All his songs make much more sense now


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Vitoria, Brazil
Do u see it too?

I started to see it clearly now, the meaning of many of his songs...i always felt his songs were kind of prophetic in a waybut now its strange how his songs are like little pieces of a puzzle..

i was posting excerpts of many of his songs on my twitter and its like a comfort, most are like he`s been predicting, like the thread about Morphine and LMP, most are like what he would be saying to comfort us now...

"You'll remember me somehow though you dont need me now, i'll stay in your heart, and when things fall apart you'll remember one day in your life"

"Tell me why is this so...dont wanna let you go...i never can say goodbye"

"Sun comes up on this new mornin’
Shiftin’ shadows, a songbird sings
And if these words could keep you happy
I’d do anything

And if you feel alone, I’ll be your shoulder
With the tender touch, you know so well
Somebody once said, it’s the soul that matters
Baby who can really tell,
When two hearts belong so well

And maybe the walls will tumble
And the sun refuse to shine
When I say, I love you
Baby you gotta know
(That's for all time)"

"I love in season
Give me a reason 'cause
You know we'll never part
Our love goodbye

And together we'll fly
I'll give you my heart
No place too far for us
We don't need it...

Baby don't make me
Baby don't make me
Baby don't make me
Fly Away
Gonna stay
Love today"

"You are there like the laughter of a child
When I need just a smile
Suddenly the sun shines for a while

Everywhere sounds of love are everywhere
And my heart sings along
Thanks to you I finally got a song,

'Cause you are there,
You are there
You are there somewhere
Each time my world seems like it's falling down
Things look up just having you around
So every night I say a prayer
Just because you're there"

"I'll plant you a garden
Of laughter and tears
With rain and with sunshine
Love will grow through the years
The dreams that we're dreaming
Have time to come true

'cause we've got forever
And forever is meant for so very few"

"If I had my way girl
I'd never leave for a minute
But things don't always turn out
The way we want them to
So while I'm away
I want you to remember
How much I love you
I love you, I love you

Let this love lift you up
Whne you're feelin' blue
Wherever I go, I will be loving you
Think of me when you see
Places we once shared
Whatever I do, someday I'll need you there

Wherever I go, whatever I do
I'll always come home
I'll come home to you"

"I've lived my life the lonely
A soul that cries of shame
With handicapped emotions
Save me now from what still remains

I'll be your story hero
A serenading ryne
I'm just needing that someone
Save me now from the path I'm on...

Someone put your hand out
I'm begging for your love
'Cause all I do is hand out a heart that needs your love"

"I'll be there to protect you
With a non-selfish love that respects you
Just call my name
And I'll be there"

"But right now I just feel cold, so cold
Right down to my bones
'Cause ooh...
Ain't no sunshine when he's gone
It's not warm when he's away
Ain't no sunshine when he's gone
And he's always gone too long
Anytime he goes away"

[Replace Ben for Michael]
"Ben, you're always running here and there
You feel you're not wanted anywhere
If you ever look behind
And don't like what you find
There's something you should know
You've got a place to go [heaven]

Ben, most people would turn you away
I don't listen to a word they say
They don't see you as I do
I wish they would try to
I'm sure they'd think again
If they had a friend like Ben"

"Searching for that one who is going to make me whole
Help me make these mysteries unfold
Hold on
Lightning about to strike in rain only on me
Hurt so bad sometimes it's hard to breathe
Oh why why
If you see her
Tell her this from me
All I need is
One more chance at love"

"With a child's heart
Go face the worries of the day
With a child's heart
Turn each problem into play
No need to worry no need to fear
Just being alive makes it all so very clear"

[Replace she/her for them - us fans]
"He's working day and night, thinks he'll make her happy
Forgetting all the dreams that he had
He doesn't realize it's not the end of the world
It doesn't have to be that bad
She tries to explain, "It's you that makes me happy,"
Whatever, whatever, whatever"

