Andrew Garfield is the new Peter Parker/Spider-Man


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It's official Andew Garfield as been cast as the new Peter Parker/Spider-Man for the new Spider-Man reboot movie

Give him a chance. You haven't even seen him act as Spider-Man yet. He might actually be better than Tobey Maguire

I just hope that they get Spider-Man's character right this time and actually have him use wise cracks in his fights

''My fans expect a certain amount of quipage in every battle'' - Quote from Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon
I hope this guy is really good. I r4eally liked Tobey. Plus he really filled the nredy guy role well.
I never really liked the Spider-Man movies. These are the worst comic adaptations made recently IMO! Of course it's not as bad as Captain America from 1990, cause you can't top that... lol But the films are nothing like Spider-Man should be, and it comes from a big fan.

Iron Man with Robert Downey Jr. I think is amazing and totally does justice to the superhero. The two IM movies made me appreciate Iron Man even more.
Spider-Man movies on the contrary I don't like at all.