Anders Behring Breivik trial started today


Proud Member
Jan 19, 2012
After reading news about him crying after seeing himself in the video, I couldn't help thinking of how similar Murray and Anders are. We saw Murray crying in the court but the his tears were for himself.
Imo, they are both sociopaths at worst kind possible.

Anders Behring Breivik statement 'will determine legal sanity'
Anders Behring Breivik should be allowed to read his statement to court tomorrow because it is the "most importance piece of evidence" in determining whether he is "legally sane".

Anders Behring Breivik reacts to a video presented by the prosecution in court in Oslo Photo: EPA
By Richard Orange, Oslo3:10PM BST 16 Apr 2012
In an opening statement to the court in Oslo, defence lawyer Geir Lippestad said that Breivik, who has admitted to killing 77 people in twin attacks in Oslo and Utoya last summer, will invoke self defence and will expand on that in the coming days.
Mr Lippestad said Breivik has a "basic right" and a "human right" to give a statement, but more importantly it is also the "most important piece of evidence" that will be given to the court, which will help them decide whether he is "legally sane".
"We can fully understand the relatives' difficulty in listening to Breivik's statement, but it's also important to remember that Breivik has the right under Norwegian law and it is a human right," Mr Lippestad said.
He said he asked for permission for his client to read out the statement when he gives his testimony tomorrow.
Mr Lippestad's colleague Odd Gron on Saturday told the Daily Telegraph that the court had signalled that Breivik would be stopped as soon as he began to read out the document, which he has prepared on a computer at the Ila Prison where he is held.

"The court have sent signals to us in a meeting that they won’t allow that," he said.
Earlier, Breivik broke into tears in the final moments of the opening session of his trial in Oslo today, betraying the first public trace of emotion since his he carried out his brutal attacks last July.
The far-Right extremist was forced to wipe his face with his sleeve, as tears flowed down his face during the projection of the 12-minute YouTube film he made before his attack, which calls for his secret order of Knight Templars to rise up against Europe's takeover by the forces of Islamism and 'cultural Marxism'.
Up until that point, Breivik had taken a defiant stance in a trial his victims fear he will use as a platform for his extreme views, raising his hand in a right-wing salute as soon as his handcuffs were removed.
"I do not recognise the Norwegian courts," the 33-year-old told Judge Wenche Arntzen at the launch of the trial. "You have your mandate from political parties who support multiculturalism," he added, accusing her of being a personal friend of the sister of Gro Harlem Brundtland, the former labour prime minister who Breivik had intended to kill when he attacked the island of Utoya, last July.
"I acknowledge the acts," he replied after the charges were laid against him. "But I do not plead guilty and I claim that I was doing it in self defence." Breivik, pasty-face after nine-months in Norway's Ila prison, sat impassively as the prosecution read out a list of the injuries sustained by the 77 people who had died.
By the time the prosecution finished outlining those killed on the island of Utoya, where Breivik carried out a massacre at a labour party youth camp, the list had become a harrowing medical litany, with each accounts ending with the kill-shot to the head Breivik dealt out to no fewer than 54 of his victims.
Norway's Prime Minister has described the attacks as the worst atrocities Norway has suffered since the Second World War.
Victims of his attacks have expressed their concern that Breivik will use his time in court to draw attention to his anti-Islamic ideology.
"Nobody wants to give him a microphone for his political views," said Christian Bjelland, whose 15-year-old son was on Utoya but survived, as she waited to enter the courtroom. "Most of us expect him to try, but we are quite sure that the judge will stop him."
The prosecutor, Svein Holden, outlined Breivik's life in the decade leading up to his attack, making much of his succession of failed businesses, and the year the killer spent living off his savings and playing World of Warcraft, the highly immersive multiplayer game, almost full-time.
Mr Holden projected Breivik's avatar from the game, Justicar Andersnordic, onto the screen in the courtroom. The avatar's name suggests obvious parallels to the Knights Templar movement Breivik apparently believes himself to be a member of.
At the mention of the role-playing game, Breivik broke into a broad grin.
The trial is scheduled to continue for ten weeks. Breivik himself is not expected to be asked for his own account until tomorrow.
Self defence?I wonder how he will explain that.
He´ll get lot´s of attention now and I think that´s what he wants.
MIST;3624704 said:
Self defence?I wonder how he will explain that.
He´ll get lot´s of attention now and I think that´s what he wants.
He said it was self defence, he was protecting his country against muslim takeover!
They should have had the trial closed from public, televised trial is exactly what he wanted:-(
MIST;3624704 said:
Self defence?I wonder how he will explain that.
He´ll get lot´s of attention now and I think that´s what he wants.

