Amazing version of Threatened !

This is like someone has shat out Threatened and put it through T-Pain's computer.
What is that thing in the man's mouth?! What does it connect to to give his voice that....sound?
it's a Vocoder or a Talkbox...I thought everybody knew what it was...

The band "Zapp and Roger" was famous for their use of the Vocoder and the talk box...

Teddy Riley use it too...

It is so cool !

i'm very surprised to see that few people seems to know this Funky Sound

Please listen to will understand :
it's a Vocoder or a Talkbox...I thought everybody knew what it was...

The band "Zapp and Roger" was famous for their use of the Vocoder and the talk box...

Teddy Riley use it too...

It is so cool !

i'm very surprised to see that few people seems to know this Funky Sound

Please listen to will understand :

I was gonna say ... why do I feel like listening to "More Bounce to the Ounce" after watching this? lmao

Still though, if I ever learned how to use one of those things, I'd probably waste an entire day doing 80s R&B style covers of random songs. haha