Am I seeing things?

I see nothing but whats the song.... We Are The World? It doesnt sound right...... Is this the different version

What exactly was i supposed to be looking for?
Sorry for startling anyone, but I was just about to shit my pants.

For a second I thought......
hmm id rather have Michael as a Twilight Vampire lol At least he would have another reason to use an umbrella lol.

Besides that i always thought Michael would make a hot Vamp.
Not the angles... just look at the end of the 'bodybag' and the plate it`s lying on... they move away from eachother like it`s coming/lifting up.

However, when somebody would reposition or lift the bag because of the landing, why would the END of the bad lift up when the person holding it is on the other (left) side.. THAT is strange minding simple laws of physics/gravity. Just a few thoughts...

Oh I am gonna so get my ass kicked for this.

But watch the footage as they show closeup on the helicopter, and tell me what you saw.

OOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now i see what your talking about?!!? wow ..... maybe it was one of the other men in the helicopter holding on to the other side. But it did look like his arm or leg might have lifted.... Could have also been the wind!

Freak me out will ya!
I don't see anything... it's just the shadow of the rotors. As the helicopter turns and the sun is hitting it from a different angle, the shadows will move. C'mon people, this is basic pre-school stuff.
You can see a person in a red jacket walking around in the helicopter right as the "moving" begins...somebody was simply starting to prepair stretcher for the landing. Which involves repositioning it, obviously...
no paranormal activity there... ;)
Sorry, but I see nothing. So... no any paranormal things.
I know what the OP is talking about, I've seen it on youtube. The white area - is supposed to be Michael in a white blanket, and it is this that appears to be moving, lifting up to the side.
Michael wouldn't fool anyone with this kind of thing. It's not in his nature to do.

Conspiracy theories like this are wrong and insult his memory.
i can see it but i dont think its anything paranormal.. its probs just shadows or something...

I just CANT believe the actual contents of the video :( the bodybag :( this is terrible :(
how long is this after he died? because bodies can twitch and stuff after they have died, its called rigomortis or something, either that or somebody or something moved him, im sorry but i dont believe theories he's alive, he would never do that to his fans or family
The song is you are not alone and rigimortis is the stiffing of the body, doesn't cause movement, and this is just shadows.
The song is you are not alone and rigimortis is the stiffing of the body, doesn't cause movement, and this is just shadows.

maybe I got the wrong word then, but i know that its not uncommon for bodies to twitch or spasm during the short period after death.
Aw!! I have no idea what u guys are talking about!! I cant see anything! :no: Tell me where I should look exactly!
Aw!! I have no idea what u guys are talking about!! I cant see anything! :no: Tell me where I should look exactly!

from 0:55 on you can see the bodybag lift up from what its lying on
It looked like the gurney that Michael's body was on was being moved by the attendees in preparing to re-move it from the helicopter. The helicopter looked like it was a few feet off the ground about to land.
Michael is not moving. We want him to be alive desperately.
What am I supposed to be seeing? :unsure: I don't see anything weird.

EDIT: Oh, I see that now. I think the bag was just falling, though.
When I was watching this live on tv.. I saw his body move up.. I never thought anything strange.. only that they were getting his body ready for landing.. or maybe trying to get it out of the view of what ever helicopter was viewing them... somebody was clearly lifting him.. Calm down everyone..