Anesthesiologists began talking about Michael

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Due to the word on the cause of death of MJ, the group of anesthesiologists have decided to make some remarks

The 25th of June. because of strong insomnia, were administered at his home and repeatedly and not well controlled, a number of different medications, which, together that do occur will lead to a loss of consciousness, cessation of breathing and lack oxygen, caused irreparable damage to vital organs, resulting in death, despite the efforts of CPR

For the medical profession, it is worrying that in the period of 9 hours, she was given, 3 types of medications from the family of benzodiazepines (diazepam, lorazepam, Miozalam), concluding about 10 hours, an injection of 25mg (dose minimal) Propofol, so these days we are hearing that the cause of death was an overdose of propofol, at these headlines, it is necessary to clarify that Propofol is an anesthetic drug special, used for 25 years, is used the induction and maintenance of anesthesia in surgery or as a sedative on the realization of many traces in clinics, hospitals and special units
Like any anesthetic medicine must be administradoen a hospitable environment that has all the necessary devices for monitoring of respiration, oxygen saturation and patient circulatory status because it produces drowsiness, unconsciousness, and therefore a diminished breathing may reach suspension of spontaneous breathing

You should always be administered by a specialist (may change following the laws of each country)

MJ's death, was a chain of events
--- 1 recurrent administration of benzodiazepines (also decreasing the respiratory rate)
--- 2nd administer Propofol in a private home
--- 3rd patient left alone

No 'was the Propofol what killed MJ!

It was the administration, under conditions, well below the optimal level
(end talking about the law that says that only anesthesiologists can administer medications and esrte type hospitalaris centers under an exhaustive vigilance and monitoring) and enhances it would avoid these outcomes)