Angelica Zambrano - Dead for 23 hours.

Oh please.I don't mean to be rude or disrespect anyone's beliefs,as much as I don't share them,but when it gets to these extremes it's ridiculous really.

I didn't watch the video and only quickly skimmed through the blog post and I quote :

Evil use money, music, internet as a tool to create evil to earth.

If you believe anything these people say,then we're all doomed.
I agree with Selene. Stop listening to crooks. I personally don't believe in Heaven or Hell, God and Satan, so the only thing that bothers me in such claims is the insult that they throw at Michael when they suggest he was a bad person (without personally knowing him). So when I hear that I have every right to call out these people as crooks and religious nuts, no matter whose sensibilities might be hurt. They have hurt those who love Michael, first.

Remember these are also the kind of people who claim everyone from Gandhi to your atheist neighbor are in Hell (and basically the majority of mankind!!!!) no matter how many people they have helped in their lives, just because they did not believe in the same god as they did. Religious extremism isn't just something that Islam has. It's equally present in Christianity.

I also think this type of people are attention seekers. They seek fame within the Christian community with claims such as this. I bet if someone would get a chance to thoroughly examine this woman's medical history it would turn out she was never dead. Let alone for 23 hours.
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Thank you. I know deep in my heart Michael is not in a bad place. The more I think about this video the more I believe Michael really was an angel. I am proud more than ever to be a Michael Jackson fan.
It´s impossible to be dead for 23 hours and then come back to life again.
Our braincells need oxygen to stay alive and we can only be without it for a short while, minutes not hours.
If it´s very cold then a person can stay alive longer but not 23 hours.
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I don't believe a word of this, sorry. And I'm what most people would consider a very superstitious person. I'm sure Michael is fine wherever he is :better:

And btw, people who make up stories like this, and mentions names of actual people, scaring the people who loves them - just to make money or to "promote" their own beliefs... well, I'd probably break the forum rules if I said what I think about them :angry:

i just think she is lying. I believe in the supernatural myself, and i know a lot about spirituality,and religion. Michael, was even a very good person. Now no good god would send him to hell, of all the people. This woman is definitely wrong, and we all will see that one day.:):)

i just think she is lying. I believe in the supernatural myself, and i know a lot about spirituality,and religion. Michael, was even a very good person. Now no good god would send him to hell, of all the people. This woman is definitely wrong, and we all will see that one day.:):)

Aweosome! All my L.O.V.E to all of you.
Ugh! I hate that Angelica person, she's such a w***o she-devil herself saying Michael is in hell, she's the devil. Not only she says Michael is in hell, she also said cartoon characters are in hell. I bet she never watches cartoons. Her life must be so messed up and my friend recently posted her video defending Michael against Angelica.

This person is crazy. Michael is not in hell. If he was we are all doomed. Michael is in heaven.
He cared about and helped all people. This person is just an attention getter. 23 hrs dead yea right
If this woman saw anything at all, it likely would have been a hallucination due to hypoxia (lack of oxygen to the brain). Here's an article about near death experiences which helps explain it:

If a place like hell existed (which I highly doubt) and MJ was there, I can safely say I'd rather be there with him than with any "god" sick enough to allow him to be in such a place. As it is "hell" seems to be nothing more than a scare tactic and even if it were real and the only way to avoid it was having the right faith in the right god I wouldn't be interested. Anything responsible for creating such a disgusting place and allowing most of the world to end up there because of lack of faith or the "wrong" faith isn't worthy of anyone kissing it's backside. If anyone else behaved this way it wouldn't be accepted and there would be no excuse for it. Some people may not agree, but I won't be convinced that anyone is deserving of eternal torture for such pathetic reasons and have already heard all the arguments.

Don't worry about this woman and her garbage, it was likely all for attention anyway (she has a book about it. Wonder how much she made?) It sounds like she already had a bias against MJ in the first place, so if she hallucinated and saw this it would only be because of beliefs she already held which came to the surface like a vivid dream. Interesting claim that anyone who listens to MJ's music will go to hell and he will suffer more every time someone listens to it. That isn't biblical to start with. I've actually looked around and seen a lot of things written by believers who aren't swallowing her story either. I hope none of MJ's children ever see this crap. :mat:

Interestingly, she claims more than one of these experiences:

So the media comes to her house and she conveniently has this experience right then? Gee, what a "coincidence!" She's just making this crap up as she goes along! Oh look, a 3rd "experience":

Funny how she keeps mentioning celebrities, it's the hook used to get people's attention.
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