Alone (A Poem For Michael That I Wrote From The Fans) Please Read


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A poem from the fans.

We are in a world where we are one, just one alone. We walk life with knowing that the next step we take is our own.

We may walk in a crowd, but we are all left a stranger amongst strangers. Wondering where we all are in this nation, filled with the unknown of what is going to happen. Sometimes we don’t know what is already known.

An ignorant person can turn someone into their enemy for the words they bluntly use.

A child’s eyes hold something of magic and wonderment we would never dare as an adult to explore. Once those youthful years are gone, you can never regain they vanish forever.

The night sky to a child is a picture filled with magic. Shooting stars blaze across the sky filling them with excitement and they feel they are oblivious to the world and its terrible song.

Right now we are missing one man. A man filled with talent running through his veins.

Everything he had, he shared until he was achingly empty. Until he was desperately alone.

We had every part of his soul, this young mans soul. We cry in our crowds still knowing we are very much alone.

We light our candles, in our vigils together once again.

We look to you for the inspiration so we can be just like you.

We strive to be like you, and only you.

We light candles for you, we play the music just for you and we sing from our hearts just for you.

Everyday we were memorised by the moonwalk, the shimmer of your glove and the stars that were around you.

When something is in front of you, or in your hands you can’t realise the beauty until the soul has flown above out of our sight.

The body now is a shell of that special, dear, innocent child we once all had.

The world stopped breathing for long moments.

We as a world our missing Michael.

We love you forever and the ones closest to you only know how much we loved you.

By Olivia Saunders
Aww, that's beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.
Olivia, that is so beautiful hun. Thanks for sharing it. xxx