Amazing blog by Chuck D (of Public Enemy) about Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I purposefully sat out JULY to slowly write and regroup on how I was going to recommit the Terrordome into a true 2-3 times a month Blog . The Michael Jackson death required a month and a mouth of silence. We have lost a lot of SOUL over the past 5-10 years, JAMES BROWN, RAY CHARLES, RUTH BROWN, WILSON PICKETT, but the passing of MICHAEL JACKSON took the cake and has to make us all realize how short life really is here on earth. I was on a DELTA flight flying in from New York to Los Angeles when I saw the beginning of this tragedy from the seat screens that broadcast in the air. CNN showed breaking news and I glanced at it occasionally while I worked on my computer (taking advantage of the power source under the seat and the in-flight internet). It was then I noticed that the Breaking News exceeded a half hour, and I was getting IMs from the ground saying Jackson had passed. This news gradually became a reality for me as Wolf Blitzer made the announcement from the LA Times. I was flying straight there to drive up the coast so I knew to avoid all major highways near the UCLA hospital. Already the frenzy had started and I had an interview when driving up the coastline on PCH. I immediately told the reporter for the newly reduced Atlanta Journal Constitution that I was a bit in a (no big pun intended) STATE OF SHOCK, but knew that everybody was gonna pour out massive emotions in the wake of his death.
DAVEY D COVERED it thoroughly LAST MONTH. And he said it best from Jackson's public Memorial at STAPLES CENTER in Los Angeles:
'Michael Jackson over the past two weeks was a bigger than life figure and in our rediscovering him, many of us rediscovered some long forgotten aspects of ourselves. For many of us Michael was still alive. He was still alive in spite of the incessant news stories about his death and the speculation as to what caused it. With each music or video tribute, television special or retrospective walk down memory lane, MJ was still here. His energy was around. His spirit felt. As I listened to his older material I found myself yearning for him to bust out with new material and resurrect a long lost soulful sound from a bygone era. But alas he was gone.'
Davey D at Michael Jackson's Memorial.

Michael Jackson and his family had been on my mind as recently as earlier this year. When I started one of my newest ventures, my songwriting company, I wondered about making some songs for the rest of the Jackson brothers, who I thought people would see without Mike. I didn't enjoy the fact that the JACKSON men weren't really in the business anymore. Nor recording. Nor really performing. I know that they'd seen/done it all, but I felt and feel that they are more of an institution that some rumor machine, ready for TMZ or the ENQUIRER, would only mention because of their brother. I was pissed because I knew that the heart and soul of this genius of Mike Jax was hurting and was collapsing under this negative non-stop attacking of his character. And alongside this, knowing that SONY would do anything to get that publishing back.
Still I knew the JACKSONS, Michael included, probably couldn't get a return call from this so-called business of a recording industry. I knew then that Urban and fake-black radio wouldn't play a thing from Mike if he was independent while he was alive. Prompting some fake ass DJs, Program Directors and Music Directors to test the market to see if he was hot, and instead playing some nondescript, nowadays "quick artist" singing nothing for nobody important. Cool, play your flavor of the month, some audio-sewage pumped by what remaining few labels are left. But damn, be open to acknowledge royalty in music when it calls. Or before it dies. Mike and the JAX clan had been doing this before many had a thought about being in the music biz. My thoughts if I was a radio programmer would be let MIKE be Mike and have the label deliver whatever. And play it to death, instead of playing him to his death. Yes, these so called urban powers that be, "played" him, alright, like they play with the masses of blackfolk listening, watching, and tuning and snoozing in.
Oh yeah, BET was a disaster zone waiting to happen when it rushed their so called tribute.
Cheap news for expensive yet broke ass times. ET, Larry King LIVE and every other so called 'news bureau' has been covering, uncovering, cowering, hovering over this for a month and a half. I can see that. But when major news networks become 'nitworks' replacing real, more important news with the aftermath of 'mess' and rumor, there stands a reason for concern.
Well ,myself being around the Jackson generation age where parents doled out ass whippings when crossed,I see where PC white america is shaken by Joe Jackson. While I think he was a bit over the top later on with the disease of 'fame,' his root reasons were to get his family and himself the hell out the hood. All you got to do is check the Jackson mini-series film for some reference. Call it what you want, but I've been witnessing 25 years of black kids killing each other in the midst of absent black fathers and over-flooded one-sided stereotypes in the media. Especialy black boys, as my wife Dr. Gaye Theresa Johnson points out. Joe Jackson might be seen a bit crazy to white america, but join the club, many of us loud black men are.
Michael Jackson needed somebody to support him when times seemed a bit low. If not the industry, at least the community. The increased support for prominent black people only when they're dead has to stop. But then again maybe Michael is our version of ELVIS. The business of the death of Michael Jackson has begun, how sad. If that is indeed the case, I'm casting my vote for IKE and NAT Turner week at a mall nearest you.
Amazing indeed. Good to see that the investagative forum is not the only place mentioning the underlying SONY motive...
Very deep stuff. It never ceases to amaze my how bright and eloquent a lot of our young entertainers are. More of them should take a page out of Michael's book and start translating more of that into their music and raise the conciousness of todays youth a couple of notches.

