An hour long audio interview with Michael on GetMusic


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
I found this interview on Youtube and couldnt find it anywhere here in this forum.

Its an audio interview from 26th October 2001 on Michael is answering questions from his fans for almost an hour. He sounds so wonderful, I love listening to his voice like this, so beautiful and so pure.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Last Part 6:

L.O.V.E to you all
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Thanks for posting these! I've heard parts of this before, but not all of them.
He has a new record coming out on October 30th, its called 'Invisible'

Sony probably did want it to be called "Invisible".

He was the best!

Thanks for posting this great interview.
Ahh i love this so much :wub:
I wish it was videoed :D he seems so relaxed
He has a new record coming out on October 30th, its called 'Invisible'


Now... that's interesting... that's an album I don't seem to see in my collection, where could it be?

tooooo funnyyyyy!! :toofunny:

That said, thank you so much!!!
I have the transcript of this saved as a word document. I was going to just copy and paste for you guys but its 13 pages long, 9444 words. Not sure what to do , cos its waaay too long to just post as a reply
I have the transcript of this saved as a word document. I was going to just copy and paste for you guys but its 13 pages long, 9444 words. Not sure what to do , cos its waaay too long to just post as a reply
Do you? Top!!
Would you send that to me? I would love to fully understand it (you know, English is not my first language) and I would love sharing this with my friends. Please!
This was around the time when he actually started opening up to people...
he said he does: writing, lyrics, composing, score, melodies :dancin::punk:
you totally rock michael jackson! don't over work yourself MJ... lol

& awww he says 'I dont want to scare enough to be scared to go to bed.' lol well aren't you a sweetheart MJ.
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Oh boy!! :wub: Thank you so much for posting, Tinker_Bell!!
I loved it!! I really love the way Michael looks at things and explain things!! I can totally connect with his magical view of certain things!!

I wonder if he knew that we have Children's Day here in Brazil!! I hope he knew it!!
I'm sure he would love it!! :cry:

can anyone ripp the audio from this pretty please, oh and thankyou for sharing,
Here ->
It's very very simple and you can download it to you computer! :)
I found this interview on Youtube and couldnt find it anywhere here in this forum.

Its an audio interview from 26th October 2001 on Michael is answering questions from his fans for almost an hour. He sounds so wonderful, I love listening to his voice like this, so beautiful and so pure.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Last Part 6:

L.O.V.E to you all

thanks for posting. :) I've heard this awhile ago and re-listened back in Feb. I hope YouTube dosen't ever take it down.
I have the transcript of this saved as a word document. I was going to just copy and paste for you guys but its 13 pages long, 9444 words. Not sure what to do , cos its waaay too long to just post as a reply

It would be nice if you could post the transcript here, split it into few posts, that could work. :)
Oh boy!! :wub: Thank you so much for posting, Tinker_Bell!!
I loved it!! I really love the way Michael looks at things and explain things!! I can totally connect with his magical view of certain things!!

I wonder if he knew that we have Children's Day here in Brazil!! I hope he knew it!!
I'm sure he would love it!! :cry:

Here ->
It's very very simple and you can download it to you computer! :)
thankyou so much for this,
can anyone tell me though where i can find the you tube url,it used to be on the right hand side,now i can only see the embedd code,
talk about a humble dude. the announer called the album 'invisible', and MJ didn't correct him. and there's a lot of insight, when he picks his fav songs..two ballads..only one dance track. and..the lost children being one of em..

that's why he's my favorite.

nothing like what the record company wanted to release.