All of this is just so crazy......

Jan 17, 2004
So surreal. I just...i mean what the hell?

I remember all too well, the beginning of last was all good.
Not much news, which meant MJ doing rehearsals and just taking it easy probably. Just talking to fans and just thinking to myself that we'd be gonna see him pretty soon then......

Now looking on the forums it's articles about what caused the man's death, if there will or will not be a public viewing, about the memorial. About the concerts that will never be.'s already a week since it happened...but it's just so hard to realize. Just a very very good example of how things can change VERY quick :(.

Sorry just felt like writing this away....
I know. 6 days later and I still can't believe it. :(
i've been thinking the same thing. a little over a week ago we were talking about Michael's leopard pants and that it wasn't our favorite outfit. oh man do i wish we were still talking about such unimportant and silly things :doh:
So surreal. I just...i mean what the hell?

I remember all too well, the beginning of last was all good.
Not much news, which meant MJ doing rehearsals and just taking it easy probably. Just talking to fans and just thinking to myself that we'd be gonna see him pretty soon then......

Now looking on the forums it's articles about what caused the man's death, if there will or will not be a public viewing, about the memorial. About the concerts that will never be.'s already a week since it happened...but it's just so hard to realize. Just a very very good example of how things can change VERY quick :(.

Sorry just felt like writing this away....

I know... it feels like this is just another crazy story that will blow over. It doesn't feel like he's gone yet.

Less than three weeks away after waiting for nearly seven or eight years for some material, some concerts, and then bam... terrible news.
For me the moment of real acceptance came when a pathologist explained that the toxicology tests would be known by now but his brain and heart would have to be set (whatever that means) and those tests would take longer. and although it is horrible to think of him like that it became real, he really has gone, no turning up in the shower like Bobby Ewing. And today is the first day I have not been able to imagine him arriving here and the excitement really kicking in.

I suppose it is the next stage of the grieving process - acceptance - and once his funeral is over, the autopsy results announced and all the talk goes away I expect the emptiness and just pure missing him in our daily lives will really kick in. We will get used to this and move on with him becoming a memory to cherish.
Just imagine the excitement a thread about the Dirty Diana and the bed would cause such a time last week... If only there was a time machine...
It is exactly what I am thinking about... But it's always the same when the person dies.. you can't believe in what you are talking - funerals, will... and remember that just a few days ago you've been talking with this person.... we didn't talk to Michael, but we were SOOO excited and happy because of him..
Oh.. it's so hard!! I'm not crying now but this pain...........
If only it wasn't true. We can't do anything about it now, unless someone has a time machine? Lol.
It just goes to show that you can be the biggest star in the world, but still die like the rest of us - not a nice thought, I know.
Thing can change so quickly... it's already been a week now since the world turned a little darker:(
It's too much to take in, and all the speculation threads make my head spin.....I need Michael to be here...I can't take the pain, it's too much....I feel ill. My throat feels as if it's closing up all the time :(

I can't accept this, all that's happened...God must have a reason to have taken our beloved Michael...I just can't think why...

I am sure all of us agree that this is the biggest shock of our lives. :(
That comment on Kenny Ortegas twitter from the 25 th a great day a reheasal I have read many times. I seems unreal dosn´t it.
That comment on Kenny Ortegas twitter from the 25 th a great day a reheasal I have read many times. I seems unreal dosn´t it.

I read that too! Plus Orianthi wrote the same thing...I was so happy reading Twitter that day.
Its not right :\ It really isnt. But its just how life is I suppose.......
I keep thinking back to what I was doing this time last week, and not knowing the heartbreak that changed everything in minutes was just around the corner.

Why does it have to be this way.
this time last week my terrible admin job was bearable cos the light at the end of the tunnel was seeing MJ in concert lots this summer, the time i spent working there would pay for my tickets. on friday i handed my notice in
But what would a time machine really do? Oh any of us (or anyone around him) could simply stop what happened? That sure sounds good but sadly so impossible.