American Dad!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I love this show and alot of people sadly seem to diss miss it because Seth Macfarlane, the creator of Family Guy co-created it. So because of this some people think that American Dad is just another Family Guy and i can't agree with that because both shows are nothing alike. Infact i think that American Dad is better than family guy. The episodes are better written, the jokes are funnier and it doesn't rely on random cut aways every 5 minutes like Family Guy does

So does anyone else like American Dad?
Back when I used to watch TV I liked it.

In fact I probably still would like it, but wouldn't go out of my way to watch it.
As i like to say American Dad is the smart persons Family Guy :) the Jokes are a lot more Witty in it and it is also very sarcastic :).
I don't really like it. Love Family Guy though.