"Self-defence" as in defending his culture against those whom he perceives threaten it and "decay," etc. not actual literal self-defence against a physical attack (at least that's what I think they'll do). What you hear all the time from these type of people. Needles to say, chances are it won't fly in court, especially if he's been found legally sane. With that said, of course he loves the attention. I don't think that's why he did it [although that is why some, more often copycats, do this type of thing], but I do think it plays a part in his motivation to act as he does.

Now, comparing Murray to Breivik I think is kind of extreme, I don't think Breivik feels even for himself. The tears were probably an act in his case, I don't think they're "oh god, I'm f--ed" tears like Murray's were. Unlike Murray, Breivik had pre-meditation behind his actions, and well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine what kind of consequence will come along if you decide to go on a mass murdering spree. Moreover, he's a problem member of society, he's been hanging on the fringes with his extreme right views in a mostly left-wing continent, whereas Murray at least had some kind of a "place" in society before greed got the better of him.

Breivik had/has practically nothing to lose (and therefore nothing to mourn), and probably sees himself as some kind of martyr, like a modern day Rudolf Hess or something for "the cause" (except Hess didn't go on a mass murdering spree).

In conclusion, he's one nutter deep in funny farm country. It'll be interesting to see where this goes.

Also, I know someone who looooooooooooves him. -shudder-

Pace said:
One of those moments when I don't know what I am actually thinking. To kill running, fleeing youth is something that will never compute in my heart and head.

Eh, depends on the circumstances, whether or not it computes in my head. Killing strangers who have never done anything to personally hurt you or even make you feel alienated for an imaginary "offence" [as in this case] is something I can't understand.
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This reminds me of something that recently happened here in France :

A guy starts to shoot deliberately people in the street. Not any kind of peaople, they were clearly targeted , French soldiers who were of Arab origin, a Jewish family, including the very young children, he killed them in their jewish school yard, in front of the other kids and parents. i think he killed 7 persons altogether in Toulouse, over several days.

The police identified him rather quickly, and sent a swat team to raid his appartement, while he was in there. So the swat team went there, and tried to negotiate with him, to try to get him to surrender. That's what they always do, so that's normal at this stage.

The negotiation lasted over 30 hours , which is rather long. The guy was still locked in his apartement, occasionnally shooting through the door at the police,and he was eplaining why he did what he did, and how he did it- you guessed, he was an integrist islamist terrorist- . He promised the police he would surrender later during the first night (that would have been almost 20 hours after the swat teams got to his appartment).

At that point, it was everywhere on TV and in the media here, and I remember seeing a debate between a police officer, ex swat team, and a lady who specialised in islamist terrorrism. The question was how long should they negotiate before assaulting the appartment, and risking to kill him in the assault.

the police guy was explaining some of the techniques they use to negociate and weaken the person, and how important it was to catch him alive : for the information he could provide , and so the victims could get a trial. The lady was explaining that some of these terrorists are trained to the swat teams methods, they know how to play them. The longer the play them , the better for them : they get a lot of media attention, they look like "heroes" who can defy and stallmate the police and swat teams, and that's a way to recruit more people to their cause.

He didn't surrender when he promised to do that, instead of that he completely stopped talking to the negociator. So after another 10 hours, they gave the assault. It turned out he had completely organised his appartement to block the swat teams, with furniture placed in doorways , places where he could be hidden that they had to check one by one . He was waiting for them in the bathtub (a great place to hide, it made him harder to locate), and when the police entered the bathroom he suddenly jumped out of the bathtub, with 3 guns, and shot at the police. He managed to get out of the bathroom, run across his appartment still shooting at the swat teams, and jumped out of the window. At that time, he was shot dead by swat teams snipers outside.
Some guys in the swat teams were injured, not too badly I believe, and I think 2 of them were in a state of shock, psychologically. Which is very rare I think. Their leader said he had never seen anything like that.

The orders that were given to the swat teams apparently were to catch him alive no matter what, and that seems to explain why he was shot dead only he he was getting outside.

so yes, on one side, I completely agree that we should do our best to catch him alive, at least for the victims. We have a justice system , we need to use it, and not just kill people when we can avoid that.
On the other hand, I also have to say that the lady in the debate was exactly right. He planned everything from the start, absolutely everything including the swat team assault. He knew what they were going to do, and manipulated them. In the end, he used our system to do exactly what he wanted to do, he had the upper hand all the time. He died as the "hero" he thought he was.

That's very very frustrating.

That's the dangerous thing about the Breivik trial. It sounds like all he wants do to is promote his crazy far right extremist theory. i really don't know what to think. On one hand the victims families and survivors really deserve, and some of them probably need their public day in court, on the other hand it sounds like he's using the system. The media need to be very careful how they report it. For example yesterday, here, I saw at least 5 or 6 times the nazi salute he did when they took his handcuffs off. That's exactly the kind of things I think they should NOT show.
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Norway is using a bunch of money on this stupid trial on a man who killed 77 innocent people, women, children and men.

He still gets a defence, and he's still alive smiling in court.

He should be dead.