there-together.
well my situation is different in that im not african american but was an obama supporter and those in my office knew it. i've had zingers thrown at me because everyone in my office is republicans, at least in the dept i'm in. the week before inauguration one of my coworkers made a really mean comment about obama, and stared at me when saying it. i didnt even make a big deal about it knowing that everyone in there was republicans, but whenever i did say something, it was obvious from my position, that i was not a republican. so i don't know it has anything to do with color, or is just a political thing. hard for me to say. i know that my territory is being encroached upon, and i dont know if that has anything to do with it or not. i kinda just figure i work with some assholes? who knows?
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Friend thanks for sharing your experience. I am sorry you had to go through that.

I honestly can say, I had never thought of the other perspective being that all of our colleagues and friends whom we have talked about this too are all African American and our experineces are almost indentical.

You brought out a very interesting and valid point though. It could very well be about party as well as race.

One thing's for sure the Obama Campaign was not about Race, only the nay sayers and his critics tried to make it out to be.

How's things now at work for you? Any better at all? I hope so.
This situation is very sad, but I guess this sort of thing was bound to happen. These people are just pathetic sad losers.
I'm not from the USA (I'm from England) and virtually everyone I speak to here are so happy that Obama has become president.
luckily for me i'm not in my office so much, i'm usually on the road, but when i'm there someone always manages to make snide comments and shower me with glares... so no, nothings changed since. i expect that if he does well, they will back down? idk... time will tell.
This situation is very sad, but I guess this sort of thing was bound to happen. These people are just pathetic sad losers.
I'm not from the USA (I'm from England) and virtually everyone I speak to here are so happy that Obama has become president.

Yeah Janey, I've seen from News Segments from other parts of the world of how President Obama was celebrated the day of Inauguration and the days that followed.

Many people who are not of color, also helped to put him in office, I just wish his haters can remember that.
luckily for me i'm not in my office so much, i'm usually on the road, but when i'm there someone always manages to make snide comments and shower me with glares... so no, nothings changed since. i expect that if he does well, they will back down? idk... time will tell.

Friend, I do hope and pray it get's better for the both of us and our co-workers. Good for you, you can be out of the office some.