American Idol Contestant Killed by Hit-and-Run Driver


American Idol Contestant Killed by Hit-and-Run Driver
Sunday July 26, 2009


Alexis Cohen performs in front of the judges during tryouts for American Idol's seventh season in Philadelphia.

Courtesy of Fox

Former American Idol contestant Alexis Cohen was killed in a hit-and-run this weekend in New Jersey, officials confirm.

Cohen, 25, was struck early Saturday morning in Seaside Heights. She was found around 4 a.m. by two passerby who called 911, Deputy Chief Michael Mohel of the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office tells the Morning Call newspaper of her hometown, Allentown, Penn.

She was pronounced dead at 6:35 a.m. at the Community Medical Center in Toms River, N.J. Autopsy results show she suffered chest, head and abdominal injuries, Mohel says.
Mohel says an investigation into the hit-and-run is ongoing.
Cohen auditioned for the seventh season in Philadelphia in 2007, but the show didn't air until January 2008. Idol cameras followed her to to her Allentown, Penn. studio apartment, which she shared with her mother, two cats and her dog.
"I march to the beat of a different drummer," admitted the memorable contestant. After Simon Cowell didn't vote her through to Hollywood, Cohen ranted he was "egotistical" and declared she was going into acting.
She later appeared on The View, Live With Regis and Kelly and Howard Stern's radio show.
Oh gosh I remember her! I actually liked her a lot. She had a really rocker-ish voice. She auditioned two years in a row and they told her no both times. She was one of my mom's favorite auditioners. Personally, I think she should have been given a chance.

Wow, really sad.