"Look for the rainbow in the sky
I believe you and I
Could never really say goodbye
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me

Though you're gone star far away
Each time I see a rainbow
I'll remember being with you
Smiles coming through my tears"

"I spread my wings for greener pastures
I still ain't found what I was after
I've got the blues and that is why I sing
I just wanna do my thing"

"Every where I turn no matter where I look
The systems in control its all ran by the book
I gotta get away so I can free my mind
Escape is
What I need

No matter where I am I see my face around
They pin lies on my name and put them town to town
Don't have a place to run but there's no need to hide
I got to Find a place
So I can Hide away

When I go
This problem world won't brother me
This problem world won't worry me no more"

Not to mention Gone too Soon, Will you Be There, YANA, Smile....

"Another day has gone, Im still all alone
How could this be, you're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
did you have to go
and leave my world so cold?"

You are safe now, more pain :cry: :flowers:
For all time" is probably one of my favorite MJ songs. And 'You Are My Life' i'm sure is written with his kids in mind. But remember, some of his songs are written by other people, so don't read too deeply into them.
Oh, believe me. I've noticed.

Everything about his music and his life is so ironic now.

It really IS like he knew...
I'm just... sad beyond belief. It's like all his life he's never been truly happy. This sounds so tragic. I really feel like crying.
also when I listen to "you are not alone" now, I feel like it's Michael spirit calming us fans. Like he wanted us to have this song for this time, when he passed away.. ??

think about it..

you know I get this freaky idea..
what if god saw that Michael could serve as a messenger? Sort of a prophet?
In the begginning of his solo carreer he's music was pretty much just ment for joy - for the fever of DISCO :yes:

but later on. Beginning slowly at the bad album, it's like Michael get this wisdom. These messages that he needs to deliver with his music and lyrics. It's actually a very dramatic change if you think about it..

He has always been a spiritual person, a very sensitive person. Maybe all his "traits" where the perfect cocktail for a person that could have a spiritual connection with "god". Not like he spoke to him, but like god's visions flooded through him.

He always spoke about him being so humble to the honor he recieved because he thought it should really go to the one true creator god. Like he is saying "it was his idea!"

and one more thing! all this talk that he knew he was going to die like this.
maybe he knew because of this. maybe that was part of the "deal".
maybe that was why he testamented the beatles catlauge for Poul McCardney not so long ago.
If that's the case then Michael has once again prooved his fantastic sense of humor..
It's like he was basicly saying "then TAKE it.. my kids will own half of the worlds music anyway.." :giggle:
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For all time" is probably one of my favorite MJ songs. And 'You Are My Life' i'm sure is written with his kids in mind. But remember, some of his songs are written by other people, so don't read too deeply into them.

yeah i forgot to say that: even tho he didnt write them all, as he said as a child in an interview, he didnt sing it if he didnt mean it. Tho he wrote them or not isnt so important since it is how we feel, how he felt, and what he would be telling us right now...
I agree, and have noticed all Michael's songs are spiritual. And I'm sure I will find even more hidden meanings in them in time to come.

I was always drawn to the words and music though I never knew why. Then I had a year or so of depression and where I decided to stop being MJ-Crazy. When I came back from that, is when it suddenly hit me one day what his songs actually mean. So I know what you mean about hearing them in a new way. :)
Now it's going to be even more different - having him so far away but still being able to hear his words. xx
My God, I'd hate to think he knew. Whether it is all coincidence or not, it's all a bit too eerie.
Im loving this thread my song that i am crying to is
for all time
never can say goodbye
gone to soon
keep the faith

those songs to name a few they just break me down and i am hurt
Just because we can interpretate his song different now, it doesn't mean that they have anything to do with his death. Morphine could be the only exception...
If he "knew", maybe it was because he was under relentless attack from people who wanted to destroy his reputation, separate him from his money, and put him in jail. There would be nothing paranormal about the feeling he might not make it to a ripe old age.
the one that gets me is who is it...

i am the damned. i am the dead. i am the agony inside this dying head.

