Alot of adults should take a page out of Michael's book


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was just watching 'Michael Jackson's Private Home movies' on youtube and after watching the clips on there of Michael it made me wish that i could spend a day with him. He one of the most fun people i have ever seen, i've heard some people say that Mike acts childish and to that i say your never to old to have fun. That's why i think alot of adults should take a page from Michael's book because when some people get older they just forget to have fun.
I was just watching 'Michael Jackson's Private Home movies' on youtube and after watching the clips on there of Michael it made me wish that i could spend a day with him. He one of the most fun people i have ever seen, i've heard some people say that Mike acts childish and to that i say your never to old to have fun. That's why i think alot of adults should take a page from Michael's book because when some people get older they just forget to have fun.

you're only as old as you let yourself be. :)
I love the fact that mike has a childlike presence bout him
It one of the many things i love bout him :D
Michael is full of joyful presence and that is what keeps him so young.