American Commercials


Proud Member
Aug 21, 2009
I've been watching a couple of American Talk shows the past couple of days and I noticed that every few minutes they have 'coming up' where they just scan around the audience explaining what's coming up and then the show just carries on. Over here, in the UK adverts/commercials are usually on every 12-15 minutes. So, are these 'coming up' parts commercials breaks in the US? That must mean there's a break almost every 5 minutes? :mello:
Sometimes they will do a coming up part and then they will say, "But first, let's talk about this or that." But yeah, most of the time, they are going to a commercial when they say that. TV has way too many commercials in it. It is annoying although I know they have value. It wouldn't even be that bad if so many of them were not just rubbish.
But yeah as far as I can calculate, you usually get a commercial every 10-12 minutes.
Lol I remember when I was in the States for three months back in 2006 your commercials used to drive me up the wall lol! I got used to it though!
You can watch PBS. There's no commercials at all, but they do have pledge week every few months, lol.
Yep, that's how it is here...even in cable TV where there was a time when that was commercial free. One time I watched a video tape of an old 70's TV show that included all the commercials and there were probably 3 at most in the entire hour. How things have changed in this country over the years.
if it is something good or a big celeb and they know they have a really big audience they will have commercials every six or seven minutes , now that is annoying.