Soso, you just creeped the hell outta me. Didn't think that was possible anymore after "Morphine"...

I still can't bring myself to listen to his songs. Only if they come up on tv (if? what am I saying, they're everywhere! ). Otherwise...I can't bare it.

I still find it impossible that he's not in this world any more. I'm truly having trouble accepting reality since I found out.

His songs are full of meanings, but a couple of them at least...just freak me out right now.
yeah i forgot to say that: even tho he didnt write them all, as he said as a child in an interview, he didnt sing it if he didnt mean it. Tho he wrote them or not isnt so important since it is how we feel, how he felt, and what he would be telling us right now...
Actually, in most cases at classic era Motown, the acts had no say in what was recorded, unless they fought for it like Stevie Wonder or Marvin Gaye. This was one of the reasons the brothers left and went to Epic.
I was listening to will you be there last night.

Ill Never Let You Part,
Cuz your Always, In my Heart.

I cried when he said that line. x
We are the World

"were taking our own lives" Man his voice sounds so passionate now when I listen to it. It's like he's singing from the grave, crying out for help in his songs. It's incredible. The emotion in his voice is hitting me in a way it never has before.
i've been wondering if Michael had a medical condition that none of us knew about and maybe he knew he only had months left to live, and he wanted to perform for us one last time. that is why he signed up for the this is it tours. even if it killed him, nothing to lose. he wanted to go down singing for us.
i've been wondering if Michael had a medical condition that none of us knew about and maybe he knew he only had months left to live, and he wanted to perform for us one last time. that is why he signed up for the this is it tours. even if it killed him, nothing to lose. he wanted to go down singing for us.
Oh God...:(
i dont really get it... just cos some songs mention "never can say goodbye" etc.. thats not eerie - he didnt write it for a start!! most people sing about death or leaving someone / saying goodbye. everyone knows they will die, thats a certainty, so how is someone singing about death eery. i really dont get the eeriness of "you are not alone"?! the only exception here is morphine
also when I listen to "you are not alone" now, I feel like it's Michael spirit calming us fans. Like he wanted us to have this song for this time, when he passed away.. ??

think about it..

I had been home all day today, and I was crying for most of it. I was reading things about Michael online and watching some of the video clips, etc. and Gone Too Soon had me bawling. Then I decided to get out a CD of his and play it, and the first song on there was You are not alone. The funny thing was, I didn't cry this time. I felt comforted and like it was gonna be okay. That was the first time I have felt that way at all since this happened. I really think that is how he would want it - his music to still touch our lives, comfort us, listen to his words and still be inspired by him.
Ive been listen On The line for quiet some time. gosh..

This man gave his life to us.
reading this just set me off crying again. but its so lovely reading the lyrics, even if some of them were written by other people, he sings them with such emotion.
Ive been listen On The line for quiet some time. gosh..

This man gave his life to us.
Oh gosh... I've listen to that and just felt hurt all over again. :( I burst into tears. Michael, we love you so much I hope you are okay right now. :(

"No sense pretending it's over
Hard times just don't go away
You gotta take that chip off your shoulder
It's time you open up
Have some faith

Nothing good ever comes easy
All good things come in due time
Yes it does
You gotta have something to believe in
I'm telling you to open your mind

Gotta put your heart on the line
If you wanna make it right
You've got to reach out and try
Gotta put your heart on the line
If you wanna get it right
Gotta put it all on the line

You see yourself in the mirror
And you don't like what you see
And things are getting much clearer
Don't you think it's time you go for a change

Don't waste your time on the past, no, no
It's time you look to the future
It's alright there if you ask
This time if you try much harder

Gotta put your heart on the line
If you wanna make it right
You've got to reach out and try
Gotta put your heart on the line
If you wanna get it right
Gotta put it all on the line

If you wanna make it right
If you wanna do it now
Let love come free
And that's just so easy now
You gotta go for what you want
You gotta do what you got to do"