Ancient Egypt...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
How many are fascinated by it?? Like Tutankhamen...


(I always thought that this bust of Tutankhamen looked like MJ...wierd huh?)

Or the female pharoah Hatshepsut??


Here's a whole web page devoted to females that ruled Egypt in ancient times....interesting stuff!
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I lived just hours away from there and I never visited.. I was too young at the time to just GO though..

I used to live in Libya, the country next to egypt
I lived just hours away from there and I never visited.. I was too young at the time to just GO though..

I used to live in Libya, the country next to egypt

Oh wow...tell me more...I would love to go there some day....I would love to just explore the pyramids and the Valley of the Kings. That has always fascinated me..
"Cleveland Museum" has lots of artifacts of Ancient Egypt...Love It..!
oooh, Egypt is one of my FAVORITE places! I hope to go there one day :yes:
anyone read Wilbur Smith's River God? if you havent and you like Egypt then I recomend it :)
I never really thought about it. But that does sound interesting. Beautiful sculpture though...I wonder how they made it. (probably known right? I just haven't looked into it to know)

I think the Mayans are an interesting culture. Though I haven't studied them. They were so advanced from what I have heard about them.
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We have an egyptian museum in the bay area called the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Planetarium. I've been a couple times it's fascinating.
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well ya.. Libya has several old sculptures as well in sertain areas.. (not near the cities etc)..

You have to drive to it.. That's the same with Egypt.. Egypt is not all full of that stuff.. You have to drive out to the desert area where it has been untouched..

Anyways, the middle east in general is very beautiful.. It feels magical. I don't know if the fact most religions came from that area of the world and there is sometype spiritual thing going on. lol! But u just have a different feeling..

the media tries to paint up this picture of war in the middle east.. but it's just selected areas.. Most of it is very peacfull.. People are very nice and generous..

I do believe that is a large reason why MJ decided to go to the middle east after the trial.. It's a perfect place to find peace..

In Libya if you drive out to sabratha you will find an ancient city that has been abandon for thousands of years.

Here's some pictures:


Now if you go into the city of Tripoli.. It's completly different..


^^ This is the american Embass in Libya.. I have been there and stayed there for a few days^^ long story... that water is the mediteranain sea


^ A market area that you can buy stuff^

A bit off topic but... the leader of Libya Moammar Gaddafi has always been known as a 'unique' person. One that dresses different, and interacts with people 'oddly'.. Many people compare him to Michael Jackson... People used to say he dressed like an Arab Michael Jackson.. lol! Infact in the Man In The Mirror video, a clip of him is in there..



ok, ok... back on topic.. MOST places in the middle east is really worth visiting.. I cannot wait to take my wife to Libya..

It is really too hard to explaine how different it is then 'western' cultures but it's like a different world..

The look of it, the feel of it.. EVERYTHING..

It's not fast paste, people just live each day to do some more family bonding..

It's just a different mind set..

I definitally see many arab cultural influences with Michael and that culture..

I mean when I was there, it was very commen for me to sleep in the same bed an adult that my family felt comfertable with.. (and I was definattly not the only one)..

my cousins would stay over at a distant cousin.. (maybe 3rd cousin or uncles house) and we'd end up sleeping where ever..

It's just cultural..

Many things MJ does I see highly influenced by the arab culture and also the japanese culture..
that's where my dad is from..

as an agreement with his government, they sent him to the United States to get his degree here.. but in return he would have to go back to Libya and become a professor (teacher) there for some years..

He moved there in 1988, and the rest of our family fallowed in 1990...

I would tell u more detales here, but many of them are not ok to share on the forum.. "family' type issues that I don't think is appropriate for the forum as a whole..

especially not in this thread.. Pretty dramatic stuff.. my mom and I have both been offered book deals for a life story.. But we have not taken that up because of.. ummm! lol! reasons!!?!?!/ :lol:

get my drift?? maybe after some1 in the family passes away..

get the hint yet?? lol!
Those were beautiful,. thank you so much for sharing KOPV. Boy I cannot wait to travel again someday. What a beautiful world we live in.
It is also my dream to visit Egypt one day... I will go there before I die.
KOPV you are very right Moammar Gaddafi, his clothing style does resemble MJ very much. You can obviously see the comparison between MJ and Moammar Gaddaf through the pictures you shared with us.
that's where my dad is from..

as an agreement with his government, they sent him to the United States to get his degree here.. but in return he would have to go back to Libya and become a professor (teacher) there for some years..

He moved there in 1988, and the rest of our family fallowed in 1990...

I would tell u more detales here, but many of them are not ok to share on the forum.. "family' type issues that I don't think is appropriate for the forum as a whole..

especially not in this thread.. Pretty dramatic stuff.. my mom and I have both been offered book deals for a life story.. But we have not taken that up because of.. ummm! lol! reasons!!?!?!/ :lol:

get my drift?? maybe after some1 in the family passes away..

get the hint yet?? lol!

Oh I get it...I got some of my stories that is!! LOL! That sounds fascinating. Thanks for posting those pictures...they look very interesting!
OH I am very fascinated with ancient culture's ,Egypt Is a major Intrest for me Tutankhamen and the piraminds are beautiful ! I love watching the history and discovery channel ...