Thanks for posting this.
Very deep stuff. It never ceases to amaze my how bright and eloquent a lot of our young entertainers are. More of them should take a page out of Michael's book and start translating more of that into their music and raise the conciousness of todays youth a couple of notches.

Thanks for posting this.

If that is what comes of this, it would be a good thing.
Thank you for posting that vstreet.

That was a very deep, thoughtful and interesting blog. I think many from Chuck's generation that grew up with Michael and the Jacksons see what is really going on. Chuck, being in the music industry also, gives us insight that DJs probably wouldn'y have played any new records by Michael nor the brothers because they are just not 'in' compared with whatever sort of music and musical artists is being sold today.

Anyways, it does pique my interest A LOT that Chuck mentioned that Sony would do anything to get their publishing back. You know, we have our theories amongst the fans. But I'm wondering what industry insiders are saying about Sony, the catalog and Michael's death.

Chuck has alluded to it. I think the Ex- Sony Executives, Cory Rooney and Chris Apostle, have alluded to some stuff too.

I think I might send Chuck a message thanking him for the blog and asking more about his take about the Sony catalog in connection with a lot that has happened to Michael this decade.
I was browsing the Digital Spy forum the other day. There was a thread discussing what a poor year it's been for music & someone posted this...

"Forget number 1 singles. This has been the summer of Michael Jackson! His songs made others look so poor in comparision"

How very true...
Chuck D just spoke the truth. I give him props for that blog. Ive always respected Chuck D with his spoken views.

He was spot on when he said "but the passing of MICHAEL JACKSON took the cake"
I feel a slice out of my generation and life has been sliced out with MJ's passing.

Damm miss the guy already. I really wanted to see him to come back on top with his shows in london.
I knew then that Urban and fake-black radio wouldn't play a thing from Mike if he was independent while he was alive. Prompting some fake ass DJs, Program Directors and Music Directors to test the market to see if he was hot, and instead playing some nondescript, nowadays "quick artist" singing nothing for nobody important. Cool, play your flavor of the month, some audio-sewage pumped by what remaining few labels are left. But damn, be open to acknowledge royalty in music when it calls. Or before it dies. Mike and the JAX clan had been doing this before many had a thought about being in the music biz. My thoughts if I was a radio programmer would be let MIKE be Mike and have the label deliver whatever. And play it to death, instead of playing him to his death. Yes, these so called urban powers that be, "played" him, alright, like they play with the masses of blackfolk listening, watching, and tuning and snoozing in.

