An old interview with Michael Jackson (JET magazine_August 16, 1979)

What I like about these old interviews is how it shows how Michael has changed over the years. How the way he used to think about some things back then has sort of evolved or changed as with most people who go through different things as their life progresses. Thanks for sharing it. I'd read this one before but they're always nice to read again to see the differences. :flowers:
that's exactly what I was thinking that he changed a lot. back then he had so much energy and couldn't wait to get things started now he is much wiser and more patient and takes his time with things, and the way he talks has changed too
:lol: And I was thinking exactly the opposite when I read it! :lol: I was like "Aaww...just like MJ now!". :lol:
Such a beautiful soul--and still to this day Michael has a loving soul that sees and emits beauty.
Aww thanx a lot for posting Hemlock!:) Great find. Yall see I got a quote from the interview in my siggy, but I never read the whole interview before. I really love how he voiced his opinions on racism and cultural pride honestly and sincerely. A bright young man right there.

Wow those female fans...I feel sorry for him. He had to deal with overly obsessed, selfish fans like that. Esp. the girl who failed to get a kiss from him and then said he was a fag. That's an example of a fan going astray and hurting the artist in the name of "love". I think all of this inspired him to write Billie Jean and Dirty Diana. We can feel so much real emotion from both of the songs.