AMAZING band! anyone heard of them?!?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
wish i was in Vegas...only Texas! USA
We all know Mike has some very inspiring music. But a band that helps me when im gloomy or down is a band called the Cruxshadows. They are an Industrial Goth band...but you shouldnt judge a book by its cover. ;)Their lyrics are so inspiring..and moving. One song is about sacrificial love, another about resisting hatred and lies(reminds me of MJ!), another asking who do you want to be? dont live forever! I think Overall, the Lyrics in their music, each and every song, has an underlining theme, which is the saying of the band: Live. Love. Be. Believe. they are inspiring me to continue to love someone in particular right now that i just want to hate, and they have been for a while.

check out these lyrics:


Dry your eyes, and quietly bear this pain with Pride, for heaven shall remember the silent and the brave......bury fear, for fate draws near, and hide the signs of pain. with noble acts the bravest souls endure the heart's remains. Discard regreat, that in this debt, a better world is made. That children of a newer day might remember and avoid our fate. (I waited all day in the pourin rain, but nobody came...prepare for battle!) the fury of this darkest hour, we will be your light....In this moment, I am for you, thought better men have failed. i will live my life for love, for i am our dying, we're more allive, then we have ever been....we few shall carry hope, within our bloodied hands...I will make this sacrifice, for i am winterborn.


with hearts immortal, we stand before our lives. a soul against oblivion, forever asking "why?" this upside down symphony is a paradox called life. are hearts immotal?what you give to love will never die...have we forgotten truly who we are and what our lliving means?...all that i am, and all that i dream, llies somewhere beyond, your image of me. and who i become, and what i will be, [/b]is not yours to decide, it comes only from me.

Eye of the Storm

the trials you now are facing, they are not greater then your will. for their is nothing under heaven, you cannot overcome.see the door that lies before you, and know this too shall pass...there is no love untouoched by hate. no unity without discord. there is no corage without fear. there is no peace without a war. there is no wisdom without regreat, no admiration without scorn. there is strife within the tempest, but there is calm in the eye of the storm.

see what i mean by inspiring? and Rogue the man that writes it is as deep as his lyrics. Theyre Loyal to their fans too...because of Michael, i dont support a band, celeberity etc. unless they are.

I highly suggest you check out this band...they are amazing..and really cool ppl. ^_^(they have a myspace...plug ;) )

Live. Love. Be. Believe. :p