WORD! That entire paragraph speaks nothing but the truth.
Chuck always makes a lot of sense. He's also like many older fans who grew up with the Jackson 5 or The Jacksons, and enjoyed the brothers and not just Mike like most younger people. I've been waiting for the brothers as well. I kinda know they're not going to be played on the radio today. There's an age limit in radio. Even if the Jackson family never had any bad press, it's unlikely that any of them would get much airplay for any new music that they release. A lot of older acts resort to releasing their own records independently.
Thanks a lot!!

I love it when other people speak about what's going on here.
The thoughts we're going around and thinking about...

I expect similar blogs like this in the future. Keep them coming!
I was browsing the Digital Spy forum the other day. There was a thread discussing what a poor year it's been for music & someone posted this...

"Forget number 1 singles. This has been the summer of Michael Jackson! His songs made others look so poor in comparision"

How very true...

I'm with you on that one. The music this summer is poor. MJ just owned the summer, wish he was alive to enjoy his summer success.
Very deep stuff. It never ceases to amaze my how bright and eloquent a lot of our young entertainers are. More of them should take a page out of Michael's book and start translating more of that into their music and raise the conciousness of todays youth a couple of notches.

Thanks for posting this.

Absolutely agree with you like Laquan said from Now It's the B Turn, Man can kill as well as heal. entertainers need to focus on what's really going on in the world and it's not women shaking their butts in videos,it's not a bunch of outrageous jewelry around your neck, it's not about fake beefs and silly diss tracks, it should be about real music which looking at today is a rarity to find, thank the musical Gods for Michael,his music is timeless.
WORD! That entire paragraph speaks nothing but the truth.

Cool, play your flavor of the month, some audio-sewage pumped by what remaining few labels are left. But damn, be open to acknowledge royalty in music when it calls. Or before it dies. Mike and the JAX clan had been doing this before many had a thought about being in the music biz. My thoughts if I was a radio programmer would be let MIKE be Mike and have the label deliver whatever. And play it to death, instead of playing him to his death.

I totally agree. Totally. D summed it all up in this one paragragh. The music industry should hold its head down in shame.
You guys highlighted some good points from Chiuck D's blog.
Another one that stands out for me is this:
Michael Jackson needed somebody to support him when times seemed a bit low. If not the industry, at least the community. The increased support for prominent black people only when they're dead has to stop.
I agree and if by "community" he means fans as well, then
I'd have to say that the fans were and still is, in complete support
of Michael. However, I feel that Chuck is referring to the general
public, those who are neither a fan or a non-fan. I know I
often questioned where were MJ's "friends" during the trial. Sure,
there were some but not nearlt enough. Not to mention where
were they during the trying times after the trial.
Where were they when he needed them most?
Before his death.
You guys highlighted some good points from Chiuck D's blog.
Another one that stands out for me is this:
I agree and if by "community" he means fans as well, then
I'd have to say that the fans were and still is, in complete support
of Michael. However, I feel that Chuck is referring to the general
public, those who are neither a fan or a non-fan. I know I
often questioned where were MJ's "friends" during the trial. Sure,
there were some but not nearlt enough. Not to mention where
were they during the trying times after the trial.
Where were they when he needed them most?
Before his death.
I don't think he was talking about fans, I think he meant the African American community.
Absolutely agree with you like Laquan said from Now It's the B Turn, Man can kill as well as heal. entertainers need to focus on what's really going on in the world and it's not women shaking their butts in videos,it's not a bunch of outrageous jewelry around your neck, it's not about fake beefs and silly diss tracks, it should be about real music which looking at today is a rarity to find, thank the musical Gods for Michael,his music is timeless.

Definitely. The music has become so devoid of meaning as the years go by it's truly tragic. If everyone was more aware of the impact music has on the subconscious mind they'd ban some of the rubbish ruling the airwaves these days.

I don't usually talk myself on here but one of my dreams in life is to start a web radio station that only plays conscious and uplifting music (other than gospel). I think we really need something like that to get away from all of the hoe tricking, cap popping, big pimping style of the times and get young peoples minds back to a more meaningful place.