Allegedly, Frank Cascio said this about MJ in 2004


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I've exchanged messages with Frank, and this does not really sound like him to me, and it doesn't look like his typing style.. but anyway.. it could be..

Nor gay or phedofile[SIZE=-2]2004-06-12[/SIZE][SIZE=-2]filthy[/SIZE] You people are so gullible! I love it, it's hilarious.

Anybody who genuinely knows Michael (which is none of you), knows that Michael is straight - almost to a fault of himself, considering that he doesn't look like the most masculine of brothas. You're so quick to believe Scott, which is hysterical because if you knew their history, you'd know how weirded out Michael was by Scott's advances. Michael's not overtly homophobic, but he is old school and isn't completely comfortable with it. However, given the nature of his profession, he has tried his best to be accepting and because he tries to be a good Christian, he does not judge, he leaves that to God. He still gets incredibly uncomfortable by advances by anything remotely male....which brings us to Scott. Scott made a pass at Michael. Michael ignored it, initially. The second time, Michael told him to back the #### off (in more polite language, of course...Michael was still quite young and sweet and innocent back in the '80s, if a dude tried something similar NOW, he might get punched in the face). They haven't spoken since then. The closest he ever got to Michael after about '84 was that his boyfriend was friends with Priscilla Presley's makeup artist. The two haven't spoken since Scott tried to get all up on Mikey.

One may ask themselves, if his motive for coming forward now was out of some sort of moral obligation and a desire to crush MJ's "strategy" of declaring himself heterosexual, why didn't he come forward in 1993? Maids, cooks, ex-guards, everybody and their momma was coming forward with "claims," why not then? Or, if the motivation behind this is genuine concern for the welfare of children and not money, why not go to the police with the things you've seen (i.e. Scott claiming to have seen child porn on Michael's nightstand)?

Simple, none of it happened and Scott was still livin' the life with all of Liberace's dough. Poverty brings forth all sorts of "memories." Isn't it convenient that just as soon as his cash stash is running dry, he tells the world he had sex with Michael Jackson?


Let me break this down for you people and pay attention because I don't like doing it more than once. Michael Jackson is thoroughly heterosexual. He does not like men. He does not like boys. He likes women over the age of 18. Shiiiiit, even before he was 18, he liked women well over the age of 18. It's no secret within certain circles that Diana Ross was his first. The poor guy thought he was going to marry her but she fucked him over with Gene Simmons and Arne Naess. He was pretty naive back then, so he chose not to see the obvious. Then he was celibate for about 3 years, before becoming involved with a pretty, blond employee of his, an actress from a popular '80s/early '90s sitcom, a singer that nobody cares about anymore but was the back in the day, some groupie/secretary, June Chandler (the mother of punk bitch Jordan who got jealous of mommy's relationship with Michael) and, of course, Lisa Marie. Lisa Marie was the only one he allowed himself to become more than just sexually involved with since Diana, that boy was sprung. Lisa Marie, however, led him to believe they would have a family of their own, but stayed on the pill anyway because even if she said she was a rebel, the little bitch didn't want mommy dearest to get mad at her for having a lil black child. Mike found the pills, split, messed around with a couple of other women with the goal of getting one pregnant just to hurt Lisa (he can be an as.shole sometimes, true) and eventually knocked up Debbie, which, (if I didn't love and adore his children and think think they saved his life) I would say was probably one of the biggest mistakes of his life. He was never faithful to Debbie after they married, never even wanted to marry her but Mike doesn't like to break his mother's heart. He and Lisa continued having sex until 1999 (they weren't "together," they were just fucking), until he met his third child's mother, fell very much in love with her, but he is his father's son, so he wasn't entirely faithful to her, which is why they split up shortly after she found out she was pregnant. From that time, up until right before these new bullshit allegations broke, he was pretty much a dog. No attachment, just sex. He has no time to get attached to somebody and then depressed again after they part ways now that he has his children. I doubt he has time for anybody other than his children and his lawyers now.

There, you have it. Take it or leave it, but it's the truth. Mike would hate me for putting his business out here like this, but at least it's accurate, unlike all of the other trash going around now. He ain't my boss anymore, so he's just going to have to put up with it.

Summary: Scott is full of s.hit, Michael isn't gay and he sho' as h.ell ain't a pedophile.

1. He's weird, he's rich, he's black and he never bows down to anybody. He doesn't fit any stereotypes of what a black man "should" be, which makes people uncomfortable and enables them to believe anything sinister about him. If you need proof of that, just look no further than this very message board.

2. I think I outlined most of the girlfriends for you, if you think hard enough you could probably figure out names, but it's not my job to spoon feed this to you. He kept Diana a secret because that's what the hussy wanted and by the time he got his together enough to move on and get with other women, he was so obsessed with his privacy that he didn't want the public to know anything about him that didn't have to do with music or business (and rightfully so, everything he does is misconstrued, manipulated and taken out of context).

3. Can't help you there, that's something you don't really discuss with Michael. All I can say is that it got more out of hand after he and Diana were officially no more. Nobody around him ever condoned it, I know I certainly didn't. In all fairness to the kid, most of it is exaggerated. He's had a lot, but to a fairly localized area, none of this crazy cheekbone, eyebrow, eyelid, forehead stuff. But what does plastic surgery have to do with whether or not he's a pedophile or a homosexual? Nothing. He's got a good heart, I don't give two sh.its about his face.

I'm about through here, maybe a repeat performance or two, but probably not. Just keep all I've said in mind before you jump to conclusions about Mike.
I saw this on another board. It wasn't written by Frank. It was written by a fan.
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I think it was originally written by some anonymous person on lipstick alley
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I don't think Frank would write something like this. He always respected Michael's privacy. When I watch Michael, Frank and Eddie at the Virgin Megastore dedication in 2001 and see them laughing at girls (Michael asking for the phone numbers of some, LOL), like guys usually talk and laugh at girls among themselves, I feel Frank knows a lot about Michael's private life and I respect him for never disclosing anything about that to the media. I don't think this alleged letter is from him either.
I don't know why but sometimes when i think of MJ with the ladies i always imagine him thinkin to himself, "you've been hit by, you've been struck by a smooooth criminal" lol
I don't think that was Frank Cascio either...

Whoever that was, he was plain disrespectful to M's privacy, not to mention he seems to be just an enraged 'ghetto-fabulous' fan swearing a lot and collecting into from hearsay. He's the one who's a jerk, obviously.
I don't know why but sometimes when i think of MJ with the ladies i always imagine him thinkin to himself, "you've been hit by, you've been struck by a smooooth criminal" lol

Emphasis on "smoooooooooooooooth". :rofl:

Is that supposed to be the Cascio take on "Mike, the Situation" or something??

Is that the male version of fan fiction? ;D
That thing has been reliably posted twice a year, like the Christmas tree stand that shows up randomly throughout the year.
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OK, I said it didn't really sound like him, or look like his typing style, and yes DanceofZenab1994 emphasis on 'allegedly'.

So it's not then..

I saw this on another board. It wasn't written by Frank. It was written by a fan.

I think it was originally written by some anonymous person on lipstick alley

A fan or an ex-employee?

They don't claim to be Frank Cascio in the writing (another board did that), but they do claim MJ was their boss.