All Eight This Is It Tickets + Memorial Booklet


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Well guys i finally done it and i think it looks amazing :)

Sorry the photos aren't that great + the glass is very reflective


Thanks, Yes i will always treasure it, It was a long journey but i finally got there.

I will never forgot thou the ticket which is ultra special to me, the one that was my actual concert ticket
It looks great!! :)

Did you manage to get all of the tickets at reasonable prices? (i.e pretty much face value?)
I have the bottom third from left red ticket, but I wish I had the gold leotard or blue ticket. Can't believe it cost me half the price of the show ... now they're going on Ebay for cheap. Oh well, it's only money. I can't really look at my ticket because it just makes me depressed knowing I'll never see the show.
Thanks for the nice comments, All in all it cost me just over £200 but it was worth it :)

Going back to what TinnyandOdd said i agree it can be sad to look at but it can also be looked at in a positive way (which is the way i choose to look at it) and that is what it represents, The life of a great performer and something that would have been visually spectacular to see
if l continue reading this thread l'll start to cry ,keep them safaty for Michael ,congratulation.
I paid 200 euro's for just my concert ticket but I still didn't want my money back.
This is something I'll keep for the rest of my life.
great craig, just let me know something, are these all from concert tickets or some of the o2 exhibition?????
In the end it turned out i got four concert tickets and four exhibition tickets, so im quite happy the way it worked out :)
A very nice display (is it called a display? :scratch:) Anyway, looks very impressive! :)

I have a same sort of idea after I have collected all MJ's solo albums as LP's (from Off The Wall to Invincible) and put them on display as well. The thing is I'm still missing HIStory LP :(

I guess I need to check eBay and hope they wouldn't be robbing me there!
A very nice display (is it called a display? :scratch:) Anyway, looks very impressive! :)

I have a same sort of idea after I have collected all MJ's solo albums as LP's (from Off The Wall to Invincible) and put them on display as well. The thing is I'm still missing HIStory LP :(

I guess I need to check eBay and hope they wouldn't be robbing me there!

Don't know i guess i would call it a display, or maybe more my shrine to MJ
Thanks for the nice comments, All in all it cost me just over £200 but it was worth it :)

Going back to what TinnyandOdd said i agree it can be sad to look at but it can also be looked at in a positive way (which is the way i choose to look at it) and that is what it represents, The life of a great performer and something that would have been visually spectacular to see

£200 really??????

on ebay it's about £100 per ticket...........