AMA - American Medical Association


Proud Member
Feb 7, 2008
46 million Americans are uninsured.

They can’t afford health insurance.
They have pre-existing conditions.
They have limited access to health plans and benefits.
No matter what, they live sicker and die younger.
The AMA has solutions to this health care crisis.
Register to join the AMA in making a difference.
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How we will make a difference:

The AMA proposal

  • To provide all Americans with the means to purchase health care coverage.
  • To give individuals choices to select the appropriate coverage for themselves and their families.
  • To promote market reforms that enable this new approach.

Stories of the uninsured

Read the tragic stories of real families and individuals struggling to survive without health insurance.
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Uninsured Television Ads

Check out our TV commercials that are currently airing and bringing attention to the uninsured crisis.
Watch the ads

Voices of the uninsured

Listen to musicians share their personal stories about the perils of living and working without health insurance.
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Message from the AMA president

The president of the AMA speaks about the importance of solving the uninsured crisis.
Watch the video

Join our network

Friend us on MySpace, Facebook and YouTube and become a part of our community.
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The AMA proposal

An in-depth look at what the AMA proposes to help the Uninsured.

:angel:Knowledge IS Growth
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